PROJECT OF THE GOVERNMENT OF XXX Project No: TF or GCP/XXX/ Project Title: Fisheries Marketing and Credit Duration: .. Months Estimated Starting Date: . Implementing Agency: Fisheries Development Centre under Ministry of Fisheries Executing Agency: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Government Inputs: ( USD) (in kind) Donor Contribution: ( USD)
Brief Description: To improve the livelihoods of the people working in the fisheries sector of Country XXX by the collection and analyses of fishery products marketing information and the dissemination of the obtained information to all stakeholders in the sector, all with particular emphasis on the support of the decision making processes in the Ministry of Fisheries, the sustainable development of the sector, gender roles, the achievement of food security and the alleviation of poverty. Specific objectives are: 1) To fill the current gap in information on the marketing of fishery products in XXX in order to support the Ministry of Fisheries, institutions active in the sector and donors active in the sector to address the needs of the fisheries sector better and support the decision making processes in the sector; 2) Provide access to clear market information to the actors in the fishery products-marketing channel (e.g. fisherfolk, middle persons, processors, market traders and retailers) on the functions of the various actors in the channel, prices and consumer demands in the domestic market and the market structure; 3) To contribute to the existing knowledge on how to feed the growing population in XXX. Cities efficiently, with respect to the provision of fishery products and the main cities in XXX, i.e. ..; 4) To develop a (draft) model, including practical guidelines, that will assist the actors in the XXX fishery products marketing chain, by focusing on vertical cooperation, to become more competitive on the world- and domestic market and improve the individual as well as chain performance to satisfy better the consumer demands; 5) To contribute to the existing knowledge on how fishery products marketing (including processing) is being financed at present and on how marketing related financial flows and transactions take place and could be further developed in XXX including the identification of investment requirements and credit needs and channels. 6) To enable the Ministry of Fisheries to forecast, under different assumptions, the future consumption and consumption patterns of XXX fishery products given different growth rate projections for ..; and 7) To strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Fisheries to disseminate the available findings of this project to others interested and identify the needs for possible follow-up activities in the field of fishery products marketing in XXX.
A. GENERAL BACKGROUND A.1. Description of the sub-sector Marketing Context The fisheries sector of Country XXX has changed dramatically from the beginning of the 1990s. Fish and other fisheries products have become important export commodities, providing the Government part of the necessary income and contributing in this way to the development of the country. At present the fisheries sector is the . largest exporter, after .. Changes at national level with respect to the use of fisheries and processing technologies, economic regulations with respect to enterprise development (e.g. restructuring and equitization/privatization), the establishment of institutional and organizational structures (e.g. ..) and the professionalization of existing institutions (e.g. .) are leading to higher productivity, additional employment generated by the sector, poverty alleviation in rural areas and to an increase in the availability of inputs and food for the domestic as well as the international markets. At world level the advancing internationalization and globalization is offering many opportunities to the fisheries sector of XXX but on the other hand is threatening its further development. The costs are high of complying with the quality standards set by importing countries [e.g. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification, ISO 9000-serie norms], of the (often detailed) directives as the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius and Good Management Practices (GMP) codes made by experts. This, together with the lack of experience in the field of quality monitoring and control makes it often difficult for small, individual companies, fisherfolk and fish farmers to meet the ever-increasing requirements. At present only of the . fishery products processing and exporting companies in XXX are certified to export to the EU. Competition from other countries in Asia and Latin America is high and still increasing at the global market for shrimp, catfish and other . fishery products. The question is how can the competitiveness at present be consolidated or even reinforced for the future? Dynamism in the consumer markets in the importing countries as well as on the domestic market is increasing. Consumers have to deal with an increasing choice of products from many different sources. However, there exists a gap between the supply on one side (type of product, preparation method and needs, communication and distribution) and the consumer demand. Many marketing and consumer behaviour studies (A.T.Kearny, GfK, AC Nielsen) stress that consumers expect that food in general, including fishery products, should contribute to the consumers health (rich in nutrients, absence of contaminants and health harming substances). In addition, the product should be tasteful, contribute to the pleasure of eating, be easy to prepare and provide value for money. Even if a product complies with all the above characteristics it is still not a guarantee the consumers will purchase it. In the emotional sphere of quality acceptance the consumer considers the attention for the environment as a very important aspect in the production as well as in the processing and marketing of the product. The fish production process should be sustainable (i.e. provide in the needs of the present generation without harming the possibilities of future generations to satisfy their needs), which requires extra investments for the fishery sector that cannot directly, or maybe not at all, be claimed in the product price to the consumers (Broekmans & Vernooij, 2000). Consumers and retailers do not want to be indirectly responsible for environmental degradation and other negative external effects and are demanding the guarantee that this does not occur. The market structure in the fishery products importing countries is different in each country. The relatively high concentration in the retail sector in the northern European countries and the United States has created very large and powerful purchase combinations (Christopher, 1998) of large retail chains (supermarkets as .........). These chains use among others the concept of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) to respond to the needs of the consumers in a flexible and cost effective way. Concentration is also continuously taking place in the food processing sector where multinationals as ...... and others. These multinationals are specialized in value adding and reinvention of value; the latter implies that for instance when you eat shrimp it is not only the taste that is important. Very important is also the fact that you are getting minerals and proteins of high quality, and the shape of the product. These facts attribute to the implicit benefits a product gives you (Normann & Ramirez, 2000). However, in many cases the XXX fishery products exporters sell their products to wholesalers in importing countries (which play an important role in matching demand and supply, transportation and distribution) and have little idea about the consumers demands with respect to their produce. The current trend of concentration in the retail and processing sector decreases the importance, market