
L-21 Territorial Diagnostic Report of the Land Resources of Somaliland

Technical report
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Territorial diagnostic report of the land resources of Somaliland gives an inventory of the natural resources and a territorial diagnostic report. The focus of the report on providing support to land policy development process. Natural Resource Inventory is essential for comprehensive land-use planning that proactively considers a community's land and water resources, and provides the foundation for open space planning and protection, zoning updates, conservation planning, critical environmental areas, and other municipal plans and policies. The study was accomplished through a desk assessment of the land resources using existing data (soil, climate, land use, satellite), soil survey and soil data analysis to increase understanding of soil characteristics including soil fertility and other soil production variables, livelihood and land use surveys to verify production systems (Land Use Systems) previously defined by SWALIM and analysis of soils, land use and production limitation and potential and compilation of an expanded land resources database. Inventory of the land resources data was done by staff from Somaliland Ministry of Environment and Rural Development (MoERD). Prior to required field surveys the ministry staff was trained by SWALIM on field data collection methodology. The team was then sent to the field to collect land resources data. Data was collected on land use, land cover, livelihoods, and soils in Burco and Owdweyne districts of Somaliland. These data was analyzed and results presented to Somaliland authorities in a stakeholder workshop that formed the climax of the activity by SWALIM. A report titled “Territorial diagnostic report of the land resources of Somaliland” was produced. The Natural Resource Base and Territorial Diagnostic Report for Somaliland, together with related natural resources databases, are important tools to promote inclusive access to land and other natural resources information in order to facilitate productive investments and support the country’s social and economic development. Natural resources management guidelines will also be developed based on the contents of the report.
Date of publication: 
February, 2016
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