Common Abbreviations and AcronymsSelected abbreviations and acronyms commonly found in Toolkit documents are provided below. For full reference (in all FAO languages) to institution
and programme abbreviations see AEZ - Agro-ecological zone APO - Associate Professional Officer AQUASTAT - Rural Water Statistical System ATS - Advisory Technical Service CCA - Common Country Assessment CBOs - Community–based Organizations CCF - Country Cooperation Framework CSN - Country Strategy Note CTA - Chief Technical Advisor DAP - Diammonium Phosphate (fertilizer) DDU - Delivery Duty Unpaid DSA - Daily Subsistence Allowance EMPRES - Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases FAOSTAT - FAO corporate database covering international statistics FIVIMS - Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems FPC - Field Programme Circular FPMIS - Field Programme Management Information System GCP - Government Cooperative Programme GDP - Gross Domestic Product GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System GIS - Geographical Information System IPM - Integrated Pest Management LDCs - Low-income, food-deficit countries MOA - Ministry of Agriculture MOP - Muriate of Potash (fertilizer grade potassium chloride) MTF - Multidonor Trust Fund NGOs - Non-governmental Organizations NPC - National Project Coordinator N.P.K. - Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium fertilizers NPO - National Programme Officer RRA - Rapid Rural Appraisal SEAGA - Socio-economic and Gender Analysis Programme SOFA - State of Food and Agriculture SOFI - State of Food Insecurity in the World SOFIA - State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture SOFO - State of the World’s Forests SPFS - Special Programme for Food Security SPS - WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures SSC - South-South Cooperation TBT - WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade TCCT - Technical cooperation among countries in transition TCDC - Technical cooperation among developing countries TOR - Terms of Reference TOT - Training of Trainers TRIPS - WTO Agreement on the Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights UNDP - United Nations Development Programme WFP - World Food Programme WFS - World Food Summit WTO - World Trade Organization |