NORMATIVE FRAMEWORKSPECIAL PROGRAMME FOR FOOD SECURITY PROJECT FORMATDIVERSIFICATION OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS COMPONENT"Integration of Aquaculture and Agriculture"INTRODUCTIONThe project formulator officer should prepare a brief summary of overall aquaculture activities in the country, in particular with reference to rural aquaculture practices. RATIONALEAquaculture component/sub-component of SPFS Examples for Integration of Aquaculture and Agriculture:1. Integration of Aquaculture with Livestock Rearing. The approach is to manage ponds which are built for water storage and for livestock drinking also for production of fish in a synergic way. The recycling of organic wastes from livestock would contribute to enhance the natural productivity of the water in the ponds, thus permitting high fish stocking densities and higher fish production. The selection of fish species for this model privileges those which feed on plankton or detritus. These species are frequently cultured together in order to maximize the utilization of natural food available in the pond. Tilapias and various species of carps have been regularly utilized to transform water productivity into edible fish protein. When in addition to the use of the pond for recycling of manure produced by livestock some agricultural by-products or processing wastes have been used, such as rice bran or cakes of various seeds used for oil extraction, fish production has attained annual levels ranging from three to seven tonnes of fish per hectare. Several forms of integration exist, going from association of pig or chicken sties on the sides of the ponds or on stilts in the pond, to selected duck strains which not being piscivorous can coexist with fish fry and fingerlings in the ponds. 2. Integration of Aquaculture with Rice farming. It is estimated that about 20% of the 76 million ha of irrigated ricefields may be considered suitable for fish culture. Even a modest adoption of integrated rice-fish culture system could dramatically increase income and food supply, particularly protein food supplies. Culture of fish in conjunction with rice can yield 50-300 kg/ha/crop. The advantages of this system are that i) fish excreta increase soil fertility and (ii) fish help control insect pests and aquatic weeds. The combined effects of these seem to help increase rice production by as much as 15%. Alternatively, fish can be reared in rotation with the rice crop with yields of 300-3000 kg/ha/crop depending on the intensity of management, and on the climatic conditions prevailing in the location of the rice fields. 3. Rural Fish Ponds. Such ponds can be either used exclusively for fish culture (i.e. not integrated with agriculture) or serve the double purpose of an on-farm irrigation reservoir for orchards and fish pond. The latter increase the efficiency of water use, diversify farm output/reduce risk, and provide additional income and protein food supply. In the case of stand-alone fish ponds, rehabilitation and improved management of existing ponds, and/or construction of new ponds would increase income to farmers. Fish production from both types of ponds will vary depending on inputs and management intensity, ranging from 500 to 5,000 kg/ha/yr. OBJECTIVESThe objective of the integration of aquaculture in the diversification component of the SPFS is to improve income, increase animal protein food supply, and improve on-farm water use efficiency in support of household food security. This would be achieved through the incorporation, where appropriate, of aquaculture. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSDescribe the approach that will be adopted to achieve the objectives and include elements such as: Project durationIndicate the number of years (typically 3 years). BeneficiariesThe project will target progressive/entrepreneurial village farmers with access to formal or informal credit and resources, who are willing to invest in new/improved technologies. Special attention will be paid to ensure equitable distribution of responsibilities and benefits should be ensured through procedures such as partial harvesting of fish ponds. Production technologies should be verified for social acceptability by the communities (e.g. religion/social custom may rule against integrated animal-fish farming). Technical package
Note: Expansion or reduction of the project budget will be reflected exclusively in an increase or decrease in the number of model farmers, while the above design considerations are kept constant. Organization and management of the project
DEMONSTRATION AREASDescribe the selected areas for pilot demonstrations, and briefly explain the criteria for selecting these areas, e.g., high potential, importance in national food supplies; replication ability; availability of suitable technologies for demonstration; interest of the farming community and willingness to participate. Describe procedures followed in selecting demonstration areas, underlining participation of concerned partners, especially farmers and their communities; and briefly indicate the relationship to the expansion areas. In selecting the areas for aquaculture development, those meeting the following criteria should receive priority:
ACTIVITIESProject formulators should classify key activities into:
For projects integrating aquaculture and agriculture the following sequence of activities could be envisaged: Collection of baseline information Participatory planning for selection of farmers and determination
of appropriate technology package Establishment of project implementation mechanism and training In-service Training Farmer Training Farm infrastructure development/improvement Farm management Monitoring and evaluation OUTPUTSThis section should indicate the major outputs expected from the Phase I. National officers should calculate the incremental productivity derived from the application of the models which have been indicated in the rationale section. An estimate of incremental farmer's income should be provided as well as side effects of the project such as improved water use by the inclusion of aquaculture sub-components, as well as better training and reduction of risk. Typically small ponds of about 100m2 integrated with livestock rearing and also those used in connection with gardens should produce about 25-50 kg/year, which for the level on investment per family selected and for typical investment budgets of US$500,000 for the project should represent a total production of about 35-70 tonnes in three years assuming that 60% of the project budget is devoted