NORMATIVE FRAMEWORKTCP PROJECT FORMAT"Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions (CFSAM)"I. PROJECT SUMMARYThis is a concise statement of the results stemming from the problem statement (below) that are expected by the end of the project. Data Needs:
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II. BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATIONIdentify the problem for which assistance is requested and provide evidence that TCP criteria that govern eligibility for TCP funding are met. Text should cover the following issues:
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III. OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSISTANCE"This section will state briefly but in specific terms, the particular objective(s) which the project is expected to achieve. The project objective is defined as a specific aim to be achieved and formulated as the expected future improved situation after the successful completion of the project. The statement should be drafted wherever possible in terms permitting subsequent verification of project accomplishments." (TCP Guidelines) The objectives for CFSAM usually include:
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IV. Project Outputs (Results)"Outputs (results) to be defined in this section, are the specific products of activities undertaken, the combined use of which by project beneficiaries will achieve the objective of the project, provided assumptions about external factors are correct. They should be defined in terms that permit their verification in quantity, quality and time, and should be consistent with the project objective and design, and provide the basis for the elaboration of a clear, detailed work plan" (TCP Guidelines).
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V. WORK PLANProvide a work plan, sufficiently specific to serve as a practical guide for the project staff on what activities should be carried out and in what sequence. The work plan and any accompanying narrative should also serve as an instrument for monitoring project implementation and achievement for both the Government and FAO. Work plans are regularly updated as part of project implementation. Missions should work closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and other government agencies with an initial period spent in the capital to review available information and discuss food production and supply activities with government officials and donor representatives concerned. Following this, travel is undertaken to selected areas affected by emergencies to assess the overall situation. After completing in-country assessments, a debriefing is normally provided to Government and donor representatives. Once mission reports are cleared by Headquarters, a joint FAO/WFP Special Report or Alert is issued to the international community. Data Needs:
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VI. CAPACITY BUILDINGA paragraph describing how the TCP assistance is expected to enhance the capacity of the national organizations/units responsible for food information and early warning to conduct future assessments and how the use of international and national consultants and experts will contribute to building capacity in the national institutions. Data Needs:
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VII. INPUTS TO BE PROVIDED BY FAOFAO normally provides an agricultural economist (team leader), an agronomist, technical backstopping by a member of staff and, where appropriate, TCDC experts and national consultants. A concise description of each input under the respective numbered line items below. Sufficient detail on each budget line should be provided. The sum of related amounts of each sub-category under each line item should add up to the total for the line item. Materials and Supplies and Equipment line items should be detailed, item by item, in an annex. a) Personnel services Technical services of international and/or national experts/consultants
Priority and preference should be given to the employment of competent experts under the TCDC/TCCT programmes in countries that have signed these agreements. There are specific limits to the use of international expertise at UN rates. Project drafters are advised to consult with the TCP Unit before preparing the staffing inputs and budgets. b) Official travel c) Contracts, Letters of Agreements or Contractual Service Agreements d) General operating expenses (GOE) e) Materials, supplies and equipment:
f) Direct operating cost (DOC) g) Training:
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VIII. REPORTINGA joint FAO/WFP Special Report or Alert is issued to the international community. Based on the report, ESC will prepare a terminal letter for submission to the Government. Data Needs:
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IX. GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTION AND SUPPORTING ARRANGEMENTSThe government provides access to key ministries and departments for data collection, briefings and discussion of the emergency. Government officials accompany the mission to key areas affected by the emergency and food shortages. Data Needs:
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X. PROJECT BUDGETThe project budget covering the FAO contribution is prepared by FAO, based on elements received from the requesting country.
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