Country:   XXX
Project Title:   Reassessment of a Small Island State's Water Resources and Demand
Project Number:   TCP/XXX/....
Starting Date:   month/year
Completion Date:   month/year
Government Counterpart Ministry of Agriculture
Institution responsible for Department of Water Resources
project execution:
FAO Contribution:   US$284 000

Signed: .................................

  Signed: ....................................
(on behalf of Government)   Jacques Diouf
(on behalf of FAO)

Date of Signature: .....................

  Date of Signature: ........................


Rainfall is variable in Country XXX, droughts occur frequently and water resources are scarce and expensive to exploit. The authorities have adopted a comprehensive approach to water resources planning, recognizing the close inter-relationship between surface water and groundwater, and the demand for drinking and irrigation water. Water demand management is applied through a variety of programmes including price, rationing and technical conservation measures. Large investments have been made in water management infrastructure with many reservoirs and a major regional water system), which allows for integrated water management in the parts of the country more critically affected by water scarcity.

Recent economic growth has been based largely on tourism, and expenditure of foreign exchange in the country is equivalent to 23 percent of GDP. Tourism accounts for only 11 percent of municipal water demand but is concentrated in the more water-short region and seasonal, with a peak in the rainless summer. Agriculture still accounts for 30 - 35 percent of merchandise and processed agricultural products exports, but in real terms it has been growing less than the rest of the economy and accounts for only 6 percent of GDP and 13 percent of employment. Irrigated agriculture however accounts for 75 percent of all water used.

Facing water scarcity, a first water desalination plant is already operating and a second has been commissioned. The cost of water produced this way on the basis of oil imports is of about US$0.80 per cubic metre. Pressure is increasing to reallocate water from low-value uses, such as certain sectors of agriculture, to higher value uses, such as the expanding tourist and services sector. There is growing evidence that the short period of rainfall records on which the design of the hydraulic infrastructure of XXX was based, represented a "wet" period and that therefore the existing storage infrastructure, lacking the expected rainfall, cannot perform as expected. The authorities face difficult political decisions which must be addressed now rather than in 20 years' time due to an extended dry spell that has resulted in serious and growing water shortage.

Water scarcity aggravated by drought is threatening the base of the country's economy. Water policy adjustments are urgent and are bound to have important implications for the agricultural sector. Reviewing and enforcing water tariffs appears to be unavoidable but cannot be done without the outputs of this project. High-level specialized expertise, not available in XXX, is required to provide the necessary advice.

The project is of an urgent nature as XXX is experiencing one of the most serious dry spells on record, and water has become the most scarce resource for the development of agriculture as well as the economy at large. The authorities of XXX are aware of the gravity of this situation and are preparing a review of water policy and law, including the sensitive questions of additional development (increasing water supply, mostly by desalination) and water reallocation through market or non-market mechanisms. The first step in this direction, and the one for which FAO/TCP assistance is requested, is to reassess water resources availability and water use in the country. To this end, the project will update the obsolete database facilities at the Water Development Department, reprocess the relevant data and carry out necessary surveys to obtain and validate information. At the core of the project is the assessment of current water use, with emphasis on agriculture which takes the largest share and contributes the least to GDP and will therefore come under close scrutiny with regard to its water use. The results of the project will be a main subject of discussion at a high-level seminar intended to launch a water policy review and reform process.



The overall objective of the TCP assistance is to contribute to a review of management and policy concerning the critically scarce water resources of XXX at a time of extended drought. This objective will be achieved through a rapid assessment of water availability and use. The results of the project will be fed into a high-level seminar for discussion of further water management and policy action. Consequently, the Government will be in a better position to make policy decisions.

The Project has two immediate objectives:

Objective 1
Rapid assessment of water availability and water use in the main water management regions of the country. On the supply side, it will provide updated records, most probably lower than was assumed in the past, about the water available to the country. On the demand side, it will give the detailed current picture, with a handle for extrapolation in to the future, about where the water is going, including its value in use.

Objective 2
Policy and management options (reallocation, additional water development works, etc.) available for presentation at a national high-level seminar and further government action through increased technical capability of the Water Development Department.



Outputs to fulfill Objective 1:

Output 1.1
An updated water resources database, supported by adequately performing water data processing and GIS software and hardware, with personnel trained in its operation and maintenance. This output is a prerequisite for most other activities of the project.