power and profit margins of the wholesalers, this in favour of the retailers (Zuurbier, et al., 1996). Retailers work more and more with a limited number of different wholesalers, this in order to improve the logistics and deliver a constant quality to their customers. The fact that retailers know what the consumer desires gives them a powerful advantage in negotiations with those who want to supply their products. A similar process as occurring in the fishery products importing countries is currently happening also within XXX. Fish farmers and fisherfolk are dependent for their opportunities on the activities undertaken, and especially the value added, in the rest of the fishery products marketing chain. The competitiveness of the producers is dependent on the quality of the end product, the production process, the delivery of the product at the right moment and on the price. The competition between the players in the marketing chain is changing from local level to national level and even to global level as the current state of technology and logistics makes it possible to communicate and trade everywhere, the productivity still increases and the consumer markets are developing. Power relations at all levels within the chain are developing from power on the supplier side to power on the demand side (Zuurbier, et al., 1996) as the markets in the fishery products importing countries are almost satisfied. Fisheries Context The total fishery sector production in XXX increased/decreased from .. million MT in 199.. to million MT in the year 2000. The aquaculture sub-sector was responsible for the larger part of this increase, as aquaculture production increased from . thousand MT in 199.. to thousand MT in 9.. and even to . thousand MT (= %) in 2000. The total capture fisheries production was . MT in 199.. and goes to .. million MT in 2000; a number almost reaching the total allowable catch (TAC), which is estimated at ... million MT. The Ministry of Fisheries (or equivalent) estimates that about .. people are directly involved in aquaculture activities and in capture fisheries. The total number of people active in the sector is still increasing. In coastal areas farmers are changing to shrimp culture. At the same time, a continuous population increase in the coastal areas, a lack of access to land for agriculture and aquaculture purposes and to alternative employment causes an inflow of laborers in coastal fisheries activities. Open access regimes and low investments needed facilitate the entrance of thousands of new laborers in these activities every year. It is estimated by the Ministry of Fisheries that the fisheries sector as a whole offers currently direct employment to about .% of the population, however, the total number of people dependent for their livelihoods on the fisheries resources and aquatic resources as a whole is much larger. As nutrition source fishery products are very important. Fish is the most important animal protein source ( .% of the total animal protein intake) and contributes also much to the peoples needs for calcium and iodine. The Ministry of Fisheries (or equivalent) estimates that between and .% of the cultured and caught fisheries products are consumed domestically. Home consumption of fish in XXX was estimated by FAO at kg per capita per year in 199.., an increase of % compared to the consumption in 199... Of this .. kg about kg is freshwater and diadromous fish. The National Institute of . estimated the annual fish consumption per capita in (199..) at .. kg and Ministry of Fisheries estimates the current per capita fish consumption at . kg per year. All 3 observe a continuous increase/decrease in the total domestic and per capita consumption of fish. A.2. Host country strategy During the last decades the emphasis of the Government and of most people active in the fishery sector was largely on the production of fishery products. Markets (international and domestic) were available and absorbed all products, but nowadays when demand appears to be growing less fast in comparison with the global supply the average relative prices of many fishery products are lower than before. As a result of this and the every time more stringent regulations in the field of quality norms and demands and the fierce competition on the global market, attention to the marketing aspects of the fishery production has been growing steadily within the fisheries sector. Fish marketing patterns in XXX are rather complex, because of the large range of geographical areas served, the assortment of products offered, the large number of traders active in the sector, the seasonality of production, and the various linkages (direct and indirect) between producers and consumers. A large share of the marine catch products has a low economic value and is sold on the domestic market. The marine products of high economic value are mainly exported, especially ... and . Of the aquaculture products most and .. are exported, while . is consumed primarily domestically. The market price of exporting products highly dependent on the world market. A study which takes into consideration all the activities carried out in the field of marketing of fishery and aquaculture products does not exist yet in XXX. The majority of the stakeholders in fisheries sector are not sufficiently aware of the opportunities in the field of marketing. This does not indicate that the Ministry of Fisheries (or equivalent) and the research institutes under it are not committed to the development of the fisheries product marketing and the opportunities it offers in the generation of employment, the increase in export earnings, the provision of nutritional benefits to the urban and rural population and the support to poverty alleviation. Instead, it is a result of the fact that funds and capacity are lacking at Ministry of Fisheries for the execution of a study to collect the needed information on which marketing improvements can be based. The "Development Plan for Fisheries to the Year ." of the Ministry of Fisheries expresses the following objectives for the fisheries sector:
The Bangkok Declaration The Conference on Aquaculture Development in the Third Millennium, (Bangkok, Thailand, February 2000), declared in its Bangkok Declaration and Strategy that "a focus on market development and trade will increase demand, add value and increase returns for aquaculture products. This will require developing marketing and promotional strategies for aquaculture products and understanding consumer requirements and changing market demands. These goals can be achieved through:
Poverty alleviation Ministry of Fisheries (or equivalent) as national agency responsible for the sustainable development of the fishery sector takes in consideration the role of the sector in poverty alleviation. Activities as the Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation (SAPA) strategy that is developed in a participatory way this year (2000) show the interest of the provincial and national policymakers, bilateral and multilateral institutions and agencies in this respect. Gender In the fishery sector the role of women in the day to day activities, in general is often underrated. They are active in the reparation of gears, pond preparation and maintenance, fishing and aquaculture activities itself, the transport, processing and marketing of fishery products. The Government recognized the gender inequality in many sectors and is willing to improve their situation. The means to be used among others will have the following objectives: increased participation of women in leadership positions, better training opportunities, and increase the role of women in the management of natural resources. A.3. Prior and on-going assistance Development projects with a clear focus on the marketing of aquaculture and fisheries products are not abound in XXX. The last years only projects were being implemented which mainly aimed at marketing improvements.
