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GAROWE-first steps towards strategic urban planning
First steps towards strategic urban planning
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United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Guide for preparation of flood risk
the guide has been prepared for the European Investment Bank to provide advice on fluvial flood risk management that addresses planning
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Corporate Author:
HR Wallingford
status of medium to large irrigation schemes in southern somalia
The Juba and Shabelle river basins have been, and could again be, the breadbasket of Somalia. They have considerable potential for irrigation development, and several irrigation schemes have been developed on these two major river basins to provide sustainable food security and alleviate poverty in the country. However, due to 16 years of civil insecurity and unrest the majority of these schemes have collapsed. Based on the conclusions and recommendations of the and rdquoBanana Sector Study and rdquoprepared by the European Commission (EC, 2002), the European Commission has moved to restore some irrigation facilities, and rehabilitate and maintain former irrigated plantations and irrigation schemes.
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Mbara C.J.
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status of medium to large irrigation schemes in southern somalia
The Juba and Shabelle river basins have been, and could again be, the breadbasket of Somalia. They have considerable potential for irrigation development, and several irrigation schemes have been developed on these two major river basins to provide sustainable food security and alleviate poverty in the country. However, due to 16 years of civil insecurity and unrest the majority of these schemes have collapsed.
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Mbara C.J.
Corporate Author:
W-11 - Khayraadka Biyaha ee Soomaaliya
Warbixintu waa gunaanad SWALIM ee qiimayno biyood iyo warbixinno, lagu kaabay falanqayn tirakoob faahfaahsan oo ah kala duwanaanshiyo xilliile iyo midka masaaxadeed ee khayraadka biyood ee dusha iyo dhul-hoose laga heli karo, iyo isticmaalladooda hadda iyo ka suurogali kara. Qiimayntu waxay ku salaysan tahay is dhexgelinta xogta biyo-jawi saadaaleed iyo abuur-oogoo dhuleed (hydrometeorological iyo physiographic data) oo ay soo ururiyeen oo falanqeeyeen SWALIM iyo hay'ado hawl-la-wadaag ah.
Qiimeyntu waxay ka warramaysaa khayraadka biyaha ugu muhiimsan gudaha dalka, waxay cadaynaysaa baahiyo khayraad biyo gaar ah iyo fursado, waxay qoraysaa hawlo horumarin khayraad biyood oo weli-soconaya iyo kuwo la qorsheeyay; waxay soo jeedinasaa habab-raacyo suurtogal ah ee horumarin khayraad biyood oo muddo gaaban iyo mid dheer oo heer dhexdhexaad - iyo mid baaxad weyn ah isugu jira. Warbixinta waxaa loogu talagalay in lagu taageero maareynta khayraadyo biyo oo isku dhafan ee gudaha Soomaaliya, oo ku saleysan isku dubaridid la xiriirta horumarin iyo maarayn khayraad biyood iyo dhul.
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Technical report
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W-01 Climate of Somalia
Somalia generally has an arid to semi-arid climate. Rainfall is the defining characteristic of the climate and has a great spatial and temporal variability. The climate of Somalia is determined by the north and south movement of the inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). In most areas of Somalia this results in two rainfall seasons - the Gu as the zone passes northwards and the Deyr as it moves south. In both cases, rain is produced from the moist air derived from the Indian Ocean, in the southerly air stream. The north-easterly winds, emanating from Asia and Arabia, produce little significant rain. It is generally considered that rainfall is the most important meteorological element affecting life in Somalia. In particular, variation from season to season, and variations within the season are what determine the successes of agricultural activities.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Muchiri P.W.
Corporate Author:
Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)
W-05 Status of Medium to Large Irrigation Schemes in Southern Somalia
Although irrigated agriculture was the life-line of the Somali economy before the start of civil strife in 1990, much of the information on the pre-war irrigation systems is lost and little is known about their present status. This report documents the findings of an assessment carried out by SWALIM to determine the status of medium to large irrigation schemes in Southern Somalia and their irrigation infrastructure. Comprehensive literature review, key contact interviews and extensive remotely sensed data analyses were carried out to arrive at the assessment results. Baseline information on the water barrages, canal systems and the irrigation schemes was generated and a GIS irrigation infrastructure database was constructed. About 5,000 km of canals were identifi ed and compared with satellite images. The boundaries and the status of 34 medium to large irrigation schemes were identifi ed. The data is well structured and accessible through desktop GIS software or through the web based Geonetwork software. The results obtained, together with the recommendations, are expected to form the basis for the infrastructure rehabilitation efforts by the donor community.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Muthusi F.M., Gadain H.M., Mbara C.J.
