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Terminology for Intergrated Resources Planning and Management

All terms defined and explained in the glossary are included in an alphabetical list. An index helps to find a particular term easily and gives an overview of the terms included. Very often descriptive text, related terms, synonyms and antonyms are given in addition to the proper definition to help the reader to understand the term in its context and practical use. Sources have been specified for all the definitions or different parts of a definition and the descriptive text. The definition given is the one preferred and commonly used by FAO. Whenever useful or necessary, a general or basic definition has been added to a term which is defined for the purpose of integrated resource planning and management or related subjects. Where no agreement has been yet reached or definitions vary significantly from each other, more than one definition has been listed.

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Choudhury K. (Editor), Jansen J.M (Editor)

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Department for International Development

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FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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European Commission - Somalia Unit, Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Febbraio

Rehabilitaion programme for water supply systems in small towns and urban centres in Bari Region of Somalia

The mandate of the preparation mission was to conduct a baseline survey covering socioeconomic, health, and technical aspects. In addition, the mission was to finalise the first and second five programme villages. The focus of the mission was deliberately on remote rural villages of the Bari Region that need water supply services. While the need for water extends beyond the villages visited, the purpose of the field visit was to deepen the understanding of the team In the rural areas so that clusters of villages could be selected as having priority and appropriate activities be planned In hygiene education and cost recovery. The general and specific objectives are mentioned in the Terms of Reference, which can be found in Annex 8.

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Moynihan M., SAWA, Saleh S., SPDS, Borsboom P., SAWA

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SAWA projects and consultancy

Range consultancy report

(Extract from Summary)The report describes the observations and recommendations resulting from a range management consultancy in support of the Soil Erosion Control Project implemented by the NGQ Cooperazione Intemazionale (COOPI) in Borama and Baki Districts, western Somaliland, and funded by the European Community. During the mission, focus was on biological measures to reduce soil erosion, in particular through range management techniques, and rehabilitation of eroded land. Because the first phase of the project ended early May 1997, recommendations aim especially at the proposed second phase. Half of the projectandrsquos target villages were visited and issues related to range, livestock and forests were discussed with community membersrange condition and erosion problems were inspected around the communities and the projectandrsquos and private nurseries were visited as well. Observations and conclusions are described in the report.

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Heemstra H. H., FAO

Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Kismayo Hydrogeological study

Background UNICEF Somalia proposes to rehabilitate the existing reticulated urban water supply system in Kismayo City, Southern Somalia. The original city water source, the Juba River 32 km north of the city, is unsuitable to Kismayo's current needs due to running costs and the security situation to the north. UNICEF Somalia therefore intends to develop an alternative water source to the west of the city. This water supply will comprise water welts tapping the lower aquifer identified by previous drilling at Laheley approximately 18 km west of the The scope of the current study is to:br 1. identify the extent and hydrogeology of the lower Laheley aquifer br2. recommend four or five borehole sites that would best tap this aquiferbr 3. identify the expected water quality and yield of the aquifer br4. carry out a topographical elevation survey from the recommended borehole sites to the existing Kismayo water reservoirBR 5. prepare a map of the study area indicating the extent of the aquifer the recommended borehole sites and the topographical survey resultsbr 6. submit a report including results, recommendations and maps 4 and 5 are not included in the present report.

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Parkes, A.J., GIBB East Africa Ltd.

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GIBB East Africa Ltd.

Emmergency rehabilitation of the Congo and Hanshonley Irrigation canals, Jowhar district, Middle Shabelle Region, Somalia

This project specifically targets the 7,500 residents of Congo and Hanshonley areas in Jowhar District who are among the considered most vulnerable groups during the acute transitory food insecurity The goal of the project is to restore the vulnerable farming households to productivity thereby improving the accessibility and availability of food in Congo and Hanshon]ey Among the objectives are: br to contribute in improving household food security and living conditions of 7,500 vulnerable people to minimum acceptable levels through restoration of agricultural infrastructure in Congo and Hanshonley areas in Jowhar District. br To assist 950 farmers in improving and strengthening their traditionally practiced farming methods and management of irrigation To support the establishment of networking mechanisms for enhancing linkages between and among local authorities, NGOs and local organizations concerned with agricultural programmes to ensure coordinated and unified approach for planning and delivery of agricultural services in the target

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Adventist Development and Relief Agency

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Journal Article

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GARMIN Corporation

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Land Quality Indicators and their Use in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

This report is ostensibly about land quality indicators (LQIs). However, anyone who reads it will find a useful compilation of advice, experience and opinion on why land quality information is important for sustainable development and how it can be used more effectively for planning and decision making. But the report also poses as many questions as it answers, which in itself reflects the diversity of viewpoints on indicators.

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World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy), United Nations Development Program, United Nations Environment Program


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