INFOFISH/INFOPECHE/INFOPESCA/INFOSAMAC.., partner of FAO/GLOBEFISH has carried out a marketing research study on the export of fisheries products from .. (if any) In addition FAO was active in the last years in the field of marketing of fishery products through the following projects/activities: (list omitted) A.4. Institutional framework for the sub-sector Since .. the Ministry of Fisheries of XXX is in charge of the overall management of the fisheries sector. The administrative system at national level of the Ministry consists of . departments: 1) e.g. (Planning and Investment); 2) e.g. (Science and Technology); 3) e.g. (Fisheries Management); 4) e.g. (Fisheries resource conservation); 5) e.g. (Finance and accounting); 6) e.g. (Personnel and Labour); 7) e.g. (International cooperation); 8) e.g. (Administration) ; 9) e.g. (Legislation); and 10) e.g. (Inspection). At provincial level the decisions, policies and regulations made at national level are implemented by the ., which are the administrative authorities which can make resolutions, decisions, . within the provinces Research institutes under the Ministry of Fisheries There are Research Institutes for and .. based in ... These research institutes are specialized in research into . Moreover, there are the University in .. and the University of .., .. which work in the fields of aquaculture and fisheries.
B. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION B.1. Problems to be addressed: the present situation Up till today not much research has been carried out in the field of marketing of fishery products in XXX. Most of the currently available marketing information within the Ministry of Fisheries, Research Institutes, Universities is focusing on the export markets for fishery products. There are some individual, or projects which carried out small research studies on domestic consumption and marketing of fish but a clear overview of the current marketing channels used, marketing prices and costs, competition levels, substitutes of fishery products, employment in the marketing channel of fish, consumer behaviour and preferences, and domestic consumption is not available. The non-availability of information on fish marketing is damaging the sector in its image, efficiency and growth. A clear overview of the marketing channels used in the marketing of fishery products is important in the opinion of many consumers (in domestic as well as export markets) who would like to know the origin of the product and desire to purchase fresh and safe products. The present practice does not offer any information about this to the consumers, while other sectors who provide alternatives to fish (e.g. chicken, meat) are at present increasing the provision of more info and therefore influence the consumer positively to choose for their product instead of fishery products. In short the image of the product need to be one of freshness, quality, healthy, safe and easy to prepare, and at present this is not always the case. It is not clear whether the marketing of fish is carried out in an efficient way (timely distribution, low cost prices for each function in the channel, etc.). It is widely assumed that middlemen are charging too much for their function in the channel, keeping the prices for producers low and for consumers high, influencing in this way the consumer demand, but is this justifiable? Growth of the sector is affected negatively by the fact that information of consumer desires/demands with respect to the fishery products is not reaching the producers. The gap between the quality and assortment that producers and processors deliver and the demands of the consumer is widening as a result of the rapidly changing consumer behaviour internationally and domestically. The lack of marketing information at farm and vessel level is causing a comparative disadvantage for the producers in comparison to producers in other countries, who are able to follow the market demands more closely. The Ministry of Fisheries (or equivalent) recognizes the need for more information on the marketing of fishery products, but the inadequate resources (with respect to funds available, manpower and capacity) of Ministry of Fisheries make it impossible to carry out a nation-wide marketing study, with all its implications involved. As not only the decision-makers at Ministry of Fisheries, but also several international organizations (e.g. FAO, INFOFISH), bilateral donors and many institutions and persons active in the sector are searching for information and sometimes are already planning to do some marketing research, it is clear that the problem of insufficient marketing information and the negative consequences for the performance of the sector are increasing. In view of the above needs and in order to avoid overlap of studies and the inefficient (often costly and low quality) production of several small marketing case studies FAO intend to cooperate in this respect and carry out together a nation-wide fishery products marketing study. B.2. Expected end of project situation At the end of the project the following results are expected to exist:
B.3. Target beneficiaries Target beneficiaries are the Ministry of Fisheries, the institutions under the Ministry, Universities of Fisheries or related to fisheries, the Departments of Fisheries in the provinces and bilateral and multilateral donors in the fisheries sector. They will benefit from the data collected by this research, because the information obtained will them help to address the needs of the Fisheries sector better and support them in the decision-making processes in the sector at various levels. In addition, the staff of the sector will have benefited from the training in marketing data analyses received via the project. Other immediate beneficiaries are all actors in the fishery products marketing chain (e.g. fisherfolk, fish farmers, middle persons, traders, retailers, processors and exporters) who will receive information disseminated by the project on all aspects of marketing. In addition they will be indirect beneficiaries of the project via an improved decision making process of national and provincial institutions in the field of fishery products marketing. Indirect beneficiaries are the consumers in domestic as well as export markets, who will in the middle- to long run benefit from the further improvement of the quality of fisheries products, the increased efficiency in the marketing chain and increased customer orientation of the actors in the chain. At international level FAO, INFOFISH and other institutions and interested people will benefit from the information collected and distributed by the project. The project will assure that the most important outcomes of the research are widely distributed via various media in XXX, so that the actors in the sector and the consumers of the final products have free access to the information. As this is a research study it is assumed that all actors in the fishery products marketing chain will be better of with more information about the marketing process and that especially the livelihoods of the poorest actors in the chain and their intra-household