Agriculture Department
Normative Frameworks:
Conservation and Management of Agriculture Plant Germplasm (TCP)
Control of (Specific) Animal Disease(s) / Capacity Building of the Government Ministry(ies) Responsible for Animal Disease Surveillance, Reaction and Reporting / Livestock Health Certification for International Trade Purposes (TF)
Edible Mushroom Cultivation (TCP)
(Identified) Animal Disease Emergency (TCP)
Marketing Extension Training (TCP)
"Best Practice" Project Examples
Animal Diseases and Transboundary Pests Control (Africa) (TF)
Capacity Building for Nile Basin Water Resources Management (Regional Africa) (TF)
Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms in Y Province (TCP)
Desarrollo Frutihorticola en el Distrito _______de Riego de____ (TCP)
Design of an Agricultural Insurance Programme (TCP)
Emergency Assistance to Eradicate African Swine Fever from Country X (Africa) (TCP)
Management and Conservation of Agricultural Germplasm (Africa) (TCP)
Phytosanitary Programme for Detection, Evaluation and Eradication of the Carambola fruitfly in the Eastern Coasts of ___ and along its Borders with __ and __ (Latin America) (TCP)
Economic and Social Department
Building National Capacity in Food Quality and Standards (TF)
Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions (CFSAM) (TCP)
Preparatory Assistance for Agricultural Census (TCP)
Preparatory Assistance for the World Trade Organization Negotiations on Agriculture (TCP)
Strengthening (the) National Codex Committee (TCP)
Strengthening of the National Food Control System (TCP)
Technical Assistance to Support the Development of a National Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Mapping System (TCP)
Assistance préparatoire au recensement national de l'agriculture (Afrique) (TCP)
Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (TCP)
Nutrition Education in Primary Schools (TCP)
Preparation for the Agricultural Census (TCP)
Sistema de Información para el Seguimiento de la Seguridad Alimentaria (SISSA) en el marco de la Iniciativa del SICIAV (TCP)
Strengthening Food Quality Control (TCP)
Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Improving Nutrition and Household Food Security (Preparation to the donor assistance) (TCP)
Strengthening National Food Security Information System (Asia) (TF)
Strengthening of the National Codex Committee (TCP)
Fisheries Department
Integration of Aquaculture and Agriculture (SPFS)
Integration of Aquaculture and Agriculture (TeleFood)
Integration of Aquaculture and Agriculture (TF)
Operational Fisheries Management Planning (TCP)
Forestry Department
Design and Formulation of a National Action Plan to Combat Desertification (TCP)
Development of Sustainable Wood Energy Systems (TF)
Integrated Pest Management (Identified Forest Pest) (TCP)
Preparation of a National Forestry Programme (TCP)
Strengthening Forest Fire Management (TCP)
Capacity Building for Support to Private Forest Owners and Public Participation (TCP)
Rehabilitation of Affected Forests, Afforestation and Restoration of the Biological Diversity in __ Municipality of Yyy Province (Country Xxx) (Asia) (TF)
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Forest Authority (TCP)
Sustainable Development Department
Capacity Building for an Integrated Information Management System (IIMS) (TCP)
Decentralization of Government Services to Small Farmers/Rural Producers (TCP)
Formulation of a Land Tenure Policy to Improve Access to Land and Natural Resources (TCP)
Socio-economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) Programme (TF)
Stratégie de formation et d'insertion de jeunes dans le secteur agricole et rural (TCP)
Strengthening Rangeland Rehabilitation and Development (TCP)
Strengthening the Range Department to Implement the National Programme for Rangeland Rehabilitation and Development (TCP)
Technical Cooperation Department
Agricultural Policy Assistance (TCP)
Assistance d’urgence pour la relance des activités agricoles dans la préfecture de X (TCP)
Legal Office
Assistance in Improving the Legal Framework for Food and Agriculture, with special reference to [insert subject area] (TF legal project/component)
Assistance in Improving the Legal Framework for Food and Agriculture, with special reference to [insert subject area] (TCP legal project/component)
Special Programme for Food Security
SPFS Diversification of Production Systems Component
SPFS Intensification of Crop Production Systems Component
SPFS Water Control Component
Diversification Project in Support of the SPFS (Africa) (TCP)
On-Farm Water Management Pilot Programme in support of the Special Programme for Food Security (Asia) (TCP)
Water Control Component of the SPFS (Africa) (TCP)
Water Control Component of the SPFS in the New Valley of Country X (Near East) (TCP)
Establishment of Community Fruit Tree Nursery (TeleFood)
Establishment of School Orchards (TeleFood)
Establishment of Vegetable Seedling Nursery (TeleFood)
Icing of Fishery Products (TeleFood)
Improved Drying of Fish (TeleFood)
Improved Smoking of Fish (TeleFood)
Pig Keeping (TeleFood)
Rapid Propagation of Improved Root Crop Planting Material (TeleFood)
Simple Fish Hatcheries and Nurseries (TeleFood)
Small-Scale Commercial Poultry Keeping (TeleFood)
Year-round Vegetable Production in the Humid Tropics (TeleFood)
Apiculture (Bee Keeping) in ... Village (Near East) (TeleFood)
Establishment of a Small Cassava Processing Plant for the Women Groups of __ to Enhance Food Security and Household Income (Pacific Islands) (TeleFood)
Fish Drying in ___ District (Asia) (TeleFood)
Fish Pond and Rice Fish Culture as an Alternative Protein Supply to Rural Families (Asia) (TeleFood)
Small-scale Commercial Poultry Keeping (Eastern Europe) (TeleFood)
Women Farmers' Club Pig Production (Africa) (TeleFood)