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Sida uu noqday Roobka Gu 2016 gudaha Soomaaliya

Xilligii Gu'ga 2016 wuxuu si fiican uga bilawday goor hore qaybo ka mid ah dalka, gaar ahaan Soomaaliland, intii lagu jirey tobankii maalmood ee saddexaad ee bisha Maarso oo sii socday isagoo bed ahaan faafay intii lagu jirey tobanaadkii koowaad iyo labaad ee bisha Abriil. Qaybaha kale gaar ahaan gudaha Puntland iyo gobollada koonfureed wuxuu xilligu ka bilawday goor danbe kaas oo hadana dhamaaday goor hore.

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Rainfall Performance

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Belet Weyne flood map - June 2016

The town of Belet Weyne and its environs experienced one of the biggest floods in recent history. The floods, which lasted over 10 days were caused by overbank spillage from Shabelle River following heavy rains experienced in the Ethiopian highlands over the past one month. The floods covered about 60% (591 ha) of the entire town, resulting to mass displacement. This map depicts the peak of the flood extent, as observed from 10 meters resolution Sentinel-2 satellite image of 25th May 2016

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SWALIM Update Issue 11

We are pleased to share Issue 11 of our newsletter “SWALIM Update” for the period January 2016 – April 2016.

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Somali Gu 2016 Rainfall Performance

The Gu 2016 season started off well in advance in some parts of the country during the third dekad of March and continued to spread spatially in the first and second dekads of April. Other parts especially in Puntland and southern regions had a late start of the season which also ended early. The distribution of the rains were normal to below normal with an exception of north western regions which saw above average rains compared to the long termmean for the period under review. Some places that recorded depressed rains include Sanaag, Bari, north of Sool, south of Mudug, Galgaduud, Bakool, Hiraan, Middle Juba, Lower Juba and Lower Shabekke. The poor rains which also had an early cessation raises a concern especially in Puntland where drought conditions have been present for a long time. With no more rainfall expected in the coming months, most of Puntland regions and the coastal areas of Mudug and Galgaduud regions remain under drought conditions. The north west parts of Somaliland recorded above average rains. Other areas that received good rains include south of Togdheer and Sool regions. Some parts of the south and central regions within Bay and Bakool regions also received good rains. The rains were well received by the communities especially in the northern parts which had a prolonged dry period. This came as a relief for many people who experienced drought conditions in parts of the country. The Ethiopian highlands experienced heavy rains that led to increased river flow inside Somalia leading to floods in some sections of Juba and Shabelle Rivers. In general the rains led to improved soil moisture conditions that were favourable for both crops and pasture growth. Enhanced rains also led to replenishment of water reservoirs. However, negative impacts were also felt such as floods that caused destruction of properties, infrastructure and loss of livestock. The floods affected about 100,000 people with 72,000 of them being displaced.

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Rainfall Performance

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Muchiri P.

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Belet Weyne District Reported Floods observation and Sentinel-2 image analysis (25 May 2016)

This dataset was digitized directly from Sentinel-2 imagery of 25th May 2016 to show the areal extent of Belet Weyne flooding. Sentinel-2 image resolution of 10m was downloaded free of charge from European Space Agency (ESA)

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Middle Shabelle Region Floods Reported observation and Landsat-8 (12 May 2016) image analysis

This dataset was digitized directly from Landsat-8 imagery of 12th May 2016 to show the areal extent of Jowhar flooding. Please note that the flooded area might not be exact due to the cloud cover hindering the interpretation. Landsat-8 image resolution of 15m was downloaded free of charge from USGS Earth Explorer

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Somalia Flood Watch Bulletin 17-05-2016

During the week that ended on 16th May 2016, there was a significant reduction of rainfall activities in most areas of Juba and Shabelle basins inside Somalia as well as the Ethiopian highlands. River levels remain high along the entire channels of the two rivers. The table below shows the total amounts received in some stations during the last week within the two basins.

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Flood watch bulletin

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 10-05-2016

Heavy rains reported in parts of Somalia have led to flash floods and river flooding in the country. In Puntland, Bari region in Bali Dhiddin district , heavy storms led to destruction of property last night. Eyl station along the coast of Nugaal region also recorded high amount of rainfall (75mm) in the last 24 hours. The three days rainfall forecast calls for more rains in northern parts of the country while light rains are expected in the southern parts. There is a high risk of flash floods in the coastal areas of Bari and Nugaal regions The river levels remain high in both Juba and Shabelle, with high risk of flooding along the Shabelle; while in Middle and Lower Juba the risk of flooding is moderate.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 05-05-2016

Wet conditions are expected to persist across Somalia in the next three days. The northern regions of the country are expected to receive moderate to high rains, while in the central and southern regions the forecast points towards light to moderate rains. The upper catchments of the Juba and Shabelle rivers are also expected to receive moderate to high rains within the same period. Given the forecast and the rising levels, there remains a high risk of flooding along the Middle and Lower Shabelle; while in Middle and Lower Juba the risk of flooding is remains moderate.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Flood Watch 31-05-2016

During the week that ended on 30 May 2016, minimal rainfall activities were experienced in Juba and Shabelle basins inside Somalia as well as the Ethiopian highlands. Most stations recording no rainfall. The table below shows the total amounts received in some stations during the last week within the two basins.

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Flood watch bulletin

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