Country:   XXX
Project Title:   Improved Management of Rice and Maize Pests
Project Number:   TCP/XXX/....
Starting Date:   July Year 1
Completion Date:   December Year 2
Government agency responsible for project execution:   Ministry of Agriculture
FAO Contribution:   US$179 500

Signed: .................................

  Signed: ....................................
(on behalf of Government)   Jacques Diouf
(on behalf of FAO)

Date of Signature: .....................

  Date of Signature: ........................



(Brief description of the project expectations and outcomes.)


The main food grain crops cultivated in Country XXX are rice and maize. In this country, where arable land is limited, rice and maize are considered as the most productive cereal crops while other crops are extent from the main cultivated land. Rice is grown on a total area of ...,000 ha and maize on ...,000 ha. These crops are cultivated continuously in the same plot. Therefore, insect pests and diseases occur regularly, although they vary in magnitude and size of affected acreage.

Major rice pest and diseases are: White-backed planthopper (Sogatella furcifera), Rice water weevil (Lissothopterus oryzophilus Kuschel), Rice green caterpillar (Narange aenescens), Rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis), Bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas oryzae), Helminthosporium leaf spot (Cochliobolus miyabeanus), Sheath blight (Pellicularia sasakii S.) and blast (Pyricularia oryzae).

Major maize pests and diseases are: Sheath blight (Sclerotium maydis), Helminthosporium leaf blight (Trichometasphaeria turcica Luttrell), Common smut (Ustilago maydis), corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis G.) and Army worm (Leucania separata Walker).

When natural controls are disrupted in rice, the insect pests and diseases that are habitually found in the paddy field may cause major yield losses and in some fields total yield loss.

In maize, when adequate and timely measures are not taken against the habitual occurrence of corn borer and Leucania separata Walker, more than 45% of yield loss can be recorded.

In contrast, the use of good production and pest management practices, aimed at preventing the occurrence of insect pests and diseases of rice and maize, will help to reduce the impact of such pests and increase the yield up to 20-25%.

There is limited capability in the country to establish effective control measures against the outbreak of pests and diseases. One reason for this is that it is not yet possible to accomplish local large scale production of biopesticides and low toxic chemicals, that are not contaminating the habitat of human beings, domestic animals and fishes. The FAO/UNDP project "Efficiency and Sustainability in Agriculture" included a component on capacity building for domestic production of biopesticides, which has been successful in developing and producing limited amounts of biopesticides for major crops. There is a clear need to complement the activities under this project including repairing equipment rather than replacing it by new, and training national staff on the maintenance of this equipment, as well as training of technical specialists developing, producing and using various biological control agents. Pests and diseases cannot only be reduced through the application of biopesticides, but also through the use of resistant plant varieties. However, in the country there is presently no active production and introduction of varieties resistant against infestation and damages from insect pest and disease.

In general there is a need for a better assessment of production problem areas in rice and maize, giving adequate attention to the relation between production and protection problems, and this component is envisaged as the starting point for this project. Other activities foreseen under this project will be better focussed to solve specific problem areas.

The maximum mobilization of national resources, combined with the technical assistance offered by the Organization will greatly contribute to the increased sustainability of rice and maize production in this country.

It is against this background that the Government of XXX has requested assistance from FAO to strengthen the national capacity to prevent and face pest problems in rice and maize production.


The objective of the project is to create awareness at country level on the relation between production and protection problems in rice and maize, and to establish an effective capacity to face emergencies caused by crop losses due to pests.


The project outputs will be:

  • Assessment made of field needs in rice and maize, with special reference to relations between production and protection problems.
  • Crop and post harvest losses due to pest attack minimized and the pest population significantly reduced.
  • Study tours conducted for three national staff to YYY and ZZZ on production of biological control agents, the use of more sustainable pest management methods and on resistant plant varieties.
  • Training on production of biological control agents and integrated pest management (IPM) conducted for 30 technical staff.
  • A potential established for more sustainable pest management, to ensure sustainability of the activity after this project.

