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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 23-05-2017

Most regions of Somalia will remain dry for the next three days, apart from few areas in Somaliland and Puntland where light showers are expected in the same period. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards light to moderate rains in Puntland and parts of Somaliland. Light rains are also expected in a few areas in the Central and coastal areas of the South. The upper parts of Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive moderate rains. Users are advised that this is a forecast and at times there may be discrepancies between forecast and actual amounts of rainfall received.

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Rainfall Outlook

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Somalia Flood Watch Bulletin 10-05-2017

During the week ending on 09 May 2017, there were light to moderate rains within the Juba and Shabelle river basins both inside Somalia and the Ethiopian highlands. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards light to moderate rains within the Juba and Shabelle river basins with heavy rains foreseen in the coastal areas of the basins inside Somalia. The upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands are also expected to record significant rains during the week in focus. Following the rains that were recorded in the basins in the last few weeks, the river levels along the two rivers rose significantly and are currently above normal levels at this time of the year. Given the rainfall forecast and the high river levels, there is a high risk of flooding along the middle and lower reaches of Shabelle River. Flooding in Middle Shabelle has been reported in Madheere Village and has caused damage to large amounts of cropped area and displacement of some households. There is no risk of flooding foreseen along the Juba during the forecast period.

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Flood watch bulletin

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 04-05-2017

Light to moderate rains continued to be received in a few places across the country in the last two days. Togdheer and Woqooyi Galbeed regions in Somaliland recorded good rains which was well distributed in space and time since 01 May 2017. Southern parts of the country also received good rains in a few pockets since the beginning of the month. There was a significant reduction of rainfall activities in Puntland over the last two days. The rains are expected to continue in most parts of the country in the next seven days but with less magnitude. The Ethiopian highlands are also expected to continue receiving rains during the same period. This is will turn lead to increased river levels along the Juba and Shabelle Rivers. Riverine flooding has been reported in Middle reaches of the Shabelle River due to existing open river banks and weak river embankments. Users are advised that this is a forecast and at times there may be discrepancies between forecast and actual amounts of rainfall received.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 25-05-2017

Most parts of Somalia will remain dry for the next three days, apart from few areas in Puntland where light showers are expected. The rainfall forecast for the coming week is pointing towards light to moderate rains in Puntland and parts of Somaliland. Light rains are also expected in the coastal areas of the Central and South Somalia. The upper parts of Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive moderate rains.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 15-05-2017

Light rains are expected to prevail for the next 3 days (Map 1) in a few places within Puntland and Somaliland as well as the coastal areas of southern regions in Somalia. The cumulative rainfall forecast for the week which ends on 21 May 2017 (Map 2) shows light to moderate in parts of Somaliland, Puntland and coastal areas of southern Somalia including the Ethiopian highlands. Most of the rains are expected towards the end of the week. Other parts of the country will remain dry during the forecast period. The river levels are also expected to rise given the forecast.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Saadaasha Roob-da’idda Soomaaliya 04-05-2017

Labadii maalmood ee laga soo gudbay roobab fudfudud ilaa kuwo dhexdhexaad ah ayaa ka sii socoday gudaha dhawr meelood oo ka yaal dalka oo dhan.Gudaha Gobollada Togdheer iyo Waqooyi Galbeed ee gudaha Somaalilan waxaa la diiwaangeliyey roobab fiicfiican kuwaas oo si habbon ugu qaybsanaa dhul iyo waqti ahaanba tan iyo 1-dii May 2017. Qaybaha koonfureed ee dalka sidoo kale waxay heleen roobab fiicfiican gudaha dharw meelood oo kooban tan iyo bilowgii bishaan May. Marka la eego labadii maalmood eedhanbe waxaa jirey gudaha Puntland hoos-u-dhac waxkuool ah ee roobabkii da’ayey. Roobabka waxaa la filayaa in ay ka sii socdaan gudaha dalka intiisa badan labada maalmood ee soo socota, laakiin hab si hooseysa ah. Buuraleyda saree e Itoobiya waxaa sidoo kale la filayaa inuu sii socdo helitaanka roobabka isla muddada tan. Arrintaani marka waxay horseedeysaa in heerar webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle ay kordhaan. Fataad webiyeed ayaa laga soo sheegay Gobolka Bartamaha webiga Shabeelle iyadoo ay ugu wacan tahay daamanka oo furan iyo gebiyada webiga tag daran. Qolyaha isticmaalaya xogtaan waxaa lagu wargelinaya in waxaani ay tahay saadaal oo mararka qaar waxaa ka jiri kara farqi ka duwanaan oo ka dhex dhaca saadaasha iyo qadarka xaqiiqda roob la helay. Saadaasha, heerarka webiga la arkay iyo qadaka roobka-da’a waxaa loo cusboonaynsiiyaa si maalinle ah waxaana laga helikaraa gudaha xiriirkaan:

