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European Commission

Development of rice cultivation, processing and marketing in Jowhar and Qorioley districts - End of term report

CEFA has been working in Southern Somalia for many years, particularly in the agricultural sector, focussing on the re-introduction of rice cultivation in partnership with local communities and the EU Somalia Unit based in Nairobi. From 1996 to the present, rice cultivation has been re-estabhshed in Jowhar District, Middle Shabelle through the implementation of three project phases. The purpose of this review is to determine the extent to which the project has reached its objectives at the end of Phase III and to make recommendations for the new Phase IV.

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Fox, E. J., NCG Kenya

Corporate Author:

European Centre For Agricultural training

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FAO Land and Water Division

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Publication Type:

Conference Proceedings

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Corporate Author:

United Nations Environment Program, Dams Development Program

Agricultural drainage water management in arid and semi-arid areas

This publication provides planners, decision makers and engineers with guideline to sustain irrigated agriculture and at the same time to protect water resources from the negative impacts of agriculture drainage water disposal

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Tanji K.K., Kielen N.C.

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Fry, M.;Houghton-Carr,H.; Folwell,S, Center for Ecology and Hydrology

Corporate Author:

Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Mandera GIS Report and Maps

This CD contains the Mandera Water Sources Mapping Final Report and Maps. The Report is in PDF format which requires that you have Acrobat Reader installed to be able to view or print it. If not, you can install Acrobat Reader from the Acrobat Folder included in the CD. The maps are in JPEG Graphics file format which is compatible with a wide variety of softwares for viewing and printing purposes.

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Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Corporate Author:

Famine Early Warning Systems Network;, Livestock Early Warning Systems;, Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development;, U.S Geological Survey

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Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Publication Type:


Publication Date:


Corporate Author:

Famine Early Warning Systems Network;, Livestock Early Warning Systems;, Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development;, U.S Geological Survey


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