UTF/NIR/048 - Workplan |
Activity |
first year |
second year |
third year |
fourth year |
fifth year |
quarterly activities |
1qt |
2qt |
3qt |
4qt |
1Qt |
2Qt |
3Qt |
4Qt |
1 |
2 |
3Q |
4Qt |
1 |
2 |
3Q |
4Qt |
1 |
2 |
3Qt |
1 |
objective one |
output 1.1 |
Pilot areas identified within each epidemiological zone of state clusters |
X |
X |
1.1.1 |
Identification of farmer co-operatives to collaborate on issues related to the livestock concerned |
X |
x |
output 1.2 |
Vaccines and veterinary drugs acquired |
1.2.1 |
NVRI Vom to produce quality assured thermostable Newcastle disease vaccine, PPR |
x |
x |
x |
1.2.2 |
NVRI, Vom to produce quality assured thermostable vaccines |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
x |
1.2.3 |
Ensured supply of Vet. Drugs and equipment. |
x |
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x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1.3. |
Community-based disease management activities set-up |
1.3.1 |
Negotiation with farmer organization on implementation (ZOPP) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1.3.2 |
Sensitization of farmer (ZOPP) |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1.3.3 |
Training of the CAHW |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
1.3.4 |
Disease reporting by CAHW's and farmers |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
x |
1.3.5 |
Community dialogue workshop |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1.3.6 |
Establish linkage with NVMA and Privatization Committee |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1.3.7 |
Vaccination trails by CAHWs using thermostable vaccines |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
1.3.8 |
Refresher Training workshops |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
2 |
Objective Two |
output 2.1 |
A National Network for Animal Disease Surveillance and Early Warning Established |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
2.1.1 |
CVO Study Tour |
X |
X |
X |
2.1.2 |
Establish a Scientific Bureau for Livestock Disease Management within the Federal Department of Livestock HQ |
x |
x |
2.1.3 |
Strengthening of zonal epidemiological units in States. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
x |
Output 2.2 |
Improved capacity and effectiveness of Lab. |
2.2.1 |
Assessment of capacity |
x |
x |
3. |
Objective 3 |
x |
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x |
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x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.1. |
Improved collection of animal health information at the village, local government and States levels. |
3.1.1 |
Training of State and local government veterinary staff |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.1.2 |
Provision of specimen Collection Kits |
3.1.3 |
Provision of ongoing support for local government staff |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.1.4 |
Monitoring staff activity |
3.1.5 |
Establishment of specimen transport and feedback systems |
X |
X |
x |
3.1.6 |
Continuing veterinary education for State and local government staff |
x |
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
3.1.7 |
Establish links with village level agricultural projects particularly those linked to the SPFS |
x |
x |
x |
3.2. |
Improved system for active disease search and surveillance at the village and local government levels |
x |
x |
x |
3.3 |
Improved collection of livestock ancillary and socio-economic data at the village, ward and local government level. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.4 |
Improved collection of animal health information through the national epidemiology network |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.4.1 |
Training of Epidemiologists |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.4.2. |
Activity 2 TADInfo implementation phase I |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3.4.3 |
TADInfo implementation phase II |
x |
X |
3.4.4 |
Establish an electronic communication network |
x |
x |
x |
x |
4. |
4.1. |
A National Inter-Ministerial Animal Disease Emergency Committee Established |
x |
x |
4.1.4 |
Review veterinary legislation |
x |
x |
x |
4.1.5 |
Submission of contingency plans to legislatures |
x |
4.1.6 |
Expert assessment of the national system for animal movement monitoring and control and quarantine |
x |
x |
x |
5. |
Strengthening National Capabilities With Respect To Drug/Vaccine Licensing And Quality Control |
5.1 |
A national system for licensing and quality assurance of vaccines |
x |
x |
x |
x |
5.2 |
Vaccine quality assurance body established. |
x |
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x |
x |