Water Management/Irrigation and Training Specialist

Duration: ..... months on a "when actually employed" basis over the project duration

Job Description:

Under the supervision of the National Programme Coordinator (NPC) and in close cooperation with other national consultants and TCDC consultants, the Water Management/Irrigation and Training Specialist will carry out the following tasks:

  • undertake field visits with the TCDC consultant, and recommend various minor irrigation technologies to be demonstrated at the farmers demonstration sites;
  • assist in preparing a detailed programme of work for the project;
  • act as the resource persons at the workshops and technical staff and farmers training sessions;
  • start the implementation of the programme by carrying out relevant surveys: topography, soils, and the groundwater;
  • establish a detailed technical design of the demonstration sites;
  • assist in the procurement of equipment, inputs, and supplies; assist in preparing specifications and analyzing offers for the supply and construction of low-cost drip and sprinkler systems, water tanks, and petrol and treadle pumps;
  • together with the TCDC consultant, evaluate the use and operation of the various pump types, and the methods of well construction; prepare recommendations on improving operation and maintenance of the pump sets and well;
  • assist field staff in the design and planning of simple low-cost drip and sprinkler irrigation;
  • prepare relevant guidelines for field staff, training materials and instruction leaflet; and assist in the development and implementation of training programme for field staff;
  • carry out training in micro-irrigation technologies and on-farm water management;
  • supervise the construction activities of shallow dug wells, installation of pumps and drip and sprinkler systems.


A degree in irrigation engineering, at least an MSc, and 10 years field experience. He/she will be an experienced and qualified water management training specialist with adequate experience in irrigation technology, on-farm management, training and institutional arrangements for irrigated agriculture.