    V. WORK PLAN (July Year 1 - December Year 2)

    The project will assist the Agricultural Commission in the following activities:

    July - August Year 1:
    Nominate a National Project Coordinator and identify consultant for need assessment.

    August Year 1:
    Conduct consultancy on need assessment and prepare more detailed work plan.

    August - September Year 1:
    Study tour to YYY and ZZZ for three national staff, to observe production of biocontrol agents, sustainable pest management methods, and hybrid rice varieties. Mission of FAO/RAPG.

    September Year 1:
    Conduct consultancy on biological control.

    April and August Year 2:
    TCDC consultant to assist in the production and distribution of biological control agents, including set up of staff training, in preparation of summer cropping season and final evaluation. Mission of RAPG (April Year 2).

    May-August Year 2:
    Conduct training of experts, specialist and technicians in order to assimilate necessary technology and experiences in rice and maize pest and disease control activities. Assessment of impact of project activities.

    September-November Year 2:
    Mission of RAPG, preparation of report.


    The project will provide practical training in the area of rice and maize pest management, and production of biological control agents. Study tours to Countries YYY and ZZZ will expose national staff to production of biological control agents and hybrid rice varieties. Training will be conducted in the country for national staff to enhance local capacity on more sustainable pest control methods.


    1. Personnel - (see Annex 1-4)

    - International consultant on assessment of problem areas in production and protection of rice and maize, for 2 weeks (US$8 500).
    - International consultant on biological control for rice and maize for 2 weeks, to assist in production of biological control agents and train national staff plant protection specialist (US$8 500).
    - TCDC consultant to assist in the production and distribution of biological control agents and IPM, including staff training (1 month in two missions, US$9 000) and conducting evaluation.
    - Supervisory Technical Services: from AGPP including technical backstopping from RAPG (3 missions of 5 days each).

    2. Official Travel - up to US$6 000

    - Travel related to the project within the country for TCDC and international consultants, FAO technical backstopping missions, etc.

    3. General Operating Expenses - up to US$10 145

    - To cover the cost of field activities related to the project, including fuel, maintenance of vehicles and other operation expenses, including communications, telephone costs, photocopying, etc.

    4. Materials and Supplies - up to US$18 000

    - To cover the cost of chemicals needed in the production of biological control agents (list provided in Annex 6, US$5 000).
    - Various materials needed during implementation of project activities and office supplies (US$3 000).
    - Spare parts for laboratory equipment and sprayers (US$10 000).

    5. Equipment - up to US$49 500

    - To cover costs of laboratory equipment as described in Annex 5 (US$49 500).

    6. Direct Operating Expenses - US$13 000

    7. Training and study tours - up to US$35 000

    - Study tour for three experts, of which one interpreter, to visit Countries YYY and ZZZ for one month, to observe production of biocontrol agents, sustainable pest management methods, and hybrid rice varieties. Including travel and DSA (US$20 000).
    - Training for 30 national staff in the process of production of biological control agents and Integrated Pest Management. Training will be conducted by the biological control expert and the TCDC consultant: for one week in laboratories, on production biological control agents. The following week activities will be conducted in the field, including application of biological control agents, and IPM principles in rice and maize producing areas. Costs will include transportation for field activities, DSA for one week for staff travelling, set up of field activities, etc. (US$15 000).


    The international and TCDC consultants will prepare and submit reports to FAO upon completion of missions.

    The draft terminal statement in accordance with the TCP format will be prepared by the FAO RAPG backstopping officer. The terminal statement will be finalized in FAO for transmission to the Government.


    For the successful implementation of this project the Government will do the following:

    - Provide the national personnel required by the project, and pay for the salary of technicians and specialists working in relation with project activities or trained by the project.

    - Provide office and laboratory facilities needed for project implementation.

