Water Management Specialist

Duration: One mission of two weeks is foreseen for FAO technical staff from ......... (name of FAO Regional Office) or FAO Headquarters to provide specific technical inputs in irrigation development and water management.

Timing of mission: Upon approval of the project and fielding the TCDC consultant, and national consultants.

Job Description:

The mission will be carried out in consultation with the FAO Representative in ....... and in close cooperation with the National Programme Coordinator (NPC). It is recommended that the FAO ATS mission would take place only after the national consultant and the TCDC consultant are recruited. The officer will carry out the following tasks:

  • visits to the pilot sites; together with the project team to review the technologies proposed in pilot sites; advise on implementation and demonstration of the technologies and the training programme to be carried out for field staff;
  • review project implementation plan, and initiate corrective measures if required; prepare recommendations on the further improvement of the technologies introduced and propose relevant new technologies with detailed procedures for their introduction;
  • prepare recommendations on demonstrations to be carried out in the farmer's field; advise on relevant data to be collected; advice on monitoring and evaluation and define indicators to assess the irrigation performance and functioning of the farmers' organizations;
  • assist in the preparations of the technical staff training and presentations;
  • participate in the first technical staff training and workshops;
  • advise on crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling;
  • advise on the curriculum and material to be prepared for a Farmers' Field School and introduce relevant sections on water management;
  • in discussions with resource persons and when visiting relevant development projects, advise on areas of cooperation with other development programmes;
  • advise on terms of reference and work plan for TCDC and the national consultants;
  • prepare a technical mission report on the above.


Suitably qualified FAO staff member(s).