Country:   XXX
Project Title:   Integration of Gender Perspective in the Agrarian Reform Programme
Project Number:   TCP/XXX/....
Starting Date:   July Year 1
Completion Date:   December Year 2
Government agency responsible for project execution:   Agrarian Reform Institute
FAO Contribution:   US$241 000

Signed: .................................

  Signed: ....................................
(on behalf of Government)   Jacques Diouf
(on behalf of FAO)

Date of Signature: .....................

  Date of Signature: ........................



(Brief description of the project expectations and outcomes.)


The agrarian reform programme has played a central role in rendering Country XXX's agriculture more competitive both at international and national level. Major emphasis has been placed on the expansion and commercialization of small-scale agricultural production with a view to diversify the sector, increase employment and alleviate poverty in rural areas. Since the initiation of the XXX agrarian reform in 19--. until today, over ...,000 landless family households were registered in Rural Settlements. However, agrarian reform efforts are still based on the 19..Law... (Art. ), which contains a series of criteria contributing to discrimination against women, such as those related to the role of the head of household, the years of experience in agriculture, the size of family labour, etc.

The lack of data disaggregated by sex makes it difficult to have an accurate estimate of the number of women beneficiaries who have land adjudicated in the Rural Settlements. A rough estimate has been made from the agrarian reform census carried out in 199-, which reveals that women represent less than 15 percent of the beneficiaries. Preliminary studies derived from the agricultural census in 199-. reveal that the number of women who own land is much smaller.

Despite previous initiatives to understand better the specific needs of women within the agrarian reform settlements, the Agrarian Reform Institute (ARI) acknowledges that it suffers from a lack of adequate institutional mechanisms to address this issue. In 19--, ARI organized the "First National Seminar to discuss women's concerns in the Rural Settlements" (March 199-). This event provided the opportunity to assess the constraints women face in the agrarian reform settlements and to identify the gaps for adequate intervention. While a favourable environment was created for the implementation of specific activities in support of rural women, field staff and local institutions are lacking a systematic strategy and instruments to incorporate, in a comprehensive manner, the gender perspective into their programmes and projects.

To understand and assess better specific needs and priorities for human resource development, a workshop on socio-economic and gender analysis was organized jointly by ARI and FAO in September 199-. A wide range of gender-asymmetries in the agrarian reform programmes and projects were identified and discussed by ARI, representatives from agrarian reform settlements, farmers' organizations (... and ...) and NGOs working in the agrarian reform sector. The major constraints identified were:

  • Socio-economic and gender-related inequalities maintained at local level (i.e., in family households, local community, grass-root organizations, etc.) are often reinforced by the lack of awareness of gender issues among the institutions/staffs involved in the development of Rural Settlements. In spite of their importance as farm and off-farm producers and resource managers, women have not been provided with adequate support to access agricultural land, credits and other inputs.
  • Lack of disaggregated information by sex tends to underestimate women's role and contributions in the agrarian reform settlements. The available statistics and institutional data systems, information and communication mechanisms reinforce the lack of social and economic recognition of and support to rural women. The perpetuation of the inexistence of rural women in development policies and programmes disregards at least one half of human resource potential.
  • Legal barriers and inadequate institutional framework ignore women's equal rights to access, use and management of land and other productive resources. There is a lack of institutional capacity to address in an integrated manner the differentiated needs and contributions women and men may have within the agrarian reform process.

    The project will contribute to the human resource development and institutional capacity building aimed at adopting and implementing a strategy for the integration of gender perspective in the agrarian reform programmes in the selected Rural Settlements in the Districts of X/1 and X/2, as pilot areas. The favourable institutional environment in those two areas is given by the presence of technical staff familiar with gender issues, the interest expressed by representatives of the two major farmer organizations in those two areas (... and ...) and the institutional facilities to support project implementation.


