Poultry Specialist

Duration: ... months in ... mission(s)

Job Description:

Under the technical and operational supervision of the respective FAO technical division, the consultant will, in collaboration with the National Programme Coordinator (NPC) and the technical staff from the Ministry of Agriculture, assist in the development and implementation of poultry activities in the Diversification Component. In particular, he/she will:

First Mission:

  • Provide technical leadership in the development and coordination of the programme of improved household poultry interventions as part of the Diversification Component;
  • prepare detailed specifications for the proposed technical interventions including: the required inputs (e.g. vaccines, housing design, feed recommendations etc), expected outputs and benefits;
  • prepare a seasonal (monthly) programme of activities with supporting training and extension materials;
  • assess training requirements of the farmers, Ministry staff and NGO staff and prepare a training schedule for Phase I;
  • assist in the preparation of training curriculum and undertake a training course with the emphasis on training of trainers;
  • monitor and evaluate the progress of the activities and provide detailed mission reports to FAO with findings, conclusions and recommendations; and
  • undertake any other related duties as required by FAO.

Second Mission:

  • Review progress of the poultry-related activities during monitoring visits to the field and, in cooperation with national consultants, assess constraints and advise field staff on the various aspects of the improved household poultry;
  • organize and conduct training sessions for field staff to evaluate progress and constraints and enhance knowledge and skills of the technical and extension staff on specific aspects and techniques;
  • assist in the preparation for the Extension of Phase I and Phase II as required;
  • prepare a mission report concluding results of one production season and prepare recommendations for the implementation of the second season; and
  • undertake other related duties as required by FAO.


A first degree in animal production with a postgraduate degree in poultry science and 10 years of experience in rural poultry development and disease control. Prior international/regional experience would be an added advantage.