    - Assist in providing visas and internal transportation for international consultants.


    (in US$)

      Country: XXX
      Project Title: Improved Management of Rice and Maize Pests
      Project Number: TCP/XXX/....


    International consultants (1 w/m)

      17 000


    TCDC consultant on biological control/IPM (1 w/m)


    9 000


    Supervisory Technical Services (STS)

    1910 Standard Supervisory Technical Services

    1920 Supervisory function of lead technical units

    1930 Field missions

    1950 Evaluation

    21 855







    47 855


    Duty travel

      6 000


    General operating expenses (GOE)

      10 145


    Materials and supplies

      18 000
    6000 Equipment   49 500


    Direct operating cost

      13 000



      35 000
    TOTAL 179 500


    Annex 1


    International consultant
    Need assessment in production/protection of rice and maize

    Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, the pest control/production specialist will:

    - Visit major rice and maize producing areas and the existing biocontrol production facilities;

    - Asses the status of laboratories and pesticide equipment, including the need for repairs;

    - Define current problems in production and protection for rice and maize and potential for improvement, including specific activities;

    - Prepare a work plan for activities to be conducted in the following two cropping seasons;

    - Prepare a mission report including recommendations and a list of parts for laboratory and spraying equipment to be provided by the project

    Duty Station: Capital and field locations

    Duration of Assignment: Two weeks


    Post-graduate degree in agriculture, with at least three years of specific field experience in crop protection and production.

    Annex 2


    International consultant
    Biological control for rice and maize

    Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, in particular with the national staff who participated in the study tours and in accordance with specific recommendation by the previous consultant, the biological control specialist, will:

    - Define the current status of production of biological control agents in the country based on the achievement of activities conducted under the FAO/UNDP project XXX/../...

    - Assist in production of biological control agents and propose specific actions for improvement of this activity;

    - Organize and conduct a three day training for 30 national plant protection specialists

    - Prepare a report

    Duty Station:
    Capital and field locations

    Duration of Assignment: Two weeks


    Graduate degree in plant protection with specialization in the field of biological control. At least five years of direct experience in production of biological control agents.


    Annex 3


    TCDC consultant
    IPM & Production of Biological Control Agents


    Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, and in accordance with specific recommendations by the previous consultants, the TCDC specialist will conduct two missions as follows:

    1st mission (20 days):

    - Assist in the production, distribution and application of biological control agents;

    - Organize and conduct staff training on IPM for rice and maize, including curriculum development, preparation of training activities, training of 4 core national staff that will continue this training during the summer cropping season;

    - Prepare a mission report.

    2nd mission (10 days):

    - Conduct an evaluation of the activities conducted in relation with production and distribution of biological control agents;

    - Conduct an evaluation of activities on production and protection of rice and maize during the cropping season;

    - Provide technical advice on how to improve production/protection practices;

    - Prepare a mission report.

    Duty Station:
    Capital and field locations

    Duration of Assignment: One month (20 +10 days)


    Degree in IPM related field. At least three years of relevant experience, including field experience in organizing and conducting IPM training activities.

    Annex 4


    Supervisory Technical Services
    (technical backstopping from RAPG)


    Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, three backstopping missions will be undertaken by RAPG staff at the beginning, middle and end of the project:

V. WORK PLAN (July Year 1 - December Year 2)

The project will assist the Agricultural Commission in the following activities:

July - August Year 1:
Nominate a National Project Coordinator and identify consultant for need assessment.

August Year 1:
Conduct consultancy on need assessment and prepare more detailed work plan.

August - September Year 1:
Study tour to YYY and ZZZ for three national staff, to observe production of biocontrol agents, sustainable pest management methods, and hybrid rice varieties. Mission of FAO/RAPG.

September Year 1:
Conduct consultancy on biological control.

April and August Year 2:
TCDC consultant to assist in the production and distribution of biological control agents, including set up of staff training, in preparation of summer cropping season and final evaluation. Mission of RAPG (April Year 2).