    Development Objective
    The assistance will contribute to strengthen ARI's institutional capacity to design and implement gender responsive policies, programmes and projects that reduce or eliminate legislative, administrative, socio-economic and behavioural obstacles to rural women's access to productive resources under the agrarian reform sector.

    Objective 1: To design and implement a gender strategy in two selected Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2, which will serve as a pilot experience to ARI and other institutions in the agrarian reform sector.

    Objective 2: To raise awareness among policy makers, development staff and farmers' organizations involved in the agrarian reform process for the need of more gender-responsive policy, programmes and projects.


    The following will be the expected project outputs:

    1. ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in agrarian reform programmes and projects.
    2. Training and sensitization materials on gender analysis in agriculture/agrarian reform.
    3. Technical report on the review and assessment of the existing legal framework for agrarian reform sector and the implications on women's access to land and productive resources.
    4. Policymakers, planners and technical staff sensitized and trained (at central and field levels), on the main concepts, mechanisms and tools related to the analysis of gender concerns in the context of rural development and in particular in the agrarian reform process in XXX.


    The National Project Coordinator will prepare, in cooperation with the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender, a detailed operational plan for project implementation on the basis of the work plan presented hereunder.

    The activities aimed at human resources development and institutional capacity building will consist of (i) a series of seminars and workshops for the sensitization, consensus building and strategy formulation, and (ii) a series of staff training workshops at ARI Headquarters and in the two selected regions.

    The elaboration of thematic background reports and training support materials for training purposes will be based on field and desk research, documentation reviews, assessment surveys and staff interviews in the capital, X/1 and X/2.

    Activities/outputs described in the Project document will lay grounds for the elaboration of "ARI's Strategy for the Integration of Gender Perspective in Development of Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2".

    A team of national and international experts will carry out activities related to the elaboration of technical materials, seminars and workshops in close collaboration with the National Project Coordinator and ARI's staff members. The FAO/LEGN and SDWW will undertake the technical-backstopping missions according to the work plan and their terms of reference. Consultant's responsibilities, as well as FAO's backstopping missions are defined in the terms of reference (Annex 1).

    The project activities directly related to the outputs mentioned above are the following:

    Output 1: ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in agrarian reform programmes and projects.

    Activity 1.1 Using participatory methods, to analyze the different institutional instruments and strategies used by ARI in programmes and projects under implementation in the selected agrarian reform settlements.

    Activity 1.2 Two-day workshop (2) for field staff in each pilot Rural Settlement in order to (i) identify gender gaps in the different programmes and projects, and (ii) discuss the different instruments, mechanisms and procedures to integrate gender perspective in ARI's development programmes (25 participants).

    Activity 1.3 Design a gender strategy proposal, which includes a conceptual framework, institutional measures and instruments for the integration of gender considerations into the development of agrarian reform settlements for the pilot-areas of X/1 and X/2.

    Output 2: Training and sensitization materials on gender analysis in agriculture/agrarian reform.

    Activity 2.1 Preparation of a technical report on gender issues intended as input to sensitization of technical staff, planners and policy makers at the central level.

    Activity 2.2 Elaboration of a technical report intended as input to the sensitization and consensus building among ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot-Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2.

    Activity 2.3 Preparation of the training support materials on gender analysis in agriculture/agrarian reform, specifically developed and/or adapted in the context of the two agrarian reform settlements selected as pilot areas. The materials to be used in the training activities in X/1 and X/2 are: (i) "Socio-economic and gender analysis and targeting rural women as beneficiaries in development policies and programmes", (ii) "Role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and addressing women in agrarian reform programmes" and (iii) "Gender-disaggregation of statistics and information".

    Activity 2.4 Editing and printing of technical materials produced during project implementation

    Output 3: Technical report on the review and assessment of the existing legal framework for agrarian reform sector and the implications on women's access to land and productive resources.

    Activity 3.1 Review and assess the existing legal framework for agrarian reform sector and the implications on women's access to land and productive resources.

    Activity 3.2 Preparation of technical report on gender-sensitivity of the agrarian reform legislation and institutional support.

