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Famine Early Warning Systems Network;, Livestock Early Warning Systems;, Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development;, U.S Geological Survey

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Republic of Kenya

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Republic of Kenya, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources

Somalia flow forecasting model

(Extracts from the introduction) The Somalia flow forecasting model (FFM) is a windows based flow forecasting model for the Juba and Shabelle rivers in Southern Somalia. The model is designed to predict river levels and flows at the main gauging stations on the two rivers. Reliable forecasts of up to a week in advance can be obtained based on the information about levels at the most upstream stations on the two rivers supplemented by observation at other stations

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Fry M., Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Houghton-Carr H., Folwell S

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Center for Ecology and Hydrology, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Improved agricultural production in the Oases of Bari region, North East Somalia. Mid-term review

This project was initiated by SAWA, a Dutch Foundation that had to withdraw after one year's input. Cefa an Italian NGO with similar experience and expertise, is continuing the project. This Mid-Term Evaluation assesses the progress towards achieving results, draws lessons learned so far and makes recommendations for the continuation of the project into a second phase being planned for December 2002 to August 2004. The problems being addressed in the horticultural sector are:ul; li Limited availability of qualified trainers and insufficient horticultural knowledge and technical skills at farmers level./li liLimited availability of good quality irrigation waterpoor quality of irrigation infrastructure and poor irrigation management./li liLimited availability of high quality inputs (seeds, fertilizers, tools and pesticides)./li

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Fox, J.,E., Intemedia NCG

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European Centre For Agricultural training

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McCully, P.

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International Rivers Network

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Somaliland red crescent society

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Synthensis of flood warning and control for the Juba and Shabbele rivers

(Extracts from executive summary)This paper is a synthesis of relevant projects in the area of flood early warning and control. It identities opportunities for carrying the work forward in Somalia. Recognising the operational constraints of managing flood on two major rivers in a national context of complex emergency, the paper presents recommendations to bring the monitoring and response of flood on the Juba and Shabelle rivers into line with andldquobest international practiseandrdquoin flood event.

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Print, C., FAO

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Puntland State of Somalia


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