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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 17-05-2017

The northern parts of he country and coastal areas in the south will continue to receive rains in the next three days. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards moderate to heavy rains in the basins both in the Ethiopian highlands and inside Somalia. Many areas in Puntland and Somaliland will also continue to receive rains during this period

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 09-05-2017

Light to moderate rains continued to be received in a few places across the country in the last two days. The rains are expected to continue in most parts of the country in the next seven days. The rainfall forecast for the coming week (Map 2), indicates moderate to heavy rains in Somaliland and Puntland. Light to moderate rains are foreseen in the southern parts while central regions are expected to remain dry during the same period. The Ethiopian highlands are also expected to continue receiving rains during the same period. This is will turn lead to a further increase in river levels along the Juba and Shabelle Rivers. Riverine flooding has been reported in Middle reaches of the Shabelle River due to existing open river banks and weak river embankments. There remains a moderate risk of flooding in middle and lower reaches of Shabelle. No risk of flooding is foreseen along the Juba. Users are advised that this is a forecast and at times there may be discrepancies between forecast and actual amounts of rainfall received.

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Somalia Flood Watch Bulletin 19-05-2017

The northern parts of he country and coastal areas in the south will continue to receive light rains in the next three days. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards heavy rains in Nugaal, South of Sool and north of Mudug regions. Other regions in the north will receive light to moderate rains. The upper parts of Ethiopian highlands and southern coastal areas of Somalia are expected to receive moderate rains. Little or no rains are expected in central and inland southern regions of the country during the forecast period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Saadaasha Roob-da’idda Soomaaliya 09-05-2017

Labadii maalmood oo u dambeeyey ayaa waxaa sii socday roobab fudud ilaa kuwo dhexdhexaad ah oo ka da’ay dhawr meelood oo dalka ku kala yaal. Roobabka waxaa la filayaa in ay toddobada maalin ee na soo xiga ka sii socdaan gudaha qaybo badan oo dalka ka tirsan. Saadaasha roob da’idda ee toddobaadka soo aadan (Khariirad 2), waxay muujineysaa in roobab dhexdhexaad ah ilaa kuwo culus ay ka jiri doona gudaha Soomaaliland iyo Puntland. Waxaa gudaha qaybaha koonfureed laga filayaa roobab fudud ilaa kuwo dhexdhexaad ah halka gobollada dhexe la filayo in ay isla muddadaas ahaadaan qalayl. Buuraleyda sare Itoobiya ayaa sidoo kale iyagana la filayaa inay sii ka socdaan roobabka da’aya isla muddadaas inta lagu jiro. Tani ayaa markeeda horseedi doonta inay sii kordhaan heerarka biyaha gudaha webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle. Fatahaado webi ayaa laga soo sheegay aagga bartamaha webi Shabeelle taas oo ay ugu wacan tahay dacallo furan iyo gebiyada oo tag daran. Weli waxaa halkaas ka jira halis fatahaad dhexdhexaad ah qaybaha dhexe iyo xagga hoose ee webiga Shabeelle. Ma jirto wax halis fatahaad ah oo laga filayo jiidda webi Juba. Isticmaaleyaash xogtaan waxaa loo sheegayaa inay waxaani yihiin saadaal oo ay dhici karto in mararka qaar ay wax isweydaartaan saadaasha iyo xaqiiqda qadarka roobka la helay.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 02-05-2017

Rainfall activities intensified in many parts of the country over the last three days. Flash floods were reported in some places including Bari, Nugaal, Mudug and Bay regions following the heavy rains. Most stations in these regions recorded over 50mm in the three days with Baidao station recording 100mm on 30 April 2017. The rains are expected to continue in most parts of the country in the next seven days but with less magnitude. The Ethiopian highlands are also expected to continue receiving rains during the same period. This is will turn lead to increased river levels along the Juba and Shabelle Rivers. There is no risk of flooding along the rivers during the forecast period. Users are advised that this is a forecast and at times there may be discrepancies between forecast and actual amounts of rainfall received.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 23-05-2017

Most regions of Somalia will remain dry for the next three days, apart from few areas in Somaliland and Puntland where light showers are expected in the same period. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards light to moderate rains in Puntland and parts of Somaliland. Light rains are also expected in a few areas in the Central and coastal areas of the South. The upper parts of Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive moderate rains. Users are advised that this is a forecast and at times there may be discrepancies between forecast and actual amounts of rainfall received.

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Rainfall Outlook

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Somalia Flood Watch Bulletin 10-05-2017

During the week ending on 09 May 2017, there were light to moderate rains within the Juba and Shabelle river basins both inside Somalia and the Ethiopian highlands. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards light to moderate rains within the Juba and Shabelle river basins with heavy rains foreseen in the coastal areas of the basins inside Somalia. The upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands are also expected to record significant rains during the week in focus. Following the rains that were recorded in the basins in the last few weeks, the river levels along the two rivers rose significantly and are currently above normal levels at this time of the year. Given the rainfall forecast and the high river levels, there is a high risk of flooding along the middle and lower reaches of Shabelle River. Flooding in Middle Shabelle has been reported in Madheere Village and has caused damage to large amounts of cropped area and displacement of some households. There is no risk of flooding foreseen along the Juba during the forecast period.

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Flood watch bulletin

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 04-04-2017

The Gu 2017 rainy season started in parts of Somaliland during the last week of March. Many stations in the region recorded moderate rains while southern parts of Awdal region recorded heavy rains that were distributed within five days. This brought an immediate relief to the area which has been experiencing a prolonged dry period like the rest of the country. More rains are expected in April and May. The rains are yet to start in many other areas of the country, including Puntland and southern regions. The rainfall forecast for today (Map 1) indicates no significant rainfall amounts but the rains are expected to intensify with the time and space during the week ending on 10th April, 2017 as seen in Map 2. The Cumulated rainfall forecast for the week is pointing towards moderate to heavy rains in the southern regions and the Ethiopian highland (20 to 100mm). Light to moderate rains of up to 40mm is expected in Somaliland while Puntland and central regions will remain dry.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 19-04-2017

The rainfall forecast for the next 24 hours (Map 1) indicates no rains in the country except a few pockets of Sanaag in the north and Gedo in the south that may receive light rains. The rains are however expected to increase towards the end of the week spreading in several places across the country. The cumulative rainfall forecast for the week which ends on 25 April 2017 (Map 2) shows moderate to heavy rains Somaliland and western parts of Puntland. A few pockets of Bari and Nugaal will also see light rains during the forecast period. Other places that are expected to receive good rains include the southern and central regions bordering Ethiopia. Moderate to heavy rains are also foreseen in the Ethiopian highlands which may lead to increased river levels inside Somalia towards the end of the week. Lower Juba, Lower Shabelle and the coastal areas of Galgaduud and Mudug regions will remain dry.

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Flood watch bulletin

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 05-04-2017

The Gu 2017 rainy season started in parts of Somaliland during the last week of March with the southern parts of Awdal region recording heavy rains that were distributed within five days. This brought an immediate relief to water stress in the area. The other parts of the country are expected to start receiving the Gu rains by mid April. The rainfall forecast for today (Map 1) indicates light rains of up to 20mm in the southern regions, parts Somaliland and the Ethiopian highlands. The rains re expected to increase in the same areas towards the end of the week as seen in Map 2 which is valid up to 11 April 2017. Little or no rains are foreseen in Puntland and central regions during the forecast period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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