    Activity 3.3 Two-day working session (1) with representatives of different ARI departments, farmer's organizations, NGOs and other institutions involved in agrarian reform to i) discuss the legal barriers that contribute to discriminate women's access, use and management of land and other productive resources, and ii) identify proposals for the establishment of gender-responsive mechanisms and instruments in agrarian law (15 participants).

    Output No. 4: Policy-makers, planners and technical staff sensitized and trained (at central and field levels), on the main concepts, mechanisms and tools related to the analysis of gender concerns in the context of rural development and in particular in the agrarian reform process in XXX.

    Activity 4.1 Three-day Workshop (1) at the ARI Headquarters aimed at the sensitization of the technical staff, planners and policy makers on: (i) socio-economic and gender analysis; (ii) role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and promoting the role of women in agriculture and rural development; (iii) legal aspects of gender perspective in agrarian reform and (iv) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information (15 participants).

    Activity 4.2 Two-day seminar (2) aimed at sensitization and consensus building among ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in two pilot-Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 on gender issues and women's role in agriculture and rural development and on legal aspects in agrarian reform from a gender perspective (25 participants).

    Activity 4.3 Two-day workshop (2) aimed at training ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot Rural Settlement in X/1 on: (i) socio-economic and gender analysis in agricultural development and agrarian reform and its application to local conditions; (ii) institutional responsibility and capacity building for balanced addressing of men and women as beneficiaries of programmes and projects; and (iii) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information (20 participants).

    Activity 4.4 Two-day workshop (2) aimed at training ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot Rural Settlement in X/2 on: (i) socio-economic and gender analysis and its application to local conditions; (ii) institutional responsibility and capacity building for balanced addressing of men and women as beneficiaries of programmes and projects and (iii) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information (20 participants).

    The sequence and distribution of the above-listed project activities during eighteen months of the project implementation, as well as the participation of national and international experts for the realization of individual project activities, are shown in the Project Implementation Plan chart presented below. The FAO/LEGN and SDWW backstopping missions related to the implementation of specific project activities are also indicated in the chart.

    FAO/XXX TCP Project Implementation Plan
    - Engagement of National, International and FAO Experts per Project Activities During 18 Project Months -

A: International Expert in Planning and Gender Analysis C: National Expert in Rural Development and Gender W: SDWW Officer
B: TCDC o Retired Expert in Training and Gender D: National Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender Y: LEGN Officer


This TCP Project focuses on strengthening the institutional capacity of ARI and its partners to respond adequately to gender-related social and economic inequalities in the agrarian reform programmes and projects.

The project will design and develop materials required for the sensitization and training of all the stakeholders involved in the process at the central and field levels.


Personnel services

International Expert/Consultant
One International Expert in planning and gender analysis - 3 months in 2 missions (Terms of Reference in Annex 1) (approx. US$15,000/month x 3 m) U$45,000

TCDC Consultants/Experts
One Retired Expert in gender and training - 2.5 months (Terms of reference in Annex 1) (approx. US$10,000/month x 2.5) U$25,000

FAO Technical Services
One mission of a LEGN Officer - 2 weeks (Terms of Reference in Annex 1) and Two missions of a SDWW Officer - Total 4 weeks (Terms of Reference in Annex 1)

National Consultants/Experts (Terms of Reference in Annex 1)
Expert in rural development and gender
Approx. US$3,000/month x 10 months US$30,000
Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender
Approx. US$3,000/month x 3.5 m US$10,500

Official Travel

Internal travel of international consultants, FAO experts and travel costs of national consultants as follows:

  • Expert in rural development and gender: 168 days DSA + local travel
  • Expert in agrarian law and gender 28 days DSA + local travel.

    General Operating Expenses
    Miscellaneous expenses in the field plus the preparation of Terminal Statements.

    Materials and Supplies
    Training support materials/supplies for 12 workshops US$7,200 (600/each x 12).

