
Duration: ......... months on a "when actually employed" basis over the project duration.

Job Description:

Under the supervision of the National Programme Coordinator (NPC), and in close cooperation with national consultants and TCDC consultants, the Socio-Economist will carry out the following tasks:

  • assess the needs of farming communities, and determine if the proposed low-cost minor irrigation systems and crop husbandry are likely economically viable and socially acceptable;
  • develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation system, and carry out an impact assessment study of the project;
  • carry out a detailed costs analysis associated with investment and operation of minor irrigation component;
  • assess if the additional investment and recurrent costs associated with the new technologies are likely to be acceptable to farmers; investigate the means for financing. Based on the findings, make recommendations on cost recovery mechanisms for the pilot phase and make proposals for the subsequent Extension of Phase I;
  • assist in the preparation of the work plan in order to achieve of the objectives set by the project;
  • assess the impacts of various interventions and technologies on farm income in both "project" and "non-project" plots;
  • review various training programmes and suggest modification/improvements if needed; ensure that the socio-economic issues, especially gender concerns, are adequately addressed in the training programme; special focus be given to improve the skill of extension agents in socio-economic analysis of agriculture production systems;
  • assist the site team to develop a sound mechanism for establishing linkage with other service institutions;
  • advise on improving marketing systems for new crops to be developed by the project;
  • prepare report on the above activities.


Agro-economist, agronomist or socio-economist with a Master's degree, 10 years experience in programme and project planning, participatory methods, institutional management, policy-making process.