relations are positively affected by the possible changes caused by information from the project. The project guarantees in its research methodologies a gender sensitive approach, i.e. that information is collected among male and female actors in the chain according to the reflected share they have in the marketing of fisheries products. B.4. Project strategy As the objectives of this research are very diverse; on one hand a broad overview of fishery products marketing is necessary and on the other hand specific details are searched for, it is important to focus on information that truly needs to be collected. As there is a limit in the information to be collected there is a trade-off between number of issues covered and the level of detail. At the start of the projects descriptive research phase secondary information will be collected at the Ministry of Fisheries, related national institutes and international organizations. This secondary information will consist of reports, articles, and proceedings of conferences and workshops, and web site information. Discussions will be held by the project partners on the specific primary information needs of each of the partners and the value of this information for the research objectives. On base of these discussions various questionnaires will be designed. The purpose of the questionnaires is to obtain quantitative data. The total number of questionnaires will be ... Each of the questionnaires will be tested in the field before being used on large scale. The questionnaires will be completed mainly by visits to the various actors, processing companies and retailers. The interviewers used in this research will be well-trained individuals of the institutes contracted and a supervisor will check all questionnaires for completeness and accuracy. In addition .. qualitative in-depth interviews will be prepared after discussions between the partners. These interviews are held to fill in the gaps or explain questions, which will arise from the outcomes of the questionnaires. It is intended to make use of responded incentives for the questionnaires as well as for the in-depth interviews, in order to increase the willingness to cooperate, the time made available and correctness of the answers. In this respect it is considered that an incentive in the form of e.g. calendar, mug or pencil will do. An additional advantage is that this type of items can be used as public relations items and increases the visibility of the participants in this research. Table 1. Sample size of the research
Geographical coverage In general, most research projects carried out in XXX divide the country in regions (North, Central, South, East, West), and this study will not be an exception. The differences between the regions with respect to fisheries products produced and consumer preferences are that large, at first sight, that this approach can be justified. It is intended to spread the research equally over the regions and include also a wide coverage within each region, i.e. to take also into consideration the location of most of the actors in the sector in a region. Sample selection The overall sample unit is the following: everybody involved in the marketing of fishery products in XXX. The following procedure of sample selection will be used:
Analyses Both, the results from the questionnaires and of the in-depth interviews will be introduced in a practical user-friendly database, which will be compatible with most of the commonly used software as Microsoft Excel and Access; this in order to facilitate data analyses and comparison of data in the future. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews will make use of open-end as well as closed-end questions of various types. Once the data are introduced in the database a descriptive analyses will be carried out, producing the general characteristics and a complete overview of the fishery products marketing channel. Wherever needed and possible causal research will be used to identify cause-effect relationships between two or more variables measured. Fisheries staff will receive a short training course to carry out the most common data analyses and in providing marketing information on request. Technical papers, reports, leaflets and a CD-ROM will be prepared and revised by FAO experts before publication. Translation of the documents (if necessary) will be carried out next. Dissemination of Information The dissemination of reports, leaflets, technical papers and CD-ROMS will take place as much as possible via official Ministry of Fisheries channels, which will guarantee the provision of information to the official departments in the provinces and their extension services. In addition, the participating donors and FAO will distribute the information via their project offices and staff to field level and the national press will be informed via press releases on the various issues. At international level, FAO will disseminate in the most efficient way (either as document or as information on the web site) any information that might be of use to others. Follow up scenario Two months before the end of the project follow up activities will have been identified, in the form of recommendations to the Ministry of Fisheries and draft project proposals in the field of marketing of fishery products for donor support. The identification, formulation and design of the follow-up project or extension phases should be carried out in conjunction with the evaluation of the project by the parties involved. B.5. Implementation arrangements The project will be implemented under the overall responsibility of the Ministry of Fisheries of XXX. Project execution will be the responsibility of FAO. The .. will be the main funding agency(ies). A national project director (NPD) will be appointed by Ministry of FI. In addition, a full-time National Project Manager (NPM) will be assigned by the NPD in close coordination with the Ministry of Fisheries, donor and FAO. The NPM will be based at the FAO office in .. for the duration of the project. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will provide the services of an International Consultant (Marketing survey and data analysis) and Technical Support Services in the field of financial services development and credit support and in the field of economic modelling. These services will be focused on assistance in the elaboration of the questionnaires, model development, data analyses, report writing and include also the preparation of follow-up proposals. The Technical Support Services will consist of four field missions to . of weeks duration each and of FAO headquarters backstopping. The NPD and NPM will meet monthly with the FAOR and the donor representative in the country (if any) or his acting representative. A specialized agency/institution will be contracted for large translation jobs, (e.g. questionnaires, interviews and reports) while smaller translation jobs will be carried out by the NPM. For the fieldwork (questionnaires and in-depth interviews) the project will make use, under service contracts, of universities or institutions in each of the regions. This in order