    Direct Operating Costs
    Miscellaneous expenses at FAO Headquarters related to the implementation of the project.

    12 in country workshops U$2000/each x 12 US$24,000 (approx. average cost).

  • A three-day workshop (1) at the ARI Headquarters aimed at the sensitization of the technical staff, planners and policy makers on topics related with gender perspective, institutional aspects, legal aspects of the agrarian reform and gender-disaggregation of statistics and information (15 participants).

  • Two-day seminars (2) aimed at sensitization and consensus building among ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in two pilot Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 on women's productive role in agriculture and rural development in Rural Settlements and legal aspects in agrarian reform from a gender perspective (25 participants).

  • Two-day workshops (2) aimed at training ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 on socio-economic and gender analysis and its application to local conditions (20 participants).

  • Two-day workshops (2) aimed at training INCRA field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot-Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 on institutional responsibility and capacity building for balanced addressing of men and women as beneficiaries of programmes and projects (20 participants).

  • Two-day workshops (2) aimed at training ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot-Rural Settlement in X/1 and X/2 on gender-disaggregation of statistics and information (20 participants).

  • Two-day workshops (2) with field staff in each pilot Rural Settlement in order to identify gender gaps in the different programmes and to discuss how to integrate gender perspective in ARI's development programmes (25 participants).

  • A two-day working session (1) with representatives of different ARI Departments, farmer's organizations, NGOs and other institutions involved in agrarian reform oriented to identify proposals for the establishment of gender responsive mechanisms and instruments in agrarian law (15 participants).


    Upon completion of each mission, every consultant and FAO staff member will prepare his/her Mission Report containing the main results, conclusions and recommendations.

    SDWW will be responsible for coordinating the preparation and submission of a Terminal Statement according to established procedures.


    The project coordination will be located in ARI Headquarters. ARI will assign a National Project Coordinator at senior level, who will be responsible to guarantee the institutional support for project implementation.

    In addition the Government will provide the services of:
    - one technical staff member from the Directorate for the Rural Settlements;
    - one technical staff member from the District of X/1; and
    - one technical staff member from the District of X/2.

    The Government will make available office space and equipment, as well as logistic support (PTT communications, local transport, etc) necessary for the realization of project activities in the capital and in the two pilot-areas in Districts of X/1 and X/2.

    The Government will assume all editing and printing costs of the materials produced during the project.

    (in US Dollars)

      Country: XXX
      Project Title: Integration of Gender Perspective in the Agrarian Reform Programme
      Project Number: TCP/XXX/....


    International experts and consultants

      45 000


    FAO Advisory Technical Services (ATS)


    12 968


    National experts and consultants


    40 500


    TCDC/TCCT Experts/Consultants


    25 000


    Supervisory Technical Services (STS)

    1910 Standard Supervisory Technical Services

    1920 Supervisory function of lead technical units

    1930 Field visits by Technical Officers

    1950 Thematic evaluations (standard fee)

    35 892







    159 360


    Official travel within the country


    18 000


    General operating expenses (GOE)

      12 440


    Materials and supplies

      7 200


    Direct operating cost

      20 000



      24 000
    TOTAL 241 000


    ANNEX 1


    International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis -Expert A

    Duration: 3 months
    Missions: 2


    Under the technical supervision of the FAO/SDWW and in close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator and the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis will assume the following responsibilities:

    (i) Realize diagnostic surveys, documentation reviews, staff interviews and other research necessary for the elaboration of background papers, reports and other technical materials;
    (ii) Provide advice and support to the National Experts in Rural Development and Gender, in Agrarian Law and Gender; and
    (iii) Conceptualize and draft ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in programmes and projects in the Rural Settlements in the pilot areas of X/1 and X/2.

