PROJECT CATEGORIESThe Toolkit provides access to normative frameworks and "best practice" project examples for the most common technical disciplines that fall under the Organization's mandate in food and agriculture, including forestry and fisheries, and rural development. The technical discipline sub-sites are accessible under the project categories, which to a large extent reflect the organizational structure of FAO. Under the category "Livestock" for example, normative frameworks and "best practice" projects can be assessed for projects in "Animal Production" and "Animal Health". Similarly, the project category "Forestry" covers the broad technical disciplines: "Forest Resources", "Forest Products" and "Forest Policy and Planning". The category "Rural Development" includes "Rural Institutions", "Land Tenure", "Environmental Management" and "Women in Agriculture and Rural Development". Covering assistance in response to natural disasters and man-made emergencies, the project category "Emergencies" is multi-sectoral in the sense that it may include projects that address natural disasters such as drought, floods or hurricanes, pest infestations, epidemic animal diseases, forest fires as well as damage caused by civil strife.