"Diversification of Production Systems Component"


Present a brief summary of the diversification component/sub-component project as part of the FAO Special Programme for Food Security in the country.

Data Needs:

  • Main features of the component with emphasis on farm households' income and food security.

Data Sources:

  • Individual sections of the project report
  • National Programme Document


Provide a brief summary of the importance of a) the main domestic livestock species; b) aquaculture and artisanal fisheries; and c) agroforestry in the project area(s); why they are kept and the production systems under which they are managed. Emphasis should be given to the potential for improving production (both the direct and indirect benefits), especially as it relates to increasing income generation, and the constraints that currently limit the exploitation of the potential. For example, particular diseases or health problems, poor management, inadequate nutrition, limited access to inputs (breeding stock, fingerlings, water, tree seedlings, drugs, and feed supplements etc.), erratic markets etc. The final part should give a short summary of how the Special Programme for Food Security will attempt to overcome these constraints.

Data Needs:

  • Range of commodities produced under current production system.
  • Degree of diversification within current production system/crops/livestock/fisheries
  • Estimates on fluctuations of income levels during the year
  • Indicators of adverse impact on environment of production systems practised.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Research./Extension Service


State briefly how the component/sub-component will contribute to income generation in support of (household) food security in the country.

Data Needs:

  • Composition of farm household income: farm/off-farm.
  • Share of crops, livestock, fisheries in farm income.
  • Main food items consumed.
  • Degree of income fluctuations.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Extension/Marketing Service/Livestock Department, Fisheries Department
  • Farmers' Groups


Describe the approach that will be adopted to achieve the objectives and include elements such as:

- reasons for the selection of specific activities under the component/sub-component, including interest of participating farmers;
- the design of participatory demonstrations of viable technological interventions for farmers adoption; how do the chosen interventions integrate with each other and with the prevailing farming systems;
- who will be the main beneficiaries and how will they be targeted;
- the extension approach to be adopted: master farmers, producer groups, Farmers' Field Schools, etc.;
- other relevant government or donor supported activities; and
- duration of the project and brief explanation as to why;
- social acceptability of demonstrated technologies by farmers' households, including women.

Data Needs:

  • Major characteristics of existing production system.
  • Main aspects of current extension approach.
  • Relevant programmes/projects on-going.
  • Crops, animal products, fish offering scope for increasing farm income.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Research/Extension/Marketing Service


Describe the selected areas for demonstrations, and briefly explain the criteria for selecting these areas, e.g., high potential, importance in national food supplies; replicability; availability of suitable technologies for demonstration; interest of the farming community and willingness to participate. Describe procedures followed in selecting demonstration areas, underlining participation of concerned partners, especially farmers and their communities; and briefly indicate the relationship to the expansion areas.

Data Needs:

  • Location and relevant characteristics of demonstration areas.
  • Indicators of scope for diversification (e.g. sufficient water for aquaculture).
  • Indicators of endowment with rural infrastructure.
  • Share of farmers willing to participate.
  • Scope for large-scale replication.

Data Sources

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Extension/Marketing Service
  • Farmers' Groups


Classify key activities into: production-related activities, i.e. activities directly related to participatory demonstrations of technological interventions to enhance productivity and enhance diversification of production systems; and activities for strengthening the enabling mechanism, i.e. activities related to the Programme's focus on farmer training, extension, stakeholders' participation, etc.

Data Needs:

  • List of production-related activities.
  • List of capacity building activities.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Extension/Marketing Service/Fisheries Department
  • Farmers' Groups


Indicate the major outputs expected from the Phase I activities, e.g., increased productivity and production by component/sub-component; improved farmers income; diversification into tree crops, fish and small animal production; enhanced training and extension, etc.

Data Needs:

  • Incremental income generated from diversification.
  • Main sources of increased income.
  • Number of farmers introducing aquaculture, artisanal fisheries development, small animals (poultry, sheep, goats, pigs) and tree crops.
  • Number of farmers inter-cropping trees and field crops.
  • Number of farmers trained in the use of crop residues for animal feed.
  • Type of low-cost methods of animal disease control introduced.
  • Number of farmers involved in post-production activities.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Extension/Marketing Service
  • Farmers' Groups
  • National Coordinator/Team Leader


Provide a summary of the main inputs to support the component. These would include the project's cost estimates; the Government's contribution; FAO and other donors' contributions.
The budget sheets provide details for each budget level.