    In order to accomplish the above-mentioned responsibilities, the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis will carry out two missions. Tasks to accomplished at each mission are outlined below:

    1st Mission - Capital, 5 weeks

    (i) To assist the National Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender in the finalization of the technical report on gender sensitivity of the agrarian reform legislation and institutional support.
    (ii) To provide advice and support to the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender and the National Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender for the organization and implementation of the two-day working session with representatives of different ARI's departments, farmers' organizations, NGOs and other institutions involved in the process to I) discuss the legal barriers that contribute to discriminate against women's access, use and management of land and other productive resources, and ii) discuss the legal mechanisms and instruments required to implement an institutional framework aware of women's needs and rights regarding the access, use and management of land and other productive resources.
    (iii) To participate in the two-day working session.
    (iv) To take part in the evaluation activities
    (v) With the technical support of the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender elaborate a technical report on gender issues (socio-economic and gender analysis; role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and promoting role of women in agriculture and rural development, legal aspects in the agrarian reform from a gender perspective, gender-disaggregation of statistics and information) aimed at the sensitization of technical staff, planners and policymakers.
    (vi) To give guidance and support to the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender and the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender for the preparation and implementation of the three-day workshop at the ARI Headquarters, ..., aimed at the sensitization of technical staff, planners and policy makers on: (I) socio-economic and gender analysis (ii) role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and promoting role of women in agriculture and rural development; (iii) legal aspects in agrarian reform from a gender perspective and (iv) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information (15 participants).
    (vii) To participate in the three-day workshop
    (viii) To conceptualize and coordinate the evaluation of the workshop.

    2nd Mission - X/1 and X/2, 7 weeks

    (i) To analyze in cooperation with the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender the different institutional instruments and strategies used by ARI in the programmes and projects under implementation in the selected agrarian reform settlements.
    (ii) To give guidance and support to the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender for the organization of a two-day workshop for field staff in each of the two pilot Rural Settlements in order (I) to identify gender gaps in the different programs and projects, and (ii) to discuss the different instruments, mechanisms and procedures to be included in ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in rural development programmes. (20-30 participants).
    (iii) To serve as co-facilitator in the above-mentioned workshop.
    (iv) To conceptualize and coordinate the evaluation of the workshop.
    (v) To elaborate a technical document entitled "The ARI Strategy for the Integration of Gender Perspective in Development of Rural Settlements". The document should contain definitions of ARI's policy and strategy orientation, as well as concrete measures and instruments aimed at integrating gender considerations in ARI's policy, programmes and projects.


    Advanced academic background in Social Science or Agricultural Economics, ten years of international experience in policy-oriented research and advice, and a solid experience in:
    (i) gender analysis and policy design;
    (ii) assessment of agricultural and rural development policies, programmes and projects; and
    (iii) human resources and institutional development.

    Demonstrated ability to organize, conduct and/or facilitate seminars and training workshops.
    Languages: English or Spanish.



    Retired Consultant in Training and Gender - Expert B

    Duration: 2.5 months
    Missions: 1


    Under the technical supervision of the FAO/SDWW and in close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator, the National Experts in Rural Development and Gender and in Agrarian Law and Gender, the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender will assume the following main responsibilities:

    (i) Preparation of the training materials in coordination with the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender;
    (ii) Conduct training Workshops in two pilot-areas of X/1 and X/2; and
    (iii) Participate in the evaluation of Workshops and reporting.

    Mission - X/1 and X/2, 10 weeks

    (i) To prepare the training material for field activities in two pilot-areas in coordination with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender and under the guidance of SDWW Staff Member.
    (ii) To conduct two-day training workshops (3) aimed at training ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot Rural Settlement in X/1 on: (I) socio-economic and gender analysis in agricultural development and agrarian reform and its application to local conditions; (ii) institutional responsibility and capacity building for balanced addressing of men and women as beneficiaries of programmes and projects; and (iii) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information.
    (iii) To repeat in X/2 the same kind of training as mentioned above.
    (iv) To take part, with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender, in the evaluation and reporting activities.


    Academic background in Social Sciences or Agricultural Economics and solid international experience in designing, preparing and conducting participatory training in socio-economic and gender analysis in agriculture and rural development.

