Flood Watch Bulletin 2005-11-08

Flood watch bulletin
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The 7-day Rainfall Estimates (RFE) for the week ending November 7th indicate that there has been sporadic rainfall on areas of the Ethiopian catchments of both the Juba and Shabelle rivers. The RFE also indicates light rainfall in Somalia on the Juba and Shabelle catchments. The total reported catch from Bulo Burti for the last 7 days was 7mm. Rains have been reported on the Lower Shabelle around Kurtunwarrey. There has still been no rain in Luuq and Bardhere. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is for up to 45 mm of rain in the Ethiopian catchments and for between 10-20 mm in the Southern Somalia. Flood risk for the forecast period is considered minimal. However, careful monitoring of the river stages is necessary, especially on the Juba following observed rainfall in the Ethiopian highlands of juba basin.
Date of publication: 
November, 2005