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Somalia Dekadal Rainfall Update 1st Dekad, April 2016

During the first Dekad of April 2016 (1st – 10th), most parts of Somalia recorded good rains marking a possible start of the Gu rainy season this year. The northern parts recorded significant rains while the southern while central parts received little rains. The Northwest Agro‐pastoral, Guban and West Golis pastoral areas of Somaliland which have remained dry for a long period experienced a relief when moderate to heavy rains were received in many parts of the area. Dilla and Boroma recorded the highest amounts of rainfall of 107mm and 83mm respectively. Other surrounding areas such Hargeisa and Gebilley also recorded significant amounts of rainfall. The southern parts of Sool and sanaag regions did not record any rains. A few paces received light to moderate rains during the period under review. This also came a s relief especially to the livestock sector following the depletion of pasture in the area due to current drought conditions being experienced here. The rains are expected to increase further until the end of the season.

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Dekadal Rainfall Update

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 26-04-2016

The last 24 hours have seen an increase of rainfall amounts in many parts of the country including Puntland and other central regions that have not had any significant rains since the beginning of the season. The three days forecast is calling for more rains across the country. Heavy rains are also expected in the Ethiopian highlands during the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 19-04-2016

Wet conditions persisted in the last few days in Somaliland with light to moderate rains being recorded in the western parts. Moderate rains have also been reported in parts of southern regions and in the Ethiopian highlands and this has consequently led to an increase in river levels in the upper reaches of Juba and Shabelle Rivers inside Somalia. Most parts of Puntland and central regions remained dry with a few places in northern Sanaag region receiving light rains. The three days rainfall forecast is calling for a reduction of rainfall activities in many areas. Light rains may be experienced in western Somaliland and southern regions The upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands are expected to get moderate rains. Dry conditions are expected in the other parts of the country.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya) - SWALIM

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Somalia Rainfall Performance Update April 2016

Significant rains have been received in many areas of Somaliland especially in the western regions in the month of April. Light to moderate rains were recorded in Puntland in the last few days bringing an immediate relief to the dry and hot weather; however drought conditions are still apparent in the area. The rains are expected to improve the drought conditions in both Puntland and Somaliland. The central parts of Somalia including Mudug and Galgadud regions have received little rains and remain water depressed. The southern regions have started recording moderate to heavy rains and this expected to continue in the coming week. Moderate to heavy rains continued to be experienced within the Ethiopian highlands which contributes about 90% of river flow to the Juba and Shabelle rivers in Somalia. River levels along the two rivers inside Somalia have subsequently been rising since the last week. The rising trend is expected to continue in the coming week. There is a possibility of flooding in the lower reaches of Shabelle in the coming days

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Rainfall Performance

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 07-04-2016

Heavy storms have been reported in parts of Awdal and Wooqoyi Galbeed regions in Somaliland. The storms have led destruction of structures, loss of unconfirmed number of livestock and six human lives. Dilla, Jufa and Kalabaydh stations recorded 86mm, 100mm and 148mm respectively last night. The wet conditions are expected to persist in the next three days in most parts of Somalialand and Puntland. The Ethiopian highlands and parts of southern central regions will also receive moderate to heavy rains during the forecast period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 13-04-2016

Wet conditions with moderate to heavy rains are expected to persist in the next three days in most parts of Somaliland (Awdal, W/Galbeed, northern Togdheer, and northern parts of Sanaag). The northern parts Bari region in Puntland as well as the Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive moderate to heavy rains too. Other parts of the northern Somalia (Nuugal and southern Bari) and parts of southern and central regions inside Somalia will experience little or no rains during the forecast period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 27-04-2016

The last 24 hours continued to see an increase of rainfall amounts in many parts of the country with some stations in the north recording between 30mm to 50mm. The three days forecast is calling for more rains across the country. However, there will be a reduction of rainfall amounts in Bari and Nugaal regions located in Puntland .Heavy rains are also expected in the Ethiopian highlands during the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 12-04-2016

Wet conditions with moderate to heavy rains are expected to persist in the next three days in most parts of Somaliland (Awdal, W/Galbeed, northern Togdheer, and northern parts of Sanaag). The northern parts Bari region in Puntland as well as the Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive moderate to heavy rains too. Other parts of the northern Somalia and parts of southern and central regions inside Somalia will experience light rains during the forecast period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 28-04-2016

The last 24 hours continued to see an increase of rainfall amounts in many parts of the country with some stations recording over 50mm in some parts. The three days forecast is calling for more rains across the country. However, there will be a reduction of rainfall amounts in Bari and Nugaal regions located in Puntland . Heavy rains are also expected in the Ethiopian highlands during the same period. There is a moderate risk of flooding in middle and lower Shabelle in the coming days.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Rainfall Forecast Somalia 29-03-2016

Dry conditions are expected to persist in Somalia during the coming three days. Light rains of up to 20mm are foreseen in the upper parts of the Juba and Shabelle basins in Ethiopia during the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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