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Centre for Development and Environment

Approaches to private participation in Water services: A toolkit

(Extract from the preface)Approaches to Private Participation in Water Services will aid governments in developing countries that are interested in private participation in water supply and sanitation. Written for an audience that includes officials, consultants, and donors, the toolkit illustrates options for the design of policies that facilitate the delivery of good quality water and sanitation services to the poor and discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of the options. Among other things, it discusses stake- holder consultationthe trade-offs among tariffs, subsidies, and service standardsthe allocation of risks and responsibilitiesand the selection of the operator. In addition to nine chapters that set out and analyze options for private participation, the toolkit includes an appendix of examples that illustrate the choices made by sixteen governments, a spreadsheet-based policy simulation model that illustrates three of the issues discussed in the text (stakeholder analysis, balancing tariffs and service standards, and the allocation of risk), and a CD-ROM that includes documents that offer different perspectives and more detailed advice.

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World Bank, United Nations International Childrens Education Fund, Public-Private Infrustructure advisory Facility

FAO SWALIM Water Sources Maps; ACF survey - Somalia

Map of Somalia showing water points. The map is produced by SWALIM by data from the ACF Somalia water source survey by ACF. Data sources : ACF, ADRA, GAA, GRC, Intersos, SCF, ICRC WATHAB Section

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

Water from dry riverbeds: How riverbeds can be turned into water sourcesby hand-dug wells and sand dams

Water from dry riverbeds as a hands on manual provides the requisite insights and information on how surface runoff that is released into seasonal rivers as flash floods can be harnessed and abstracted through appropriate technologies such as hand dug wells, weirs and sand storage dams (sand and subsurface dams). This hands-on handbook begins with a historical perspective/background information on sandy riverbeds as reservoirs of good quality water and then goes on to look into the survey and design considerations required before constructing hand dug wells, weirs and sand storage dams (sand and subsurface dams). This manual has also addressed the concern over when to develop these water sources by giving the suitable seasons for surveys and construction works. The latter information is important because experiences from emergency relief operations in the arid lands of Kenya (i.e. Turkana) have showed that the construction of sand storage dams in times of drought cannot provide the badly needed water to water deficit areas. Instead, these dams should be developed with a view to being recharged during the rainy season and utilized in subsequent dry spells.

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Nissen-Petersen E.

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Danish International Development Assistance

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Ahmed Ibrahim Awale, Ahmed Jama Sugule

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Kjell Havnevik (Editor), Tekeste Negash (Editor), Atakilte Beyene (Editor)

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Corporate Author:

Centre for Development and Environment

FAO SWALIM water sources - ACF survey - Bay

Water sources map for Bay region of Somalia. Map produced using data from ACF survey on Somalia Water sources. To request this map quote the reference: WAT-WATER-17012006-NA3815-A1-001

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Eva H D, European Commission, Brink A, European Commission, Simonetti D, European Commission

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