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Flood Watch Bulletin 16-05-2017

During the week ending on 16 May 2017, there was a significant reduction of rains within the Juba and Shabelle river basins inside Somalia. The upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands continued to receive good rains during the same period. Map - 1 shows the total satellite Rainfall Estimates (RFE) for the same reporting period while Map –2 shows the rainfall forecast for coming week. The rainfall forecast for the coming week (Map – 2) is pointing towards moderate to heavy rains in the basins both in the Ethiopian highlands and inside Following the rains that were recorded in the basins in the last few weeks, the river levels along the two rivers rose significantly and are currently above normal levels at this time of the year Given the rainfall forecast and the high river levels, there remains a high risk of flooding along the middle and lower reaches of Shabelle River. Flooding in Middle Shabelle has been reported in Mahadey, Jowhar and Balcad districts which have caused damage to large amounts of cropped area and displacement of some households. There is no risk of flooding foreseen along the Juba during the forecast period.

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Flood watch bulletin

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Saadaasha Roob-daidda Soomaaliya 05-04-2017

Xilligii Guga sanadka 2017 wuxuu ka bilowday qaybo ka mid ah Soomaalilan intii lagu guda jirey toddobaadkii laga soo gudbay ee Maarso iyadoo qaybaha koonfureed ee Gobolka Awdal la diiwaaniyey roobab mahiigaan ah oo ku fidsanaa shan maalmood. Tani waxay keentay in degdeg looga soo kabsado cadaadiskii deegaanka biyaha ka haystay. Qaybaha kale ee dalka waxaa la filayaa in ay bilaabato helitaanka roobabkii Guga marka la gaaro bartamaha Abriil. Saadaasha roob-da’idda maanta (Khariidad 1) waxay muujinaysaa roobab fudud oo gaaraya ilaa 20mm gudaha Gobollada Koonfureed, qaybo ka tirsan Soomaaliland iyo Buuraleyda sare ee Itoobiya. Roobabka waxaa la filayaa inay ku kordhaan isla deegaannadaan ilaa dhammaadka toddobaadka sida lagu arkayo gudaha Khariidadda 2 taas oo sax uun ku ah ilaa 11 Abriil 2017. Xoogaa ama roob la’aan ay la saadaalinayaa gudaha Puntland iyo Gobollada Dhexe inta lagu guda jiro muddada la odorosay.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somali Dekadal Rainfall - Dekad 11 of 2017

The Gu rains started in may parts of Somalia with below average performance in Southern regions. During the second Dekad of April 2017 (11th – 20th), there was a reduction of rainfall activities in in many places from the previous dekad. The season is yet to start in Puntland and the central regions of the country which remained dry remained dry during the same period causing more concern in the drought stricken areas. Moderate rains received in the in the Ethiopian highlands in the beginning of the month led to an increase of river levels along the Juba and Shabelle.

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Dekadal Rainfall Update

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 06-04-2017

Light rains were reported in a few places in southern regions of Somalia in the last 24 hours. Belet Weyne in Hiraan recorded 5mm of rainfall while Wanle Weyne in Lower Shabelle, and Bur Hakaba in Bay received a total of 10mm and 8mm respectively. Light rains were also reported in a few pockets of the western side of Somaliland while no rains were reported in Puntland during the same period. Field reports also indicate light to moderate rains within the Ethiopian highlands. The rainfall forecast for today (Map 1) indicates light rains of up to 20mm in the southern regions, parts Somaliland and the Ethiopian highlands. The rains will increase in the same areas in terms of space and quantity as the week progresses as seen in Map 2 which is valid up to 12 April 2017. Little or no rains are foreseen in Puntland and central regions during the forecast period. Given the forecast, the river levels along the Juba and Shabelle are expected to increase with no risk of flooding during the coming week. The levels and rainfall forecast are updated on a daily basis and can be found in this link:

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Rainfall Forecast

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