Data Needs:

  • Number, type and cost of each input.
  • Government contribution in terms of cash, staff time, facilities, vehicles.
  • Quantification of FAO/donor contribution.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • FAO
  • UNDP
  • Local suppliers


Prepare an overall work plan for the entire project period, using a chronological diagram (bar chart) as shown in the example. The work plan will include the objectives, activities, outputs, resources required and persons/entities responsible for project implementation. Once the project is operational, annual work plans along the same lines will be prepared every year.

Data Needs:
Estimate of logical sequence of the major project activities and input needs.
Time allocated per activity and for the project.

Data Sources:
Ministry of Agriculture/Extension Service
National Coordinator/Team Leader
Farmers' Groups


Prepare a budget for the project's entire duration.

Data Needs:

  • Numerical details on FAO contribution in US$ by budget line.

Data Sources:

  • National Coordinator/Team Leader
  • FAO
  • UNDP
  • Equipment suppliers


Show that the proposed technological interventions to be demonstrated to farmers are financially viable. This will ensure the farmers' adoption and replicability of the technologies. This can initially be done by comparing Gross Margins "with" and "without" the project. To assess the risk to the producer, the same calculation should be undertaken for the "with" analysis but with increasing the major costs (say by 10-15%) and decreasing the value of the outputs (sales or consumption).

Data Needs:

  • Quantitative indicators to show financial viability of proposed interventions.
  • Analysis that shows sensitivity of results to adverse changes in parameters.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Research/Extension


Describe managerial arrangements including:

- Who will be responsible for the implementation of the component/sub-component at the village, district, regional, national levels within the institutional structure set-up for the entire SPFS programme in the country; and
- Possible involvement of NGOs, private sector or bilateral agencies, etc.

Data Needs:

  • Institutional responsibility by component/sub-component at village, district, regional and national level.
  • Responsibilities for managing the individual activities.

Data Sources:

  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • National Coordinator/Team Leader


Describe reporting obligations of the management team and FAO as outlined in SPFS/Doc/24/ Annex 3.

Reporting to the Government and FAO is the responsibility of the National Programme Coordinator. The basic reports required are:

a. Six-monthly progress reports containing:

i) actual implementation of activities compared to that planned;
ii) provision of planned inputs;
iii) identification of problems and constraints (technical, human, financial etc.) in implementation and recommendations for corrective measures; and
iv) detailed work plan for the following reporting period.

b. Technical Reports that arise from consultant studies, will be issued as foreseen "outputs".
c. Terminal Report. Towards the end of Phase I, a draft terminal report will be prepared by the project management and sent to FAO for finalization and submission to the Government and the donor, if any.

Data Needs:

  • Operation-related data/information by sub-component and major activity.
  • Results of demonstrations.
  • Impact on participating farmers.
  • Impact on local food supply.
  • Indicators of success.

Data Sources

  • Project records
  • Project staff
  • Ministry of Agriculture/Extension/Marketing Service
  • Participatory Rural Appraisal


Reviews and evaluation may include, but not be restricted to mid-term review and final evaluation. The project document should include, as appropriate, criteria and indicators that will be used to measure the progress of the SPFS project towards achieving its objectives and planned outputs.


Include a number of annexes to provide more details on certain aspects of the project. The following are some examples:
- Equipment: Expendable and Non-expendable
- Training, Seminars and Extension Programme
- TORs for Consultants

Maps showing the agro-ecological zones and the selected pilot areas in the country should be provided.

Data Needs:

  • Quantitative estimates and descriptions/specifications as relevant to the above attachments.
  • Terms of reference for each national and international project staff member, including FAO technical staff contributing to the project.

Data Sources:

  • National Coordinator/Team Leader, national and international project staff
  • Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Research/Extension Service