Output 1.2
A hydrometeorological study examining trends in recorded rainfall. It will provide more accurate (and probably lower) figures on rainfall on the country than had been assumed as a basis for water development works.

Output 1.3
A rainfall/run-off model, linked to the upgraded database, can be applied for water resources studies as well as a users manual. This output will provide the tools needed to evaluate the implications of a changed rainfall pattern for the performance of the existing and projected future water management infrastructure.

Output 1.4
An updated study on the current and projected surface water and groundwater resources availability in the country. This is required to put the water management of the country on a sound basis.

Output 1.5
A water use study for the country, supported through GIS technology. The study will include domestic, tourist sector and industrial water use, but the major effort will address agricultural water use assessment because of the large share of water that agriculture takes and the complexity of the situation regarding value in use in agriculture. It involves several field campaigns.

Output 1.6
A study of the performance and effectiveness of the existing water monitoring networks with a view to possible network improvement and rationalization. Carrying out this study is a logical and immediate consequence of the re-assessment of resources and consequent redeployment of hydrological activities.

Outputs to fulfill Objective 2:

Output 2.1
A summary review of laws and institutions relevant to the water sector in the context of harmonization with EU common policy and the possible application of new policies to cope with water scarcity. The availability of this document will allow a better understanding of the reasons for the existing water management situation and the avenues open for policy review.

Output 2.2
Technical documentation on current and projected water supply and demand, with a focus on management options and policy implications for presentation at a national high-level seminar. This seminar is a milestone at which the results of the project will converge with the results of other activities undertaken by the Government in preparing to address the critical water situation of the country.

Output 2.3
Increased capability in hydrology, water use assessment and law and institutions of staff within the Water Development Department through on-the-job, in-country and external training, underpinning the ability to support water policy review and reform.



The Project will have a duration of 12 months and will be implemented by an interdisciplinary team, as outlined in the FAO Input and Government Contributions sections. The project activities will be carried out according to the work plan set out below for individual outputs.

Activities for Output 1.1
Output 1.1: An updated water resources database, supported by adequately performing water data processing and GIS software and hardware, with personnel trained in its operation and maintenance.

1. Desk study on design and specifications for database management software and hardware.
2. Procurement of database system (hardware and software).
3. Installation of database management software and related training.
4. Conversion and transfer to new support of data stored in obsolete system.
5. Data consistency and quality checks using new resources.
6. Development of procedures and rules for database management and user access.
7. Workshop to train users.
8. Making selected data available on the Internet.

Activities for Output 1.2
Output 1.2: A hydrometeorological study examining trends in recorded rainfall.

1. Workshop on methods for time series analyses for detection of short-term and long-term variations, followed by design of the methodology to be applied.
2. Assembling data sets for time series analysis.
3. Data processing and preparation of report on hydrometeorological trends.

Activities for Output 1.3
Output 1.3 A rainfall/run-off model, linked with the upgraded database, applied for water resources studies.

1. Evaluation of techniques currently applied in XXX.
2. Workshop on rainfall/run-off modelling options and state of the art, and decision on course of action.
3. Procurement, implementation and training in the use of the most adequate model, testing and development of user manual.

Activities for Output 1.4
Output 1.4 An updated study on the current and projected surface water and groundwater resources availability in the country.

1. Desk study reviewing aquifer systems of the country and their potential yield under water work development, with particular regard to upstream water storage vs. groundwater recharge.
2. Desk study on current situation, constraints and information requirements for water management and policy formulation.
3. Establishing and documenting methodology for surface water, groundwater as well as recycled and desalinated water.
4. Setting detailed work plan and data processing sequence for the study.
5. Implementing water availability studies according to plan (surface water, groundwater, recycled and desalinated water).
6. Checking consistency and quality of results and preparing report.
7. Workshop addressing foundations and possible implications of the findings in the study.
8. Publishing findings in WWW.

Activities for Output 1.5
Output 1.5: A water use study for the country, supported through GIS technology.