to keep the costs as low as possible, support the capacity of the universities staff in this field and contribute to the capacity building of students by offering them the possibility to use the data also for own thesis research. The university staff will train the interviewers and supervise/check the completed questionnaires and interviews before submitting to FAO in the country. For the database construction and data introduction in the database one or more software companies/institutions will be contracted locally. Publications by the project will be produced as much as possible under contract in the country, in order to keep the costs as low as possible, or by the FAO publication department. B.6. Reasons for assistance from FAO/Government Cooperative Programme XXX has a (large, medium size ) coastline and relevant/important/ water resources, which make the country especially suitable for the development of the fisheries sector. For FAO as well as for the Government the contribution of fish to the daily nutrition (especially the protein intake) of the population is considered very important. In the establishment of food security and the alleviation of poverty in . the fishery sector can play a major role. The fishery sector offers employment for landless and poor (in fishing activities, marketing and processing) and an alternative to agriculture in coastal areas with less fertile sandy soils. In the development of the rural areas of , fish produced by fishery and aquaculture activities, can provide not only a higher income to the rural households than common . culture, but also enrich the households own food consumption pattern. The FAO Office in .. is trying to contribute to the development of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in XXX with the aim of poverty alleviation and food security. In this respect, the FAO activities aimed to improve and promote fish culture in XXX. Nevertheless, in the field of fishery products marketing FAO activities in XXX have been very limited so far. The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) states in its preface that "In recent years, world fisheries have become a market-driven, dynamically developing sector of the food industry and coastal States have striven to take advantage of their new opportunities by investing in modern fishing fleets and processing factories in response to growing international demand for fish and fishery products". Article 11.1.8 of the CCRF stresses that "States should encourage those involved in fish processing, distribution and marketing to:
Moreover, article 12.9 of the CCRF recognizes that "States should ensure that the economic, social, marketing and institutional aspects of fisheries are adequately researched and that comparable data are generated for ongoing monitoring, analysis and policy formulation." In this respect the present Trust Fund project fits perfectly within the mandate of FAO, what stresses the importance of information provision in the development of the rural sectors The Report of the twenty-third session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Rome, Italy, 15-19 February 1999 the FAO members states in the COFI stated in article 46, the following: "The Committee expressed its satisfaction at the work of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade and the important role played by FAO in the field of fish marketing information, especially through the FISH INFO network, i.e., the network comprising the regional fish market information services: INFOFISH (Asia and Pacific Islands), INFOPECHE (Africa), INFOPESCA (Latin America and Caribbean), INFOSAMAK (Arab countries), INFOYU (China), EASTFISH (Central and Eastern Europe) and the global FAO network, GLOBEFISH" FAO is, with its GLOBEFISH network, in a good position to provide technical support, since it has been assisting Governments in a large number of countries in the development of their fishery products marketing potentials. The marketing reports of FAO and GLOBEFISH are widely recognized as of good quality and demonstrate efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of marketing research studies. Therefore, FAO is undisputedly capable of carrying out a qualitatively high standard fishery product marketing study in XXX. B.7. Special considerations The project aims at improving the income and livelihoods of people working in the fisheries sector. The findings of the research should therefore address all marketing related needs, opportunities and constraints of the actors in the fishery products chain, so they could benefit most from the information obtained and disseminated. Gender roles will be mainstreamed through the project formulation, the involvement in the preparation, execution and participation in the interviews and questionnaires. In this respect, the latter should reflect the current situation in the fishery sector marketing chain. The achievement of food security and the alleviation of the existing poverty among especially fisherfolk, fish farmers and middle persons; highly depending for their livelihoods on the marketing of their products will be kept in mind during all activities of the project. In addition, the project will use a pro-poor approach and focus in all its activities. Operational support from and coordination with the government, NGOs, local institutions and other projects will be promoted wherever possible, also in the view of a possible repetition of the marketing research after a few years and the organization of follow-up activities. Institutions participating in this project (e.g. university students who carry out the interviews, project staff and donors) are allowed to use the data obtained for their own purposes. However, FAO will not bear any responsibility for the quality, outcomes and consequences of the analyses carried out by these institutions. B.8. Coordination arrangements As this project is a joint initiative of the donor and FAO all will have a direct role in the projects formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Projects under the donor scheme and those operated by FAO (TCP, TELEFOOD, SPFS) will all coordinate wherever possible with this project. The project will establish links with various institutions (e.g. universities and research institutes) to contribute to the implementation of the project. Indirect links will be established with the departments related to fisheries and national research institutes in the field of fisheries and aquaculture in order to facilitate the project execution in the field (e.g. permission to interview) and exchange information on the fishery product marketing at local and provincial level. As one of the target groups of the project, the actors in the fishery products marketing channel will participate by providing useful information via the project to the Ministry of Fisheries, other projects and colleagues within the sector. Moreover, the project will establish information exchange links with national and international organizations, projects and institutions in order to learn from each others experiences and contribute to the knowledge on fishery products marketing available in XXX.
C. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE To improve the livelihoods of the people working in the fisheries sector by the collection and analyses of fishery products marketing information and the dissemination of the obtained information to all stakeholders in the sector, all with particular emphasis on the support of the decision making processes in the Ministry of Fisheries, the sustainable development of the sector, gender roles, the achievement of food security and the alleviation of poverty.
D. IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVES, OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES D.1. Immediate objective one To fill the current gap in information on the marketing of fishery products in XXX in order to support the Ministry of Fisheries, institutions active in the sector and donors active in the sector to address the needs of the fisheries sector better and support the decision-making processes in the sector Output 1: Increased understanding of Fishery Products Marketing. The Ministry of Fisheries (research institutes under the Ministry of Fisheries and donors) understanding of the current fishery products marketing situation in XXX will have increased significantly which will allow the decision makers to address the marketing related needs, opportunities and constraints better and boost in this way the sustainable development of the sector. All relevant aspects related to the marketing of fishery products in XXX, including the marketing mix and its 5Ps (Price, Product, Promotion, Place and Personnel) will be investigated within this marketing research. Major attention will be given to the current market structure and performance. Some general marketing issues, which will be investigated and covered by the general report, are the following:
In addition, specific questions to be answered with respect to the consumption of fishery products in XXX and to be included in the general report are the following:
Activities required for Output 1:
D.2. Immediate objective two Provide access to clear market information to the actors in the fishery products-marketing channel (e.g. fisherfolk, middle persons, processors, market traders and retailers) on the functions of the various actors in the channel, prices and consumer demands in the domestic market and the market structure.
Output 2: Market information provision to actors in the fishery product chain. Clear market information will have been provided to actors in the fishery products marketing channel (e.g. fisherfolk, middle persons, processors, market traders and retailers) on the functions of the various actors in the channel, prices and consumer demands in the domestic market and the market structure, which will allow them to become more efficient, competitive and customer focused and to increase their livelihoods. This output will be based on the data collected and analyzed under output 1, and aims to distribute efficiently the collected information on marketing, including simple recommendations for improvements of certain practices to the actors in the fishery products marketing chain. Activities required for Output 2:
D.3. Immediate objective three To contribute to the existing knowledge on how to feed the growing population in XXX Cities efficiently, with respect to the provision of fishery products and the main cities in XXX.
