Livestock Marketing Specialist

Duration: ..... months (...... mission)

Job Description:

Under the technical and operational supervision of the FAO technical division, the consultant will, in collaboration with the National Programme Coordinator (NPC) and the technical staff from the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), assist in the development of a marketing system for smallholder livestock, as part of implementation of the livestock aspects of the farming system diversification component of the SPFS. In particular he/she will:

  • review and analyse the current marketing system for livestock and livestock products from the small-scale sector, focusing on the constraints they face and the opportunities open to them;
  • evaluate the options for marketing poultry, goats, sheep and pigs from the smallholders;
  • in collaboration with relevant departments of MOA and other relevant ministries, assist the NPC in developing a strategy for marketing of livestock products from the smallholder, especially in the light of stiff competition from cheap imports and locally-based large-scale commercial producers;
  • recommend the economically viable marketing options open to small livestock producers, particularly during the Extension of Phase I and Phase II of the SPFS when, with replicability of activities nationwide, the local production of livestock products from the smallholder is expected to increase significantly;
  • prepare a mission report of the findings and recommendations; and
  • undertake other related duties as required by FAO.


A first degree in agriculture with a postgraduate degree in agricultural economics or marketing and 10 years of experience in rural livestock development, production and marketing. Prior international/regional experience would be an added advantage.