1. Establishing the study team involving the parties concerned.
2. Desk study on current state of knowledge, constraints and shortcomings as well as current and future requirements (including options for long-term monitoring).
3. Development of methodology to be used in the study, testing and documentation.
4. Survey planning, including detailed work plan, procedures, staff and logistics.
5. Training workshop for operators, dry run and adjustment of methodology.
6. Securing/procuring supporting and concurrent material (positioning system, maps, GIS databases, RS imagery, etc.)
7. Carrying out survey for agricultural, domestic, tourist sector and other demands.
8. Processing data, validation of results, entering to database, evaluation and feedback to methodology.
9. Workshop on findings and future monitoring approach.
10. Publishing findings in WWW.

Activities for Output 1.6
Output 1.6: A study of the performance and effectiveness of the existing water monitoring networks with a view to possible network improvement and rationalization.

1. Workshop on surface and groundwater hydrology network optimization.
2. Development of a methodology applicable to XXX.
3. Assembling data sets for study.
4. Carrying out study and preparing report.
5. Workshop for discussion of findings and evolving consensus on decisions regarding the observing network.

Activities for Output 2.1
Output 2.1: A summary review of laws and institutions relevant to the water sector in the context of harmonization with EU common policy and the possible application of new policies to cope with water scarcity.

1. Researching facts concerning water law and institutions and preparing review document.

Activities for Output 2.2
Output 2.2: Technical documentation on current and projected water supply and demand, with a focus on management options and policy implications for presentation at a national high-level seminar.

1. Steering committee sets programme, date and place of seminar and assigns responsibilities.
2. Committing venue, key papers, speakers and issuing invitations
3. Preparing documentation and holding seminar.

Activities for Output 2.3

Output 2.3: Increased capability in hydrology, water use assessment and law and institutions of staff within the Water Development Department through on-the-job, in-country and external training, underpinning the ability to support water policy review and reform.

1. Throughout the project, training workshops will be carried out to provide the capacity foundation for supporting water policy review and reform.
2. A two-week study tour for three participants will be arranged under the project, covering the areas of expertise of hydrology, water use assessment and law and institutions. The study tour will be carried out in a Mediterranean country with similar water management system.


Staff in the Water Development Department (WDD) is well qualified and committed to ongoing work. Preparing certain water policy decisions under the project will require specialized expertise not available within the WDD because of the infrequent nature of the envisaged surveys. Every activity will entail specific training sessions on all project related topics. Project staff will participate in on-the-job and in-country joint training activities with international consultants to internalize objectives, technologies and plans.



Personnel services

International Consultants
Hydrologist - Time series analysis (8 weeks, 3 missions) - TOR in Annex 1
Hydrologist - Rainfall/runoff models (8 weeks, 2 missions) - TOR in Annex 2

FAO Advisory Technical Services (ATS)

FAO will provide technical advisory services in the form of:
- GIS applications to water management (6 weeks, 2 missions) - TOR in Annex 3
- Water law (2 weeks) - TOR in Annex 4

National Experts and Consultants
Systems analyst/Computer systems (8 p/m) - TOR in Annex 5
Water Law and Institutions (2 p/m) - TOR in Annex 6
Groundwater (1 p/m) - TOR in Annex 7

Consultants under Partnership Programmes
Retired expert, Water policy (4 weeks, 2 missions) - TOR in Annex 8
TCDC consultant, expert in Computer information systems applied to water resource management (2 p/m) - TOR in Annex 9
TCDC consultant, expert Hydrologist, for hydrological network analysis and optimization (1 p/m) - TOR in Annex 10

Supervisory Technical Services (STS) by FAO's technical Personnel
- Water use surveys (4 weeks, 3 missions) - TOR in Annex 11

Official Travel - up to US$8 000
In-country travel by staff related to the project

Contracts - up to US$16 000
Contracts with local institutions/universities will be arranged for:
- logistics for synchronous water use surveys (outline of local contract in Annex 13)
- data entry and quality control routines (outline of local contract in Annex 14)

General Operating Expenses - up to US$10 752
To cover miscellaneous expenses required in the field for the operation of the project, including processing of reports. US$1 00 are meant for processing of the project terminal statement.

Materials and Supplies - up to US$12 000
Supplies and materials as necessary for carrying out the surveys, training sessions, and for procurement of software and GIS material.

