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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Corporate Author:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

SACB project matrix; July 2002

The Somalia Aid Coordination Body (SACB) has developed a Project Matrix designed to illustrate activities of all SACB partners in Somalia, providing a practical tool for enhancing the coordination of aid to Somalia. The Project Matrix is intended to serve as a planning instrument by presenting the work of humanitarian and development organisations geographically and sectorally. It aims to foster greater coherence for emergency prevention, preparedness and response as well as promote greater cross-sectoral and harmonised rehabilitation and development initiatives. The Project Matrix is a “living document”it is constantly being updated with information received from SACB partners. Along with current project information, recently archived project information is also accessible through the Matrix. The dynamic nature of the Matrix can be captured on the SACB’s web page ( where all confirmed changes are logged. CD Rom versions of the Matrix are available from the SACB Secretariat.

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Journal Article

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Somalia Aid Co-ordination Body

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Majumdar D., K.

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Famine Early Warning Systems Network;, Livestock Early Warning Systems;, Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development;, U.S Geological Survey

Agricultural support project Mid-term review, Belet Weyne district, Hiran region, Somalia

Agricultural Support Project (ASP) is designed to address directly the need to improve family capacities to access irrigation water through a cost s h m g arrangement where communities contribute 20% of the cost of a pump. Extension workers from the villages are m e d on land (loaned freely to the community) in the cultivation and husbandry practices learned in phase 1. They gain access to improved seed varieties (grain, vegetables and fruit seedlings) so that they can replicate them on their own farms, The project has also introduced an agricultural training curriculum to local schools

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Fox, E.,J., Intermedia NCG

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Save the Children U.K

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Nicklas Svensson (Editor)

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Senay, G., U.S Geological Survey

Corporate Author:

Famine Early Warning Systems Network

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Issak, A. ,Mohamed ,A. M.

Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)


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