Output 3: Feeding XXX Cities A . contribution will have been made to the world-wide "Feeding the Cities" study that aims to provide practical information to those who concern with planning, development and administration of urban fish marketing operations and its supporting infrastructure. This output will be based on the activities required for the establishment of the database under output 1, and will build further on the general report on fishery products marketing in XXX. Some specific questions which will be answered, with respect to the marketing of fish in the cities, under output 3 are the following:
Activities required for Output 3:
D.4. Immediate objective four To develop a (draft) model, including practical guidelines, that will assist the actors in the fishery products marketing chain, by focusing on vertical cooperation, to become more competitive on the world- and domestic market and improve the individual as well as chain performance to satisfy better the consumer demands. Output 4: Vertical chain cooperation The fishery products marketing chain will have been assessed in terms of opportunities for vertical chain cooperation, and a (draft) model to improve this cooperation based on the specific characteristics of the market will have been developed, to support XXX in entering the era of fishery products supply chain competition. Marketing issues to be investigated in relation to the chain structure and performance under output 4 are the following:
The activities under output 4 will be based on the information collected under output 1 and build further on this information in the field of marketing chain analyses. Activities are required for output 4:
D.5. Immediate objective five To contribute to the existing knowledge on how fishery products marketing (including processing) is being financed at present and on how marketing related financial flows and transactions take place and could be further developed in XXX. Output 5: Financial services development A contribution will have been made to the understanding and knowledge available in the . region, and especially in .., on the role of finance in fishery product marketing and processing. The impact of short- and long-term financial services on marketing, the size and route of financial flows and transactions, and the requirements for credit, savings and insurance with respect to the marketing functions will have been analyzed and an extensive report will have been prepared. The report will include practical recommendations for financial services provision and access improvement to these services in the marketing of fishery products development in XXX. As any analyses of marketing systems without considering finance or credit would be incomplete, and the role of credit extends beyond mere marketing operations. Therefore, in marketing and credit there exists a very close link between finance and physical distribution where both are connected but the flows are inversely directed. This output will be based on the activities required for the establishment of the database under output 1, and will build further on the general report on fishery products marketing in XXX. Activities required for Output 5:
D.6. Immediate objective six To enable the Ministry of Fisheries to forecast, under different assumptions, the future consumption and consumption patterns of fishery products given different growth rate projections for XXX. Output 6. A fishery products consumption forecasting model A simple economic forecasting model to predict future consumption and consumption patterns of fishery products in XXX. This output will be based on the activities required for the establishment of the database under output 1 and will relate the collected data (e.g. income of consumers, total household expenditures on food, education level, fishery products price levels, consumption preferences) from the surveys with national economic data (e.g. economic growth rates, GDP, population growth rates, urban and rural migration rates, employment rates, export market access and export market fishery products demands) to produce a model that aims, based on existing trends, to forecast relatively simple the future demand for fishery products in XXX. Activities are required for output 6:
D.7. Immediate objective seven To strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Fisheries to disseminate the available findings of this project to others interested and identify the needs for possible follow-up activities in the field of fishery products marketing in XXX. By dissemination of the marketing knowledge gained it would be more likely to attract the interest of investors, donors and government agencies for activities in the field of marketing in support of the sustainable development of the fisheries sector in XXX. Output 7: Capacity strengthening and dissemination of findings. The findings of this project will have been disseminated at its finalization, at least at provincial-, national- and regional level, and issues for follow up activities (for the government, investors and donors) in the field of the marketing of fishery products will have been identified. In addition, the Institution of the Ministry of Fisheries will be competent in fishery products marketing data analyses and able to efficiently and timely respond to any request in this field from national and provincial institutions. Activities required for output 7:
E. INPUTS E.1 Government Inputs The following staff will be appointed:
In addition, Ministry of Fisheries will provide 5 FI staff members the possibility to receive training in data analyses and responding to requests for data of various institutions and time to carry out their additional functions in relation to this project. General Operating Expenses Ministry of Fisheries will cover the costs of telephone calls, office facilities, utilities and materials used for this project by the NPD and FI staff. In addition, Ministry of Fisheries will cover any travel costs of the NPD related to the project. Equipment and Premises Ministry of Fisheries will make available an office for the NPD on the compound of Ministry of Fisheries, including basic office furniture, and will provide space for a workshops and training. E.2 Donor/FAO Inputs International and national consultants and Technical Support Services International consultant, FAO headquarters experts and national office backstopping and technical support and national consultants will assist the project in the following areas:
National consultant (4 p/m) Management and support staff The project will recruit a National Project Manager (NPM) (12 m/m) to lead the daily project activities, make arrangements with institutions, facilitate the information exchange with other projects, institutions and organizations, do small translation works for the project, work as interpreter for the international and national consultants and support the implementation aspects e.g. field work. The project will reserve an adequate budget for duty travel within .. and costs of monitoring and evaluation missions of the donor, FAO and Ministry of Fisheries staff when necessary. As much as possible such travel will be coordinated in combination with other duties to minimize the project attributed travel costs. Official Duty Travel and Mission Costs The project will reserve an adequate budget for external and internal duty travel and cost for backstopping missions from the FAO national office, headquarters and regional office. As much as possible such travel will be coordinated in combination with other duties in the region to minimize the project attributed travel cost. Contractual services from national and local entities In order to support the realization of output 1, a specialized database/software house will be contracted to construct a practical and effective database. In addition, for large translation jobs (interviews, reports) a professional agency will be contracted and paid per page translated. Universities in the 3 regions will be contracted to carry out the fieldwork and a specialized agency in .. will be used to introduce the data in the database. Publication of leaflets, CD-ROM, and documents will also be carried out under the contractual services. Contracts with institutions and companies will follow the standard format of the FAO Letter of Agreement. Budget will also be reserved for short-term individual services using the FAO service contract modality. This instrument will be applied in relation to specific studies and technical services not covered by expertise from institutional contractual services. General operating expenses Costs of telephone and fax communications (national), mailing, office documentation, public relation gifts/responded incentives, training manuals and report costs will be covered under this budget line. Materials, supplies and equipment Funds are provided for supplies and materials required by all project activities. The only equipment needed is one multimedia personal computer for the NPM. Training In-country training Training of the FIC staff will take place through on the job training by the International consultant in marketing data analyses. Material costs and occasional compensation and fees will be covered under this training budget line. Workshop Two one-day workshops will be organized, jointly by the project and Ministry of Fisheries. One at the beginning of the project, in order to increase the awareness on the projects' activities and facilitate the coordination between Ministry of Fisheries, donor and project staff. A second workshop will be held at the end of the project to disseminate the project results and findings.