Equipment - up to US$18 000
Provision is made for the supply of:

  • Desktop computers (2)
  • Portable computers (2)
  • Water resources data management software
  • Colour printer (1)
  • Positioning systems (2)

Direct Operating Expenses
To cover miscellaneous expenses at FAO Headquarters related to the implementation of the project.

- In-country training sessions/workshops (8) - up to US$2 000 for each session
- Study tour (3 persons, 2 weeks each)
- High-level seminar (1) - up to US$5 000



Reporting to the Government and FAO will be the responsibility of the National Project Coordinator. The following reports are required:

Six-monthly progress reports containing:
o Actual implementation of activities compared to the work plan.
o Identification of problems and constraints.
o Corrective measures envisaged to overcome constraints identified.
o Detailed work plan for the following six-month period.

Technical reports
The project will publish relevant technical reports, reference materials and training materials.

Terminal Statement
At project termination, the project coordinator will draft the terminal statement assisted by the Water Use Surveys expert for finalization at FAO HQs and submission to the Government. This report shall be prepared not later than three months after completion of the project.


The project will be supervised by a Project Steering Committee (PSC) composed of main responsible staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, MA, (Departments of Water Development, Geological Survey, Agriculture, Meteorology, Agricultural Research Institute and Forests, as well as the Planning Bureau). The PSC will coordinate and ensure timely government inputs from all national parties involved in the implementation of the project. At the MA, the Water Development Department will be entrusted with the overall day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of the project. MA will appoint a National Project Coordinator (Terms of Reference in Annex 12) who will be responsible for project implementation as well as for mobilizing the PSC and acting as its secretary. MA will also provide on a part-time basis the services of an Agronomist and an expert in XXX water law and institutions.

The Government has approved the expenditure of approximately US$45 000 for the realization of this project. They will provide office space, furniture, vehicles and computer facilities for the project. They will meet expenses related to stationery, telephone, electricity and operation and maintenance of equipment to be used by the project. They will meet all expenses related to in-country travel, general operating expenses and training above the level of the FAO contribution.

(in US$ )

  Country: XXX
  Project Title: Reassessment of a Small Island State's Water Resources and Demand
  Project Number: TCP/XXX/....
1100 International Consultants 50 000
1200 FAO Advisory Technical Services (ATS) 34 172
1700 National Experts and Consultants 26 400
1800 TCDC and Retired Personnel 28 600
1900 Supervisory Technical Services (STS) 29 676
  1910 Standard Supervisory Technical Services (7 500)
  1920 Supervisory Functions of LTUs (2 340)
  1930 Field Missions (19 336)
  1950 Evaluation (500)
Subtotal personnel 168 848
2000 Official travel 8 000
3000 Contracts 16 000
4000 General operating expenses (GOE) 10 752
5000 Materials and supplies 12 000
6000 Equipment 18 000
7000 Direct Operating Expenses 20 000
8000 Training 30 400


284 000

Annex 1

Terms of Reference

International Consultant: Hydrologist/Hydrometeorologist - Time series analysis

Duration: 2 months, 3 missions

Job description

First mission: Winter .. - 2 weeks

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

1. Serve as a resource person in a workshop on methods for hydrometeorological time series analyses for detection of short-term and long-term variations.

2. Design the methodology to be applied for detection of trends in the data series.

3. Prepare a technical report.

Second mission: Summer .. - 4 weeks

1. Review the report on current and projected surface and groundwater resources availability, and carry out consistency and quality checks on the relevant data.

2. Participate as a resource person in a workshop addressing the foundations and possible implications of the findings of the water availability study.

3. Prepare a technical report.

Third mission: Winter .. - 2 weeks

1. Review the findings of the project in the light of climate variability and change and prepare a report discussing any possible significant implications of major policy options.
2. Participate as a resource person in a high level seminar that will examine the findings of the project.

Hydrologist/Hydrometeorologist with an established background in hydrological aspects of climate variability and climate change analysis. Fully conversant with the relevant statistical software.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 2

Terms of Reference

International Consultant
Hydrologist/Hydrometeorologist - Rainfall/run-off models

Duration: 2 months, 2 missions

Job description
First mission: Spring .. - 4 weeks

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

1. Review techniques for rainfall/run-off techniques currently applied in XXX.

2. Serve as a resource person in a workshop on rainfall/run-off modelling options and state of the art.

3. In close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator, prepare recommendations for a decision on the course of action for rainfall/run-off modelling in the context of the project.

