Swalim News and Events

FAO-SWALIM Work in Puntland

Since 2006 Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) has been operating in Puntland. Informative data has been collected on land, water and climate. The information is organized in themes: Water resources (Climate, floods, water resources and water reports); Land resources (Land degradation, Land suitability, soils and land reports). This information is generated with the support of a strong Information management, GIS and remote sensing units in collaboration with Puntland government partner institutions. SWALIM information management team has organized the data to facilitate quick retrieval through a variety of online and offline platforms. Download publication (pdf, 3.5 MB)

The Puntland water and land resources – Information Management Center

The Information Management Center (IMC) will be a special agency under the Puntland State of Somalia whose main function shall be to collect, process and analyze water and land resources information in coordination with the relevant government institutions, in support of policy development for sustainable and integrated water and land resources management, and to provide water and land related data and information to the end users. Download pdf(2.5 MB)

FAO-SWALIM Recognised for Partnership with Banadir University

FAO SWALIM has been working together with academic institutions in order to foster long-term research relationships on specific projects of interest and to generate knowledge for the betterment of the lives of Somali communities.

 Journal Publications

Validation of the CHIRPS satellite rainfall estimates over eastern Africa
Long and temporally consistent rainfall time series are essential in climate analyses and applications.
Uncovering the challenges of domestic energy access in the context of weather and climate extremes in Somalia
In Somalia, challenges related to energy access is influenced by both weather and climate extremes and associated conflict.
Towards a spatial Data Infrastructure for Somalia using open source standards
SDI is a well-known concept in Africa, many countries are on the way to having a formal SDI strategy Certain countries, such as Somalia, are starting the process of nation building after years of war.

 In focus

Puntland Strengthens Drought Monitoring Skills Using Combined Drought Index

As part of its Capacity Development Programme, SWALIM conducted a training on Drought Monitoring from June 23 to July 4, 2024, in Garoowe, Puntland. SWALIM acknowledges that both theoretical and practical knowledge on drought monitoring, analysis, and forecasting enhance the capabilities of Federal and State line ministries and departments in managing drought-related challenges.

FAO and Italy Launch New Initiative to Enhance Watershed Management in Somalia

Mogadishu, Somalia – A new project to enhance the overall Somalia water and land resource information management within government institutions was launched today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Embassy of Italy in Mogadishu and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The project, "Strengthening Capacities of Integrated Watershed Management (SCIWM)," was officially signed in Mogadishu by representatives from the institutions.

Sustained “no regrets” humanitarian efforts urgently needed in response to drought in the Horn of Africa

Catastrophic consequences of the multi-year drought will continue in 2023, leaving communities in urgent need of assistance. Seasonal forecasts suggest a reasonable chance that the upcoming March–May rains will again underperform which, should it occur, would be an unprecedented sixth poor season. Communities will need years to recover from this historically severe drought.

Climate-smart water harvesting and storage systems help rural communities overcome climate shocks

FAO and the European Union partner with government and communities to strengthen water resource management for improved food security in Puntland and Somaliland

 SWALIM Publications

Somalia Gu 2024 Rainfall Performance Review and Impacts on Livelihood - Issued 20 June 2024

Several key findings have been obtained following a review of the 2024 Gu (March-April-May) rains and forecast of Hagaa (June-July-August) season: The heaviest cumulative rainfall was observed in Hiraan region (408.2 mm at Belet Weyne) and Woqooyi Galbeed region (477.0 mm at Gumburaha station); w

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Rainfall Forecast for SIRA II project Area – Issued 03 June 2024

This week marks the end of the Gu rains across the project area, ushering in the Hagaa season. The forecasted dry conditions may benefit agropastoral activities such as weeding in the Awdal region, which includes Baki and Borama districts.

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast – Issued 29 May 2024

Weekly Rainfall Forecast: According to ICPAC, during the week between 28 May to 3 June 2024, dry conditions are expected in most inland parts of the country with chances of light rainfall over coastal parts of the southern regions (Map 1).

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast – Issued 22 May 2024

According to ICPAC, during the week between 21 and 28 May 2024, dry conditions and light rainfall is expected in most inland parts of the country with chances of moderate rains over coastal parts of the southern regions.

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SWALIM is a multi-donor project managed by FAO and currently funded by The European Union, USAID, SDC, FCDO and Government of France