G. PRIOR OBLIGATIONS AND PREREQUISITES Prior Obligations None Prerequisites
H. REVIEWS, REPORTING AND EVALUATION Reports Project reporting will take place in conformity with the standard requirements of FAO, the executing agency. Reports to be produced include: 1) an inception report, not more than two months after the start of the project implementation, 2) an overall work plan/ annual report, 3) a progress report after 6 months, 4) a terminal project report not later submitted than two months before the end of the project. All reports will pass through the regular processing channels of FAO, before being forwarded to the Ministry of Fisheries and the Donor. In addition to regular reporting duties, the project management will submit technical reports to the FAO national and regional offices and headquarters for review and distribution to both the Ministry of Fisheries and Donor. In addition to the above the following reporting information will be produced:
Review and evaluation A tri-partite meeting involving the Ministry of Fisheries, the Donor and FAO will be organized after six months and at the end of the project to review still outstanding issues of the project. The discussions during the TPR will be based on Project Performance Evaluation Report (PPER) prepared by the project management prior to the meeting. Responsibility for the preparation of this report lies with the NPD. As the project is a research project that will only run for 12 months the semestral TPR meetings will act as project evaluation meeting.
I. BUDGET See annex 3(a)
References . .
Annex (1a)Terms of Reference for FAO headquarters Technical support services in the field of financial services and credit component of the study of the marketing of fishery products in XXX The support will be provided in close cooperation and liaison with the FAO Representation in , the National Project Director, the National Project Manager and the National Consultant (financial services and marketing). The support will consist of two field missions of two weeks duration each and of backstopping at FAO headquarters. During the first field mission to be undertaken at the beginning of the project, the following tasks will be carried out: 1. Meet with representatives of financial institutions, non-institutional sources of finance, fish marketing and processing enterprises, fisheries administrations, fisheries development projects and knowledgeable individuals to identify the key issues and problems of financing of fish marketing and processing in XXX. 2. Advise national consultant (financial services and marketing) and other concerned project staff in design of survey instruments and methods to study present mechanisms of financing fish marketing and processing in XXX. and related financial flows and on how to identify investment and financing needs/opportunities and appropriate sources of credit. 3. Advise on date processing related to above and on preparation of study report. 4. Preparation of mission report and recommendations. During the second field mission towards the end of the project, the following tasks will be carried out: 1. Participation in final project workshop as resource person in the field of fisheries/fish marketing credit and finance 2. Meetings with representatives of financial institutions, fish marketing and processing enterprises, fisheries administrations and fisheries development projects to promote credit support for financing of fish marketing development in XXX. 3. Assistance in preparation of final technical report on financing of fish marketing and processing in XXX and related investment and credit needs. The backstopping at FAO headquarters will include: 1. Review, editing and finalizing of survey and project reports in the field of financing of fish marketing and processing in XXX. 2. Backstopping of national consultant (financial services and marketing)
Annex (1b)Terms of Reference for International Consultant (fishery products marketing survey and data analysis) The support will be provided in close cooperation and liaison with the FAO Representation in .., the National Project Director, the National Project Manager and the National Consultants in marketing research and data analyses. The support will consist of two field missions of two weeks duration each and of backstopping at FAO headquarters. During the first field mission to be undertaken at the beginning of the project, the following tasks will be carried out:
During the second field mission to be held directly after the data introduction in the database, the following tasks will be carried out:
The International Consultant will also
Annex (1c)Terms of Reference for FAO headquarters Technical Support Services in the field of Economic Modelling The support will be provided in close cooperation and liaison with the FAO Representation in .., the National Project Director, the National Project Manager and the National Consultant in Economic Modelling. The support will consist of two field missions of two weeks duration each and of backstopping at FAO headquarters. During the first field mission to be undertaken at the beginning of the project, the following tasks will be carried out:
During the second field mission towards the end of the project, the following tasks will be carried out:
The backstopping at FAO headquarters will include:
Annex (1d)Terms of Reference for FAO national office in backstopping & technical support to the vertical cooperation component of the study of the marketing of fishery products in XXX. The support will be provided in close cooperation and liaison with the FAO Representative in , the National Project Director, the National Project Manager, FAO Headquarter staff and the National Consultant in vertical chain coordination. The support will consist of 4 months of part-time assistance to the project. Duties will specifically concentrate on the preparation of questionnaires and the drafting of the report vertical chain coordination in the XXX fishery sector. Specific duties will entail:
(Annex 1e)Terms of Reference for national consultants to the various components of the study of the marketing of fishery products in XXX. The Terms of Reference for the national consultants will be developed as soon as the project document has been approved. The national consultants will be active in the following areas:
Annex (2)Equipment list
Annex (3a)Project Budget Project No. TF/ ../ ../ Budget holder: Name: Org:
Annex (3b)Government contribution to the project
The above government contribution will be largely in kind. The total government contribution of in local currency to this project is equivalent to US$ .
Annex (4)