    Languages: English or Spanish.


    National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender -Expert C

    Duration: 10 months


    Under the technical supervision of the FAO/SDWW and in close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator, the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis, the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender and the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender, the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender will assume the responsibilities of the Lead Expert and will:

    (i) Supervise and ensure technical consistency and promote synergy between the project activities/outputs in the context of the project objectives;
    (ii) Co-participate in the realization of surveys, reviews, interviews and other activities leading to the elaboration of background papers, training support materials; and
    (iii) Conceptualize, coordinate technical preparation and participate in the working sessions (in cooperation with the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis and the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender) in the capital, as well as in the workshops in the two pilot-areas in X/1 and X/2 (with the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis and the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender).

    In order to accomplish the above-mentioned responsibilities, the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender will work at the Duty Station (ARI Headquarters) and will travel on two missions to X/1 and X/2. The specific tasks are outlined below.

    Duty Station Capital: 16 weeks

    (i) To collaborate with the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender in the revision and assessment of the existing legal framework for agrarian reform sector and the implications on women's access to land and productive resources.
    (ii) To give technical support to the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender in the preparation of a technical report on gender-sensitivity of the agrarian reform legislation and institutional support.
    (iii) To prepare and carry out in cooperation with the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender, under the guidance and the support of the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis, the two-day working session with representatives of different ARI's Departments, farmers' organizations, NGOs and other institutions involved in agrarian reform to I) discuss the legal barriers that contribute to discriminate women's access, use and management of land and other productive resources, and ii) identify proposals for the establishment of gender-responsive mechanisms and instruments in agrarian law.
    (iv) To take part in the evaluation activities of the working session
    (v) To prepare with the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender the report from the working session
    (vi) To provide technical support and collaborate with the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis in the preparation of a technical report on gender issues (socio-economic and gender analysis; role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and promoting role of women in agriculture and rural development, legal aspects in agrarian reform from a gender perspective, gender-disaggregation of statistics and information) intended as input to sensitization of technical staff, planners and policy makers.
    (vii) To prepare and carry out with the collaboration of the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender and under the guidance and support of the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis a three-day workshop at the ARI Headquarters aimed at the sensitization of the technical staff, planners and policy-makers on: (I) socio-economic and gender analysis; (ii) role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and promoting role of women in agriculture and rural development; (iii) legal aspects in the agrarian reform from a gender perspective; (iv) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information.
    (viii) To take part in the evaluation activities (with the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis and National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender).
    (ix) To prepare the Report on the Workshop.
    (x) Selecting, adapting, re-drafting and final editing of all the support material.
    (xi) Selecting, adapting and technical revision of the technical material produced during the project implementation.

    Field Missions - 1st Field Mission X/1 and X/2, 16 weeks

    (i) To carry out field surveys, interviews, desk-research and other activities in the pilot-areas and elaborate a technical report as input to the sensitization and consensus building process among the ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2. The main topics of the paper will be gender issues and women's productive role in agriculture and rural development in Rural Settlements and legal aspects in the agrarian reform from a gender perspective. The National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender will collaborate in this activity.
    (ii) To prepare and conduct a two-day seminar (with the collaboration of the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender) aimed at sensitization and consensus building among ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in two pilot Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 on gender issues and women's productive role in agriculture and rural development in Rural Settlements and legal aspects in the agrarian reform from a gender perspective.
    (iii) To prepare the evaluation and Report on the Seminar
    (iv) To assist the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender in the preparation of the training material for the two pilot Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2.
    (v) To collaborate with the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender in the preparation and implementation of the two-day workshops (3) aimed at training ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the pilot Rural Settlements in X/1 on: (I) socio-economic and gender analysis in agricultural development and agrarian reform and its application to local conditions; (ii) institutional responsibility and capacity building for balanced addressing of men and women as beneficiaries of programmes and projects; and (iii) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information.
    (vi) To repeat in X/2 the same workshops as mentioned above.
    (vii) To take part, with the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender, in the field training evaluation and reporting activities.

