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Centre for Development and Environment

FAO SWALIM water sources - ACF survey - Bay

Water sources map for Bay region of Somalia. Map produced using data from ACF survey on Somalia Water sources. To request this map quote the reference: WAT-WATER-17012006-NA3815-A1-001

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Eva H D, European Commission, Brink A, European Commission, Simonetti D, European Commission

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Some medicinal trees and shrubs of eastern Africa for sustainable utilisation and commercialisation

The book 'Some Medicinal Trees and Shrubs of Eastern Africa for Sustainable Utilisation and Commercialisation' is a fulfilment of one of the major recommendations adopted by the East and Central Africa Regional Agricultural Forum for Training Team (ECA-RAFT) Workshop and General meeting held in Kigali, Rwanda, during the period 24th — 281h May 2004. The ECA — RAFT, an ICRAF supported initiative, is a regional network of public Universities and Colleges, dedicated to the enhancement of training in Agroforestry and integrated natural resources management in tertiary institutions. The general assembly of ECA—RAFT, while reviewing the status of Agroforestry and natural resources educational materials available in universities and tertiary institutions in the region, concluded that there was an urgent need to enhance and mobilise the teaching capacity of educators and educational institutions in Agroforestry and integrated natural resources management. Hence, the adoption of the recommendation: andldquoto develop a new manuscript on medicinal trees and shrubsandrdquoas one key regional priority activity in pursuit of this objective. Consequently and within the constraints of the available resources, a regional team drawn from four universities namely, Makerere University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenyatta University (KU) and coordinated by Maseno University (MSU) was constituted to undertake the task that has culminated in the publication of this book.

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Owuor B.O., Maseno University, Maseno (Kenya), Kamoga D., Makerere University, Kampala (Uganda), Kung'u J., Kenyatta University, Nairobi (Kenya), Njoroge G. N., Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi (Kenya)

Corporate Author:

African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education, World Agroforestry Centre

W-02 Gacan-ka-qabadka Indha-indheeyeyaasha Roob-da’a Soomaaliya

SWALIM waxay dib-u-hagaajinaysaa shabakad roob-cabire gacmeed qaran oo qayb ka ah hababkeeda macluumaadka biyo iyo dhul. Xog ururiska qarameed ee la sameeyay waxaa loo isticmaali doonaa si loo taageero khariidayn cimilo, digniin hore ee daad iyo daraasado kale oo cilmi-biyood ah (Hydrological studies). Sidoo kale xog ururisku wuxuu noqon doonaa mid si xor ah ay u heli karto cid kasta oo danaynaysa. SWALIM waxay wadi doontaa indha-indheynta rug kasta oo ka tirsan gundhigga xogta taasoo lagu wareejin doono dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee soo baxaysa marka waqtigu ku haboonaado.

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Technical report

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Mapping Global Cities: GIS methods in Urban analysis

Mapping Global Cities: GIS Methods in Urban Analysis shows how the analysis of relevant data with GIS can provide powerful new perspective in addressing urban research and policy questions, and it enhances our understanding and efforts in solving urban planning problems. Author Aye Pamuk draws upon her extensive fieldwork in developing countries, as well as more than ten years of work as a university professor, and extends those in new ways by using the power of spatial analysis with GIS. Part I of the book shows how analysts use GIS to explore global metropolitan regions, and provides an overview of spatial data used in GIS analysis. Part II shows how urban planners and policy makers use GIS, emphasizing the issue of local government and social service delivery. Part III shows how researchers use GIS to analyze spatial patterns in metropolitan areas, including locating immigrant clusters with census data and comparing immigrant clustering patterns across metropolitan areas. The bookandrsquos accompanying CD contains data and printable, step-by-step GIS exercise including a self-directed project, that enable students and users to make maps and explore themes covered in the chapters.

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Pamuk A., San Francisco

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FAO SWALIM water sources - GTZ survey - Somalia

water sources maps for all regions of Somalia produced from the GTZ water sources survey for Somalia.

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

Country environmental profile for Somalia, August 2006

This CEP provides environmental, Social and economic information to the EC Somalia office to Guide the identification of specific recomendations on enviromental objectives and benchmarks for the EC cooperation activities in ita 2008-2013 indicative programed for Somalia

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The World Conservation Union

Ground water resources investigations

(Extract from summary) This report summarizes the result of the hydrogeological and geophysical studies carried out to assess groundwater potential of the Puntland State of Somali for Mam and Bros drilling company/UNDP project.

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United Nations Development Program, Mam and Bros drilling Company Ltd, Geolink Associates


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