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W-08 Rural water supply assessment
Water resources in Somalia are limited both in quantity and quality, with frequent droughts and floods further worsening the water security situation in the country.
Before the onset of civil war in early 1991, the main institution in charge of water resources management in Somalia was the Ministry of Water and Mineral Resources (MWMR) through the National Water Centre (NWC). Exploitation of domestic water supplies was the responsibility of the Water Development Agency (WDA), while the ministry of Agriculture planned and operated water for agricultural activities in the Shabelle River. For the Juba River, development was the responsibility of the Ministry of National Planning and Juba Valley Development. Institutional arrangements of water resources management showed fragmentation, without a clear divide between the functions of national and local agencies. With the outbreak of civil war in 1991, much of the water infrastructure in Somalia was destroyed and social services such as health,education, water and sanitation were seriously affected.Being located in an extremely water-scarce area, the environmental, social and economic
development of Somalia is to a large extent dependent on improved water security through effective management of water resources.
Publication Type:
Technical report
Publication Date:
Muthusi F.M.
Corporate Author:
Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)
W-01 Cimilada Soomaaliya
Soomaaliya guud ahaan waxay leeday cimilo u dhexeysa oomane iyo mid bar-oomane ah. Roob-da’u waa sifo qeexeysa cimilada oo waxay leedahay kala duwanaasho weyn oo masaaxadeed iyo mid waqtiyeed. Cimilada Soomaaliya waxa ay ka abuuranta kulanka dabaylaha ka soo dhaca waqooyiga iyo koonfurta aagga dhulsooraha (inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)). Meelo badan oo gudaha Soomaaliya ah waxay tani ka dhalisaa laba xilli roobaad – Guga marka aaggu gobolku xagga waqooyi iyo deyrta marka uu u wareego koonfur. Labada xaaladoodba, roobku wuxuu ka dhashaa dabaysha qoyan ee ka timaadda Badweynta Hindiya, marka dabayshu u dhacayso xagga koonfureed. Dabaylaha waqooyi-bari, ka soo dhacaya Aasiya iyo Caaraabiya, waxay dhaliyaaan roob aan badnayn. Waxaa badanaa la aaminsan yahay in roob di’iddu tahay waxa ugu muhiimsan cimilada oo saamaynaya nolosha gudaha Soomaaliya. Si gaar ah, isbedel xilli ka xilli, iyo isbedello isla xilliga gudihiisa waxay yihiin waxa go’aamiya guulaha hawlaha beeraha.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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Corporate Author:
W-08 Qiimaynta biyaha Miyiga
Khayraadka biyaha gudaha Soomaaliya waa ay kooban yihiin tiro iyo tayo labadaba, taas oo ay weheliso abaar soo noqnoqda iyo daadad sii xumeeya xaaladda ammaanka biyaha ee gudaha dalka. Ka hor bilowgii dagaalka sokeeye ee horraantii1991, hay'adda ugu muhiimsan ee mas'uul ka ah maaraynta khayraadka biyaha gudaha Soomaaliya waxay ahayd Wasaaradda Khayraadka Biyaha iyo Macdanta iyada oo loo marayo Xarunta Biyaha Qaran. Manaafacaadsiga biyo siinta maxalliga waxaa mas'uuliyad ka saarnayd Hay'adda Horumarinta Biyaha (WDA), halka Wasaaradda Beeraha ay qorshayn jirtey oo ka shaqayn jirtey hawlaha biyaha waraabka beeraha ee wabiga Shabeelle. Marka ay noqoto Webiga Jubba, horumarinta waxaa ka mas'uul ahaa Wasaaradda Qorshaynta Qaranka iyo Horumarinta Dooxada Juba. Qabanqaabooyinka hay'adeed ee maareynta khayraadka biyaha waxay muujiyeen kala qoqobnaan, oo aan lahay xad cad oo u dhexeeya hawlaha hay'adaha qaraniyo kuwa maxalliga ah. Markii uu qarxay dagaalkii sokeeye ee 1991-kii, wax badan oo ka mid ah kaabayaasha biyaha waa la burburiyay oo waxaa si xun loo waxyeeleeyey adeegyo bulshadeed oo ka jirey gudaha Soomaaliya sida caafimaadka, waxbarashada, biyaha iyo fayadhowrka. Maadaama Soomaaliya ay ku taal geyi aad u biyo-yar, horumarinta deegaameed, midda bulshadeed iyo dhaqaalaba waxay si baaxad weyn ugu tiirsan tahay ammaan biyo la hagaajiyey oo maareyn khayraad biyood oo wax-ku-ool ah leh.
Publication Type:
Technical report
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