4. Prepare a technical report.

Second mission: Winter .. - 4 weeks

1. Review the report on current and projected surface and groundwater resources availability with regard to rainfall/run-off modelling aspects and examine sensitivity of results.

2. Participate as a resource person in a workshop addressing the foundations and possible implications of the findings of the water availability study.

3. Prepare a technical report.

Hydrologist/Hydrometeorologist with an established background in rainfall/run-off modelling. Fully conversant with the relevant modelling software.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 3

Terms of Reference

FAO Advisory Services
GIS applications to water management
Geographical Information System Officer (AGLW)

Duration: 6 weeks, 2 missions

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

First mission, Winter ..:

1. Review existing GIS facilities, including hardware and software, and advise on required upgrading and training for the purpose of the project.
2. Participate in water use survey planning and preparation of detailed work plan, including procedures for GIS data storage and processing.
3. Review availability of supporting and concurrent material for the water use survey (positioning system, maps, databases, satellite imagery, etc.).

Second mission, Summer ..

1. Elaborate and test data processing routines and support training activities.
2. Advise on Web page development and data formats for global database consistency.
3. Participate, as resource person, in a workshop on methods for hydrometeorological time series analysis.
4. Prepare a technical report.

An AGLW Technical Officer with experience in GIS applications to water management and water use surveys.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 4

Terms of Reference

FAO Advisory Services
Water Law

Duration: 2 weeks, 1 mission

Job description:

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

1. Examine the report of the National Consultant on Water Law and Institutions and discuss it in terms of comparison with laws and institutions of other countries.

2. Participate in a high-level seminar.

A senior Water Law Advisor at FAO Headquarters.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 5

Terms of Reference

National Consultant
Systems analyst/Computer services

Duration: 8 months

Job description:

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will ensure technical support (hardware and software) for the project's computer systems, and in particular:

1. Advise on technical specifications and selection of hardware and software for the requirements of the project, and on the necessary infrastructure (premises, stabilized power supply, network cabling, etc.).

2. Prepare the computer hardware and system software for database installation and training staff in regular operation and maintenance.

3. Support development of routines for the transfer to a new computer support of data stored in the obsolete system, and computer implementation of data consistency and quality checks.

4. Develop a set of rules and procedures for database management and user access.

5. Develop a Web page with appropriate links to the database system for data that will be made accessible through the Web.

6. Serve as a resource person in training workshops to train database operators and users.

The candidate should possess a degree in computer systems with suitable experience in both hardware and system software aspects.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 6

Terms of Reference

National Consultant - Water Law and Institutions

Duration: 2 months

Job description:

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will compile a summary of laws and institutions relevant to the water sector, in the context of harmonization with EU common policy and the possible application of new policies to cope with water scarcity. It will contain in particular:

1. Summary of existing laws that bear significance to water resources management.

2. Identification of institutions in the public and semi-public sector that have water resources assessment and management tasks assigned by law, together with the relevant legal text.

Lawyer with first-hand knowledge on the law, institutions and the way water is actually managed and used in XXX.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 7

Terms of Reference

National Consultant - Groundwater

Duration: 1 month

Job description:

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will carry out a desk study reviewing aquifer systems of the country and their potential yield under water work development. In particular, the desk study will:

1. Consider the degree to which upstream storage is preventing groundwater recharge.

2. Consider the current state of use and depletion of aquifers and their safe yield under the present situation.

Groundwater expert with extensive first-hand knowledge of the water management situation in XXX.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 8

Terms of Reference

International Experts under Partnership Programmes
Retired Expert - Water Policy

Duration: 4 weeks, 2 missions

Job description:

First mission, 2 weeks (Winter ..)

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

1. On the basis of the existing situation in XXX, advise on methods, processes and practices for water resources policy reform and the necessary background information.

2. Discuss with the parties concerned, as required, the possible avenues for policy reform action.

3. Prepare a report on the main findings and recommendations

Second mission (Winter ..)

1. Consider the project's relevant findings and their implications for water policy reform.

2. Participate, as a resource person, in a high-level seminar on current and projected water supply and demand, with a focus on management options and policy implications.

