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The World Conservation Union

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Elst , R. (Dr.), Oceanographic Research Institute Kwa Zulu-Natal (SA)

Corporate Author:

The World Conservation Union

Evaluation of water projects and assesment of water needs in Hiraan and Middle Shabelle Regions

During the hostilities in Somalia the main target of destruction by the rival warring factions were the rural water points, As a result, the Somali pastoral communities are currently exposed to poor rain seasons. European Development funded projects and other donors rehabilitated water points in a number of rural and urban centres. The study concerns an assessment of water rehabilitation project activities funded by the European Union (EU) in Somalia. The activities that will be under assessment include the water project by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and OXFAM Quebec. The ADRA Project is situated in the Middle Shabelle Region, while the Oxfam Quebec project is situated in the Hiraan region. Both projects have been started up during the1994 as water rehabilitation project. The consultant assisted by local experts, having discussed with the authorities and elders concerned and surveyed the regions, will evaluate the projects completed or currently undertaken. In addition, sufficient data will be produced which will assist the EC Somalia Unit to undertake the funding of rehabilitation of rural! water supply points. The consultant will have to examine the movement of the pastoral communities and the environmental impact of the current proposed interventions.

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ETC East Africa

Middle Shabelle flood control study

The General Terms of Reference for this study, are as defined by the EU Somalia Unit, following liaison with the Consultants, and exclude the study of the Jowhar Sugar Estate and associated works. This study is focused primarily on the reactivation of the Jowhar Offstream Storage Project (JOSP) as a means of flood control. The added benefit of water storage for use during the dry season is considered supplementary at this stage. brThe Terms of Reference of the study can be summarised as follows:ul liInvestigate the present condition of the FA0 Canal, the storage reservoir and associated water control structures, which together form the Jowhar Offstream Storage Project (JOSP)./li; li Determine the infrastructure rehabilitation needs for the JOSP, with a view to restoring the flood control function. /li; liDraft Terms of Reference for further studies to address the irrigation and agriculture related problems within the project area. /li; /ul

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Kylstra M.L. (Originator), Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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Sir M MacDonald and Partners Limited

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CARITAS Switzerland

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FAO, International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics

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Bart Snellen, W. (International Inst. for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen (Netherlands))

Corporate Author:

FAO, Rome (Italy). Land and Water Development Div., International Inst. for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen (Netherlands

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Soil Resource Management and Conservation Service, FAO Land and Water Development Division

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Land husbandry: Components and strategy

The author presents a personal and intentionally which a small rural community (a family, a ward, a confrontational point of view, offering a new and more constructive approach to the problems small farmers face in their battle with the degradation of their land. This is not a manual with clear-cut remedies for each and every erosion problem, but a work that should allow research experts, teachers and agronomists in the field to appreciate differences in situations, diagnose the causes of crises, and propose a range of technical solutions from village, a slope., a hillside or a micro-watershed) can choose the technological package best suited to its particular needs. Rather more instruction-oriented material for training extension agents

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Roose Eric, ORSTOM , Montepellier (France)

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Ritzema, H., P.; Ksielik, R.,A.,L., International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Chanduvi F., FAO Land and Water Development Division

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy), International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement


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