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Journal Article

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Puntland State of Somalia

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Adventist Development and Relief Agency

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Agricultural development and diversification strategy in Lower Shabelle

The mission approach to this study was to establish whether or not there was a possibility of Somalia reviving its international banana export trade, without the former benefits of preferential trading terms with EU. If not a possibility, the ojective was to consider what could replace the banana industry to utilise the irrigation water and soil resources for th maximum benefit of the people living there.

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European Union Rural and Agricultural Temporary Association

Case study on impact of charcoal on socio-economy and environment

The objective of the team was to undertake a case study related to over exploitation of National Acacia woolands and negative implication on the environment and Social-economic of the pastoral population.

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Oxfam Netherlands

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United Nations Develoment Program,World Bank

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Centre for Development and Environment,Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

Water resources sector strategy, Strategic directions for world bank engagements

Contains a list of a collection of recent documents relating to a strategy for the Water Sector in Somalia.

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World Bank

Rehabilitation and management of the irrigation system on Lower Shabelle

The objective of the Banana Sector Study for Somalia is: andldquoTo assess the banana industry in the context of irrigated crop production. Based on the assessment a strategy to improve banana production to an internationally competitive level will be developed. In case this is not sustainable, a strategy for diversification of irrigated crop production will be developed.andrdquoThe study is carried out in two phases. Phase I was implemented between February 13th and March 03rd, 2003 by H. Hack, and H. McKilligan. The result of Phase I is presented in the Preliminary Assessment and Strategic Options Report, providing the baseline for the decision on the focus of the support programme under the Special Framework of Assistance for Traditional ACP Suppliers of Banana in the Lower Shabelle region. Phase II is scheduled for May/June 2003.

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European Union Rural and Agricultural Temporary Association

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Shabelle Agricultural Rehabilitation Project(SHARP), Mid-term review; Lower Shabelle Region, Somalia

The Shabelle agricultural rehabilitation project (SHARP) was aimed ant Increasing agricultural production and marketing of produce at the local and household level through managing and maintaining rural roads, irrigation and promoting flood protection awareness and practices.

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Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere

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Conference Proceedings

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Concern Worldwide

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Famine Early Warning Systems Network,Mozambique Intergrated Information Network for Decision-Making

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Baseline survey and assesment for water and sanitation development and rehabilitation project in Bari Regon, Puntland

As one of its objectives for intervention in the development of Puntland, 0GB wants to enhance peace and stability through increasing self-reliance in water supply among the various communities. The overall objective of the project is therefore to contribute to the process of social rehabilitation and strengthening the communityandrsquos ability to manage their own affairs in terms of ensuring sufficient availability of water and better sanitary conditions. The proposed project will enable communities in the selected project areas to have access to increased quantity of hygienically acceptable water. This project, as a water and sanitation intervention therefore, is planned to address the water and sanitation problems in the intervention areas by: • Extending the duration for which water will be available in the villages by increasing the water holding/maintaining (storing) capacity of existing berkads and by helping the community to construct new ones where • Increasing the awareness of the community about the need for consideration of sanitation issues and integrating sanitation activities in all water related activities, andbr • In close co-operation with other agencies (like Afnica-70) involved in sanitation activities, intensively engaging the (urban) communities in sanitation awareness activities and assisting the local authorities to take up the matter in a sustainable manner.

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ETC East Africa

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European Commission,Oxfam Quebec

Report on Rehabilitation of Staff Gauges on Juba and Shabelle Rivers in Somalia

This is a report prepared by a consultant contracted by cefa to conduct site surveys and provide detailed site plans of the gauging cross section at Luuq and Bardheere bridges on the Juba River and Belet Weyne and Bulo Burti bridges on the Shabelle River. He was also required to install staff gauges at the four sites provide a brief training to ensure a common standard of record keeping and data transmission is in place for each site among other tasks

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy),European Committee For Agricultural Training

Water resources assesment, water supply,planning and rehabilitation surveys; Hydrological and geophysical surveys; Gedo region Somalia January/February 2002

This report presents the results of water resources assessment. water supply planning and rehabilitation surveys in Gedo Regon of Somalia carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Somalia Delegation. The assessment was carried out in January to February 2002, and included hydrogeology and geophysical investigations for shallow wells, rain water catchments and boreholes at selected villages within the Region. Furthermore, it included the physical evaluation of the existing water supply facilities throughout the selected villages in the Gedo Region to assess the rehabilitation and improvement requirements to upgrade water delivery to the communities

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International Commitee of the Red Cross/Crescent

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Somalia Aid Co-ordination Body

Development of rice cultivation, processing and marketing in Jowhar and Qorioley districts - End of term report

CEFA has been working in Southern Somalia for many years, particularly in the agricultural sector, focussing on the re-introduction of rice cultivation in partnership with local communities and the EU Somalia Unit based in Nairobi. From 1996 to the present, rice cultivation has been re-estabhshed in Jowhar District, Middle Shabelle through the implementation of three project phases. The purpose of this review is to determine the extent to which the project has reached its objectives at the end of Phase III and to make recommendations for the new Phase IV.

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European Centre For Agricultural training


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