    2nd Field Mission, X/1 and X/2 8 weeks

    (viii) To cooperate with the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis in the analysis of the different institutional instruments and strategies used by ARI in the programmes and projects under implementation in the selected agrarian reform settlements.
    (ix) To organize and implement, under the guidance and support of the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis, a two-day workshop for field staff in each of the two pilot Rural Settlements in order (I) to identify gender gaps in the different programmes and projects, and (ii) to discuss the different instruments, mechanisms and procedures to be included in ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in rural development programmes.
    (x) To participate in the evaluation activities of the workshop.
    (xi) To prepare the Report on the workshop.
    (xii) To provide technical support in the elaboration of ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in rural development programmes in the pilot-areas.


    Advanced academic background in Social Science or Agricultural Economics and ten years of experience in the coordination of rural development programmes and projects, with solid experience in (I) promoting gender equality and providing support to rural women, (ii) participatory training, and (iii) drafting of technical background and training support materials.

    Languages: English or Spanish.



    National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender -Expert D

    Duration: 3.5 months
    Duty Station: Capital, X/1 and X/2.


    Under the technical supervision of the Development Law Service of the FAO Legal Office (LEGN) and in close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator, the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender and the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis, the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender will carry out the following duties:

    Capital - 10 weeks

    (i) Review FAO's technical documents and other international literature on legal aspects of gender in agriculture and rural development;
    (ii) Collect, study and analyze the existing -and draft- legislation and the relevant institutional framework related to Agrarian Reform and Colonization and assess their sensitivity to gender equality and responsiveness to gender issues;
    (iii) Prepare a technical report on gender-sensitivity of the agrarian reform legislation and institutional framework. The paper will consist of three main parts: first, a brief overview of the problematic of agrarian law and gender in the world, FAO's experience, and the international obligations of governments; second, a diagnosis of the responsiveness of the XXX legislation to gender-related inequalities and, in particular, to those affecting rural women's social and economic situation; third, proposals for the amendment of existing legislation or for its derogation and adoption of new legislation, as necessary, in order to ensure equality of men and women, as well as proposals for the ways and means to implement such changes.
    (iv) Prepare and carry out in cooperation with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender, under the guidance and support of the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis, a two-day Working Session oriented to I) discuss the legal barriers that contribute to discriminate women's access, use and management of land and other productive resources; and ii) discuss the legal mechanisms and instruments required to implement an institutional framework aware of women's' needs and rights regarding access, use and management of land and other productive resources.
    (v) Participate in the evaluation activities of the Working Session.
    (vi) Prepare with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender the report on the working session.
    (vii) Cooperate with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender, under the guidance and support of the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis, in the organization and implementation of a three-day Workshop at the ARI Headquarters, ...., aimed at the sensitization of the technical staff, planners and policy makers on: (i) socio-economic and gender analysis; (ii) role of institutions in integrating gender perspective and promoting role of women in agriculture and rural development; (iii) legal aspects of gender perspective in agrarian reform; and (iv) gender-disaggregation of statistics and information.
    (viii) Take part in the evaluation activities of the Workshop.

    Field Mission - (X/1 and X/2) - 4 weeks

    (i) Collaborate with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender in the preparation of a technical report as input to the sensitization and consensus building process among the ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2. The main topics of the paper will be gender issues and women's productive role in agriculture and rural development in Rural Settlements and legal aspects in agrarian reform from a gender perspective.
    (ii) Collaborate with the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender in the preparation and implementation of a two-day Seminar aimed at the sensitization and consensus building among ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in two pilot-Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 on gender issues and women's productive role in agriculture and rural development in Rural Settlements and legal aspects in the agrarian reform from a gender perspective.
    (iii) Take part in the evaluation activities of the Seminar.


