Water resources

Water resources


Saameynta kormeeridda daamanka webiga Jabsan ay ku leedahay bulshooyinka degan hareeraha Juba iyo Shabeelle

Soomaaliya waxay leedahay laba webi oo joogto ah, Juba iyo Shabeelle, labduba waxay soo dhashaan buuraleyda sare ee Itoobiyaha. Biyo-rogga sare ee labada webi (ee Itoobiya gudaheeda) waxaa ka yimaada wax ka badan 90% biyaha qulqulaya, halka inta kale ay ka timaado gudaha Soommaliya.


SWALIM Completes Water Sources Survey in Galmudug

After previous attempts thwarted by lack of access, SWALIM has finally managed to carry out a water sources survey in Galmudug State in Central Somalia through a local NGO. The survey covered the strategic water sources in nine districts within Galgadud and Mudug Regions


New Look for SWALIM’s Flood Risk and Response System

The SWALIM Flood Risk and Response Management Information System (FRRMIS), originally developed and launched in 2013, has been revamped to give users a better experience and more timely information. The FRRMIS is a web-based information dissemination and sharing platform that brings together essential information related to floods in Somalia into a single user interface. The new system uses a SWALIM custom web mapping technology and contains a variety of flood information presented in multiple formats.


The Juba and Shabelle Rivers and Their Importance to Somalia

The Juba and Shabelle rivers are the only perennial rivers in the country, but 90% of their flow originates from a neighbouring country - Ethiopia. The two rivers sustain agricultural production not only by providing much needed irrigation, but also through the very fertile flood plains where a variety of crops are grown for domestic and foreign markets.

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