3. Prepare a report on the main findings and recommendations for follow-up on water policy reform.

Extensive international experience in water policy review and reform.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 9

Terms of Reference

TCDC Expert
Computer Information Systems applied to Water Resource Management

Duration: 2 months, 2 missions

Job description:

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

First mission (Winter .., 6 weeks)

1. In the light of the water management situation in XXX, and in close collaboration with the national team, advise on data collection and integration in the computer information system.

2. On the basis of the database software selected, develop data retrieval and management applications; test, document and demonstrate.

3. Support the water use survey within his/her capacity, as required.

Second mission (Autumn .., 2 weeks)

1. Carry out data processing and retrieval test for validation of the data system.

2. Participate, as a resource person, in a high-level seminar on current and projected water supply and demand.

A water management expert with database management software expertise.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 10

Terms of Reference

TCDC Expert
Hydrological Network Analysis and Optimization

Duration: 1 month, 1 mission

Job description:

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

1. Examine the existing hydrological data collection network and assess the data value obtained by adding or subtracting observation points from the network.

2. On the basis of findings, propose network rationalization measures (sites, type and frequency of observations.

Annex 11

Terms of Reference

FAO Supervisory Technical Services - Water use surveys

Duration: 4 weeks, 3 missions.

Under the general supervision of the Chief TCOC and the technical supervision of the Chief AGLW, FAO Headquarters, and in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and national counterparts, the incumbent will:

First mission: Winter .. - 1 week

1. Review relevant documentation and in particular the desk studies on the aquifer systems of the country and their potential yield, and on the current situation, constraints and information requirements for water management and policy formulation.
2. Participate as a resource person in a workshop on the findings of the study on current and projected surface and groundwater resources availability in the country.
3. Advise and participate in the development of a methodology to be used for the water use study of the country.
4. Prepare a technical report.

Second mission: Summer .. - 2 weeks

1. Participate as a resource person in the workshop on findings of the water use study for the country and future water use monitoring approach
2. Participate as a resource person in the workshop for discussion of findings resulting from the study of the performance and effectiveness of the existing water monitoring networks.
3. Advise on planning of the high-level seminar on current and projected water supply and demand, with a focus on management options and policy implications.
4. Prepare a technical report.

Third mission: Autumn .. - 1 week

1. Participate as a resource person at the high level seminar that will consider the results of the project.
2. Assist the National Project Coordinator in the preparation of the terminal statement.

An AGLW Technical Officer with global experience in water use surveys.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 12

Terms of Reference

National Project Coordinator

The incumbent will be responsible for ensuring the full integration of the project within the Water Development Department and MA. More specifically he will:

1. be member and act as secretary of the Project Steering Committee;
2. facilitate the setting up of the project office and all necessary facilities;
3. ensure the participation of senior staff within WDD and MA in project activities;
4. act as interlocutor among all parties for the project's timely and satisfactory implementation;
5. facilitate the work of the project team within WDD/MA;
6. ensure adequate access to data and information in governmental organizations for the project team;
7. be responsible for submission to the Government and FAO of project progress reports and for drafting the project terminal statement.

Qualifications and Experience:
The National Project Coordinator shall be a hydrologist, civil engineer or hydrogeologist with proven record and experience in Cypriot water affairs. Initiative, judgment, organizational ability and a good sense of team work and human relations are required.

Duty Station: XXX

Annex 13

Outline of Contract/Letter of Agreement with a local institution for:

Logistic support for synchronous water surveys

Given the modalities in the rural use of water, it is required that surveys be carried out in a synchronized way in the various irrigation sections to obtain an accurate picture and avoid double accounting errors. The contractor shall supply five vehicles suitable for field use, each with driver and one junior technician. The following shall be quoted by the contractor:

- five field vehicles with driver, petrol and 500 km free, 3 days, two times (30 vehicles/day)
- five junior technicians for one day training and two times 3 days of field work (35 p/d)

Annex 14

Outline of Contract/Letter of Agreement with a local institution for:

Temporary data processing staff for survey data entry

The mass of survey data needs to be digitized and quality-checked for further processing. The task will be carried out under contract. The contractor shall supply five data entry clerks for six days after each of two field surveys. The following shall be quoted by the contractor:

- five data entry clerks for six days, two times (60 p/day)