    Advanced academic background in Law and eight years of experience in the agrarian sector. Solid experience in gender-related social and legislative analysis, policy design or programming of agriculture and rural development.

    Languages: English or Spanish.



    LEGN Advisory Technical Services Mission - LEGN Staff Member

    1 Mission to capital: 2 weeks

    The LEGN Staff Member will assist the government and provide guidance, advice and support to the National Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender as follows:

    (i) Assist the National Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender in the study and analysis of the existing -and draft- legislation and the relevant institutional framework related to the Agrarian Reform and Colonization and assess their sensitivity to gender equality and responsiveness to gender issues.
    (ii) Provide guidance to the National Expert in Agrarian Law and Gender in the elaboration of the technical background paper on gender-sensitivity in national legislation on the agrarian reform sector.
    (iii) Participate in the two-day working session oriented to i) discuss the legal barriers that contribute to discriminate women's access, use and management of land and other productive resources; and ii) discuss the legal mechanisms and instruments required to implement an institutional framework aware of women's' needs and rights regarding access, use and management of land and other productive resources.
    (iv) Participate in the evaluation activities of the two-day Working Session
    (v) Assist the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender in the formulation of proposals for the amendment of existing legislation or its derogation and adoption of new legislation, as necessary.
    (vi) Assist ARI in the definition of strategic lines of action for the establishment of the necessary legal and institutional mechanisms.
    (vii) Submit a mission report including the activities undertaken, the conclusions and recommendations of the mission.



    SDWW-FAO, Advisory Technical Services Mission - SDWW, Staff Member

    Duration: 4 weeks
    Missions: 2

    Purpose of the Advisory Technical Service

    1st Mission: X/1 and X/2, 2 weeks

    The SDWW Staff Member will assist the government and provide guidance, advice and assistance to the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender, the TCDC Consultant in training and Gender and the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender as follows:

    (i) Review and comment on the technical document concerning the sensitization and consensus building process among the ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in the Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2 elaborated by the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender and the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender.
    (ii) Provide technical assistance and guidance to the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender and the National Consultant in Agrarian Law and Gender in the final preparations and the implementation of two-day seminars (2) aimed at sensitization and consensus building among ARI field staff, NGOs and farmers' organizations in two pilot-Rural Settlements in X/1 and X/2araná on gender issues and women's productive role in agriculture and rural development in "Rural Settlements" and legal aspects in agrarian reform from a gender perspective.
    (iii) Participate in these seminars (25 participants).
    (iv) Participate in the evaluation activities of the seminars.
    (v) Provide technical advice and assistance to the TCDC Consultant in Training and Gender and the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender on the conceptualization and programming of the training workshops in the pilot-areas of X/1 and X/2.
    (vi) Elaborate a document which summarizes the main guidelines for the implementation of the training workshops in the pilot-areas of X/1 and X/2.

    2nd Mission: Capital, 2 weeks

    The SDWW Staff Member will provide guidance, advice and support to the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis and the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender as follows:

    (i) Give technical guidance to the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis and the National Expert in Rural Development and Gender for the analysis of the different institutional instruments and strategies used by ARI in the programmes and projects under implementation in the selected agrarian reform settlements.
    (ii) Assist the International Consultant in Planning and Gender Analysis and the National Consultant in Rural Development and Gender with the final preparations and in the implementation of two-day workshops (2) for field staff in the pilot Rural Settlements, in order (i) to identify gender gaps in the different programmes and projects, and (ii) to discuss the different instruments, mechanisms and procedures to be included in ARI's strategy for the integration of gender perspective in rural development programmes.
    (iii) Participate in the evaluation activities of the two-day workshops.
    (iv) Provide technical support for the elaboration of "ARI's Strategy", a technical document that defines policy orientation, measures and instruments for the integration of gender perspective in programmes and projects aimed at the development of Rural Settlements in two pilot-areas.
    (v) Elaborate a document which summarizes the main aspects that have to be considered in the "ARI's Strategy".