May-August Year 2:
Conduct training of experts, specialist and technicians in order to assimilate necessary technology and experiences in rice and maize pest and disease control activities. Assessment of impact of project activities.

September-November Year 2:
Mission of RAPG, preparation of report.


The project will provide practical training in the area of rice and maize pest management, and production of biological control agents. Study tours to Countries YYY and ZZZ will expose national staff to production of biological control agents and hybrid rice varieties. Training will be conducted in the country for national staff to enhance local capacity on more sustainable pest control methods.


1. Personnel - (see Annex 1-4)

- International consultant on assessment of problem areas in production and protection of rice and maize, for 2 weeks (US$8 500).
- International consultant on biological control for rice and maize for 2 weeks, to assist in production of biological control agents and train national staff plant protection specialist (US$8 500).
- TCDC consultant to assist in the production and distribution of biological control agents and IPM, including staff training (1 month in two missions, US$9 000) and conducting evaluation.
- Supervisory Technical Services: from AGPP including technical backstopping from RAPG (3 missions of 5 days each).

2. Official Travel - up to US$6 000

- Travel related to the project within the country for TCDC and international consultants, FAO technical backstopping missions, etc.

3. General Operating Expenses - up to US$10 145

- To cover the cost of field activities related to the project, including fuel, maintenance of vehicles and other operation expenses, including communications, telephone costs, photocopying, etc.

4. Materials and Supplies - up to US$18 000

- To cover the cost of chemicals needed in the production of biological control agents (list provided in Annex 6, US$5 000).
- Various materials needed during implementation of project activities and office supplies (US$3 000).
- Spare parts for laboratory equipment and sprayers (US$10 000).

5. Equipment - up to US$49 500

- To cover costs of laboratory equipment as described in Annex 5 (US$49 500).

6. Direct Operating Expenses - US$13 000

7. Training and study tours - up to US$35 000

- Study tour for three experts, of which one interpreter, to visit Countries YYY and ZZZ for one month, to observe production of biocontrol agents, sustainable pest management methods, and hybrid rice varieties. Including travel and DSA (US$20 000).
- Training for 30 national staff in the process of production of biological control agents and Integrated Pest Management. Training will be conducted by the biological control expert and the TCDC consultant: for one week in laboratories, on production biological control agents. The following week activities will be conducted in the field, including application of biological control agents, and IPM principles in rice and maize producing areas. Costs will include transportation for field activities, DSA for one week for staff travelling, set up of field activities, etc. (US$15 000).


The international and TCDC consultants will prepare and submit reports to FAO upon completion of missions.

The draft terminal statement in accordance with the TCP format will be prepared by the FAO RAPG backstopping officer. The terminal statement will be finalized in FAO for transmission to the Government.


For the successful implementation of this project the Government will do the following:

- Provide the national personnel required by the project, and pay for the salary of technicians and specialists working in relation with project activities or trained by the project.

- Provide office and laboratory facilities needed for project implementation.

- Assist in providing visas and internal transportation for international consultants.


(in US$)

  Country: XXX
  Project Title: Improved Management of Rice and Maize Pests
  Project Number: TCP/XXX/....


International consultants (1 w/m)

  17 000


TCDC consultant on biological control/IPM (1 w/m)


9 000


Supervisory Technical Services (STS)

1910 Standard Supervisory Technical Services

1920 Supervisory function of lead technical units

1930 Field missions

1950 Evaluation

21 855







47 855


Duty travel

  6 000


General operating expenses (GOE)

  10 145


Materials and supplies

  18 000
6000 Equipment   49 500


Direct operating cost

  13 000



  35 000
TOTAL 179 500


Annex 1


International consultant
Need assessment in production/protection of rice and maize

Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, the pest control/production specialist will:

- Visit major rice and maize producing areas and the existing biocontrol production facilities;

- Asses the status of laboratories and pesticide equipment, including the need for repairs;

- Define current problems in production and protection for rice and maize and potential for improvement, including specific activities;

- Prepare a work plan for activities to be conducted in the following two cropping seasons;

- Prepare a mission report including recommendations and a list of parts for laboratory and spraying equipment to be provided by the project

Duty Station: Capital and field locations

Duration of Assignment: Two weeks


Post-graduate degree in agriculture, with at least three years of specific field experience in crop protection and production.

