This documentandrdquoPreliminary Assessment and Strategic Approaches Reportandrdquois the first section of the second volume prepared during a mission to analyse andrdquoRural Water and Sanitation Interventions in Northeast and Southern Somaliaandrdquounder a framework contract financed by the European Union and implemented by Montgomery Watson Harza in consortium led by Parsons Brinckerhoff. The strategy builds on the European Commission andrdquoStrategy for the Implementation of Special Aid to Somalia 2002 - 2007(SISAS)andrdquoand the results cf a workshop held on 6 November, 2003 in close cooperation with the SACB WSISC (Somalia Aid Coordination Body Water Supply Infrastructure and Sanitation Committee) committee and other stakeholders where the proposed strategy was analysed.
This manual has been written as a guideline to assist implementing agencies design for the rehabilitation of irrigation systems within the Shabelle basin. The manual attempts to provide comprehensive sets of principles, steps, options and methods which are applicable in irrigation infrastructure design without overloading the manual with details.
In order to improve the flood warning, preparedness and response in the flood prone areas the SC (UK) Belet Weyne food security team carried out a flood baseline assessment. The aim of the flood baseline assessment was to:br br+ Understand how the El Nino flood of 1997/1998 affected the riverine food economy group in Belet Weyne District particularly the most vu1nerable + Use this information to recognize the associated risks and impact of similar floods on agricultural production, livestock holdings, social support systems and + Identify and understand the local community flood monitoring systems, preparedness plans and response + Use this assessment to enhance relief co-ordination efforts and operational preparedness of UN, International and local agencies when floods + Identify appropriate strategies that would contribute the control of + Improve and develop weak links between flood warning information generators and information; br This flood assessment was done using the Household Economy Approach (HEA). This approach is the core methodology used by Save the Children (UK) and other partner agencies throughout the region to assess food security and livelihoods. In this particular assessment the HEA looks at the impact of the El -Nino flood on the livelihoods of the affected communities at household level. It distinguishes each different socio-economic group's (wealth group) access to food and income, as well as their ability to afford daily necessities during this year. The HEA identifies the risks and shocks associated with the flood as well as each wealth group's respective coping and risk minimizing strategies.
For the last two years, GHARP has, with a financial grant from USAID, implemented a regional project whose overall objective was to identify and evaluate the performance of RWH systems in the GHA with the aim of promoting best practices in water management in order to enhance food security and water availability. The publication focuses on the results of that project and highlights factors that need to be considered for effective promotion and adoption of sustainable solutions to livelihoods in GHA.
The main objectives of the project was to consolidate flood protection works by carrying out in the project area additional strengthening of rive embarkments and construction/renovation of gates.
Provides rainfail data including annual figues,monthly means and daily distribution of rainfulfor Somalia regions collected between the period 1955 to 1986. Areas covered are: Afgoi, berdera,Belet Uen, Berbera, Boroma, Galcayo, Jowhar, Hargeisa, Jilib, Lug-ganane and Mogadishu.
The report is made by two sections: The report with syntheses of all activities carried out and related graphic enclosed The annexes with: X The Awdal Hydrogeology section X The West Borama Basin X The Zeila WSS X The VES curves The first three annexes are constituted by a report and related graphics enclosed. In the fourth there are only graphics and a legend to insert before each group of graphs. A detailed list of all files to print (in printing order) is reported in the next page. The print instructions for each CAD files (*.dwg) are inserted in the same file, hence opening the files with AutoCad you can read the instructions at the graph side. The graphs (as well as the maps) have been already positioned to fit the print phase. If you move it part of the graph may fall out of the paper. So, please, make the appropriate setting (printing scale, paper format and paper position) then ascertain, before printing, that the graph centres the output paper. If you get any problem contact me. The files are divided in 5 sub-directories plus one (DATA) with all the VES data collected during the mission. For each group of VES in the DATA sub- directory there is an excel file with the field data. In the report and annexes subdirectories there are also some WMF (windows metafiles) with the figures directly enclosed in the reports. It is only for archive, not for printing. Sorry for editing in such a complicate pattern, but the material was too much to be edited in a simpler way. Ciao a tutti Bruno X REPORT Pag0.doc Mission Report.doc (report) Encl2-1.dwg Encl3-1.dwg Encl3-2.dwg Encl4-1.dwg Encl5-1.dwg Encl6-1.dwg Encl6-2.dwg Encl7-1.dwg Encl7-2.dwg ANNEXES Annex0.doc ANNEX A AnnexA-0.doc Awsal_Hydrogeology.doc (report) EnclA1.dwg ANNEX B AnnexB-0.doc West Borama.doc (report) EnclB1.dwg EnclB2-1,.... B2-4.dwg EnclB3.dwg ANNEX C AnnexC-0.doc New Zeila WSS.doc (report) EnclC1.dwg EnclC2.dwg EnclC3.dwg ANNEX D AnnexD-0.doc LegD1.doc EnclD1-01,....D1-21.dwg LegD2.doc EnclD2-01,....D2-05.dwg LegD3.doc EnclD3-01,....D3-03.dwg
The objective of the team was to undertake a case study related to over exploitation of National Acacia woolands and negative implication on the environment and Social-economic of the pastoral population.
The objective of the Banana Sector Study for Somalia is: andldquoTo assess the banana industry in the context of irrigated crop production. Based on the assessment a strategy to improve banana production to an internationally competitive level will be developed. In case this is not sustainable, a strategy for diversification of irrigated crop production will be developed.andrdquoThe study is carried out in two phases. Phase I was implemented between February 13th and March 03rd, 2003 by H. Hack, and H. McKilligan. The result of Phase I is presented in the Preliminary Assessment and Strategic Options Report, providing the baseline for the decision on the focus of the support programme under the Special Framework of Assistance for Traditional ACP Suppliers of Banana in the Lower Shabelle region. Phase II is scheduled for May/June 2003.
The objective of the Banana Sector Study for Somalia as is to assess the banana industry in the context of irrigated crop production. Based on the assessment, a strategy to improve banana production to an internationally competitive level will be developed. In case this is not sustainable, a strategy for diversification of irrigated crop production will be developed. The study is carried out in two phases. Phase I was implemented between February 13th and March 3rd, 2003 by H. Hack, and H. McKilligan. The result of Phase I is presented in the Preliminary Assessment and Strategic Options Report(this report), providing the baseline for the decision on the focus of the support programme under the Special Framework of Assistance for Traditional ACP Suppliers of Banana in the Lower Shabelle region. Phase II is scheduled for May/June 2003.
The Shabelle agricultural rehabilitation project (SHARP) was aimed ant Increasing agricultural production and marketing of produce at the local and household level through managing and maintaining rural roads, irrigation and promoting flood protection awareness and practices.