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Moganbo Irrigation Project, Appendices Volume 3

This is a report on an irrigated agricultural project on the Juba River, now known as the Moganbo Irrigation Project. The report contains the following volumes: ol li; b Main Report /b; /li; li; b Summary Report /b; /li; li; b Appendices volume 1/b /li; li; b Appendices volume 2 /b; ul; li Irrigation and Drainage /li; li Infrastructure /li; li agricultural crops /li; li Livestock /li; /ul li bAppendices Volume 3/b ul; li Market and prices /li; li Sociological and Settlement consideration /li; li econonomic analysis /li; /ul; /li li; b Drawings Portfolio /b; /li; /ol

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Corporate Author:

Financial and Technical Services, Cairo (Egypt), Tippetts-Abbett-Mc Cathy-Stratton, Somali Democratic Republic

Moganbo Irrigation Project, Feasibility study Summary report

This is a report on an irrigated agricultural project on the Juba River, now known as the Moganbo Irrigation Project. The report contains the following volumes: ol li; b Main Report /b; /li; li; b Summary Report /b; /li; li; b Appendices volume 1/b /li; li; b Appendices volume 2 /b; ul; li Irrigation and Drainage /li; li Infrastructure /li; li agricultural crops /li; li Livestock /li; /ul li bAppendices Volume 3/b ul; li Market and prices /li; li Sociological and Settlement consideration /li; li econonomic analysis /li; /ul; /li li; b Drawings Portfolio /b; /li; /ol; /TD; /TR

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Publication Date:


Corporate Author:

Financial and Technical Services, Cairo (Egypt), Tippetts-Abbett-Mc Cathy-Stratton, Somali Democratic Republic

Moganbo Irrigation Project, Appendices Volume 2

This is a report on an irrigated agricultural project on the Juba River, now known as the Moganbo Irrigation Project. This is a report on an irrigated agricultural project on the Juba River, now known as the Moganbo Irrigation Project. The report contains the following volumes: ol li; b Main Report /b; /li; li; b Summary Report /b; /li; li; b Appendices volume 1/b /li; li; b Appendices volume 2 /b; ul; li Irrigation and Drainage /li; li Infrastructure /li; li agricultural crops /li; li Livestock /li; /ul li bAppendices Volume 3/b ul; li Market and prices /li; li Sociological and Settlement consideration /li; li econonomic analysis /li; /ul; /li li; b Drawings Portfolio /b; /li; /ol; /TD; /TR

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Publication Type:


Publication Date:


Corporate Author:

Financial and Technical Services, Cairo (Egypt), Tippetts-Abbett-Mc Cathy-Stratton, Somali Democratic Republic

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Corporate Author:

Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Kratz, D., B, Mahajan, I.,K

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Publication Type:


Publication Date:


Clarke, R. T., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, (U.K)

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Publication Type:


Publication Date:


Thomas, R.G.

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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European commission on agriculture working party on water resources and Irrigation, European Commission

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Publication Type:


Publication Date:


Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Publication Type:


Publication Date:


kandia, A. (Editor), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)


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