Annex 2


International consultant
Biological control for rice and maize

Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, in particular with the national staff who participated in the study tours and in accordance with specific recommendation by the previous consultant, the biological control specialist, will:

- Define the current status of production of biological control agents in the country based on the achievement of activities conducted under the FAO/UNDP project XXX/../...

- Assist in production of biological control agents and propose specific actions for improvement of this activity;

- Organize and conduct a three day training for 30 national plant protection specialists

- Prepare a report

Duty Station:
Capital and field locations

Duration of Assignment: Two weeks


Graduate degree in plant protection with specialization in the field of biological control. At least five years of direct experience in production of biological control agents.


Annex 3


TCDC consultant
IPM & Production of Biological Control Agents


Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, and in accordance with specific recommendations by the previous consultants, the TCDC specialist will conduct two missions as follows:

1st mission (20 days):

- Assist in the production, distribution and application of biological control agents;

- Organize and conduct staff training on IPM for rice and maize, including curriculum development, preparation of training activities, training of 4 core national staff that will continue this training during the summer cropping season;

- Prepare a mission report.

2nd mission (10 days):

- Conduct an evaluation of the activities conducted in relation with production and distribution of biological control agents;

- Conduct an evaluation of activities on production and protection of rice and maize during the cropping season;

- Provide technical advice on how to improve production/protection practices;

- Prepare a mission report.

Duty Station:
Capital and field locations

Duration of Assignment: One month (20 +10 days)


Degree in IPM related field. At least three years of relevant experience, including field experience in organizing and conducting IPM training activities.

Annex 4


Supervisory Technical Services
(technical backstopping from RAPG)

 Under the direct operational supervision of Chief, RAPR and technical guidance from AGPP, and in collaboration with staff of the Agricultural Commission, three backstopping missions will be undertaken by RAPG staff at the beginning, middle and end of the project:

  • Mission 1: Upon approval of the project, technical backstopping will be undertaken to accompany the first international consultant. Duties to be undertaken will be briefing for officials on TCP regulations and methods, discussion on work plans, general review of the current status of biological control processing to assist in locating appropriate consultants to match needs and, finally, to discuss study tour plans (5 days in August/September Year 1).

  • Mission 2: To work with national project staff to discuss progress of the project, and specific technical issues in relation to maize and rice pest management (5 days in April Year 2)

  • Mission 3: Together with national project staff, evaluate the project accomplishments and prepare a draft terminal statement (5 days in October Year 2)

Annex 5


Biological microscope, with camera US$3 000 X 3 units = 9 000
Stereomicroscope, with camera US$2 000 X 3 units = 6 000
Incubator and Shaker US$4 500 X 3 units = 13 500
Universal Reservoir for Maintenance of Pertinent Water Temperature US$2 000 X 3 units = 6 000
Autoclave US$5 000 X 3 units = 15 000
Total US$ 49 500


Annex 6

Materials and Supplies

Chemicals for Laboratory
Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate
Di-sodium hydrogen orthophosphate anhydrous
Potassium dichromate
Sulphuric acid concentrated
Yeast extract powder
Ammonium sulphate
Beef extract powder
Citric acid
Sodium citrate
Boric acid
TOTAL: US$5 000

Various materials for use in laboratories (plastic bags, containers, etc).
TOTAL: US$3 000

Spare parts for laboratory equipment and pesticide application sprayers. Detailed list will be made by the International Consultant Needs Assessment.
TOTAL: US$10 000