directly to production facilities and operation. Larger ponds of about 5,000 m2 to 1 ha should generate more production due to their lower unit cost. As an example a US$500,000 project could reach a cumulative production of 600t in three years with appropriate management. Production increases from integration of rice cum fish for a project of similar size could generate up to 150t of fish production. However, it is also very likely that a project with several sites would include a combination of the various production models described. Thus the production output may range between a minimum of 60-70 tonnes and a maximum of about 600 tonnes. Regarding incremental income, this will range from an extra US$15-30/year in the case of the individual small ponds to over US$2,000 in the case of ponds of 1 ha used for carp culture. For rice-cum-fish culture, estimated gross incremental income will be about $40-300/ha/year. An increase in rice productivity of 10-15% can also be anticipated. These estimates are based on unit price of $1- 1.5/kg for tilapia and $0.5 - 1/kg for carp, depending on size and species. In the case of small ponds, 50% of production is assumed to be used for household consumption. These estimates need to be refined according to local conditions. It should nevertheless be considered that the small ponds also permit a better water management for the gardens of the farmers and thus also better income and a reduction of risk because of the continuous availability of water. In addition, part of the production is consumed by the households thus contributing to a higher intake of animal protein. INPUTSProject formulators should provide a summary of the main inputs to support the component for the various investment scenarios. These would include the project's cost estimates; the Government's contribution; and FAO and other donors' contributions. Main inputs for the projects can be grouped in the following categories:
A specific example of staff requirements extracted from the XXX SPIN SPFS is provided below: Government/National Staff
FAO Staff
Local Consultants (short-term) to be hired by FAO
WORK PLANIt is the responsibility of the National Officers to prepare an overall work plan for the entire project period, using a chronological diagram (bar chart) as shown in the example. The work plan will include the objectives, activities, outputs, resources required and persons/entities responsible for project implementation. Once the project is operational, annual work plans along the same lines will be prepared every year. The following example is taken from the YYY SPFS Programme: Outputs and Activities
BUDGETProject formulators should prepare a budget for the project's entire duration. Include budget sheets detailing separately the annual costs, broken down according to expected sources of funding. Such sources should be ascertained through field contacts with Government officials, local missions of donor agencies/financial institutions and FAO Headquarters. Budget details for aquaculture projects will depend on the selected model/combination of models and should be elaborated at the local level. An example is provided below for fish ponds of 0.5-1 ha, taken from the XXX SPIN/SPFS project. Model Budget for SPFS/Aquaculture - from SPIN/SPFS/XXX
Rice monoculture |
Rice-fish integration2 |
Capital costs |
- land use tax |
360 |
360 |
- trench construction |
-- |
300 |
Operating costs |
- rice seedlings |
30 |
30 |
- fertilizers |
750 |
690 |
- pesticides |
160 |
-- |
- labour |
900 |
1,650 |
- irrigation |
75 |
150 |
- broodfish |
-- |
1,100 |
- feed |
-- |
600 |
Total capital & operating cost |
2,273 |
4,880 |
Gross income |
- rice |
4,860 |
4,900 |
- fry & fingerlings |
-- |
2,496 |
- broodfish as table fish |
-- |
1,850 |
Total gross income |
4,860 |
9,246 |
Net profit |
2,585 |
4,366 |
1 US$ 1 = Local curency 11,000
2 Integration of fish reduced weeding from 2-3 to 1, and eliminated the
need for application of pesticides.
Costs and benefits of large ponds (1ha) integrated with pig husbandry in a region of Country Y:
Without project 560 1680 |
With project 5,250 15,800 11,026 |
COST Fodder fingerlings feed maintenance fertilizer grass seed disease prevention miscellaneous technical service fee production cost for pigs marketing tax |
1,268 3,620 990 154 22 18 235 144 150 8940 158 790 |
total production cost | 525 | 15,982 |
total net income | 1155 | 9,164 |
Contract fee net income after contract fee labour requirements (man-day = md) return to family labour (Y/md) |
625 8,539 300 28 |
Describe managerial arrangements including:
Example: Managerial arrangements - modified from SPIN/SPFS/XXX
Description |
Number |
A. Government Staff and National Consultants At Central Level (National capital) |
1. National Coordinator |
1 |
2. Team Leader (National) |
1 |
3. Secretary/Word processor |
4. Driver |
4 |
At District Level |
1. Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) |
8 |
2. District Fishery Officers |
4 |
3. Junior Technicians |
10 |
4. Junior Technical Assistants |
12 |
5. Field Assistants |
8 |
B. TCDC Experts and Partners |
1. Aquaculture specialist |
1 |
Describe reporting obligations of the management team and FAO as outlined in SPFS/Doc/24/ANNEX 3.
Aquaculture Consultant (National)
National consultants will organize one week theoretical-practical courses for extension workers in selected demonstration farms already identified. Two of these courses will be given during the first four month period and three courses-seminars on more specialized areas will be given during the rest of the project.
Trained extension workers will organize short 2-3 days courses in all demonstration farms. Training of these farmers will include basic communication skills for them to technically advise other farmers. The number of courses will be three during the first year and three during the rest of the project.
Frequent training stages in the villages and field days for visits of farmers to demonstration as well as successful farms will be the main training tools used by extension workers to train farmers.
In addition to courses and seminars, extension will be achieved through a technical advise network of extension workers, demonstration farmers and the rest of the farmers. Technical manuals, pamphlets, audio-visual programmes and all the necessary communication tools will be locally produced to reach the different recipient levels. Collected information from demonstration farms will be processed and analyzed in order to improve extension strategies as well as introduce necessary modifications in the development project.