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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 30-11-2016

In the next three days light to moderate rains will be received in southern and central parts of the country and the Ethiopian highlands. The north western regions will receive scattered rains while the north eastern parts will remain dry in the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 22-11-2016

The southern parts of the country and the upper catchments of the Juba and Shabelle Rivers at the Ethiopian highlands are expected to receive light to moderate rains in the coming three days. The northern parts of the country will remain dry in the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 11-11-2016

Minimal rainfall activities are expected across Somalia in the next three days, apart from the southern coastal areas which may receive light rains. The upper catchments of the Juba and Shabelle Rivers at the Ethiopian highlands will also remain dry in the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Saadaasha Roob da’a Soomaaliya 31-10-2016

Waxaa saddexda maalmood ee soo socota gudaha qaybaha dalka inta badan ka jiri doona hoos u dhac xoogan oo ah arrimaha roob da’a. Roobab fudud ayaa laga rajeynayaa gudaha dhowr goobood oo ka tirsan qaybaha koonfureed ee dalka. Qaybaha bartamaha iyo waqooyiga Soomaaliya waxay ahaan doonaa qalayl isla muddada iyada aha. Xaalado qalalan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale laga saadaalinayaa gudaha buuraleyda sare ee Itoobiya inta lagu guda jiro muddada la saadaaliyey.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 27-10-2016

There will be a reduction of rainfall activities in most parts of Somalia in the coming three days with exception of Puntland regions where moderate rains are expected in the last day of the forecast period. Moderate rains are also foreseen within the Ethiopian highlands in the next three days.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 07-10-2016

The rainfall forecast for the next three days points towards light to moderate of up to 30mm in parts of Bari, Nuugal, Sool aand Sanaag regions all in the north eastern parts and Bakool region in the south as well in the upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands. The rest of the country is expected to remain dry during the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Saadaasha Roob da’a Soomaaliya 28-10-2016

Roobab fudud ayaa laga rajeynayaa in laga helo gudaha qaybo ka tirsan gobollada Sanaag iyo Togdheer oo ka tirsan qaybaha waqooyi ee Soomaaliland iyo dhawr meelood oo ka tirsan gobollada koonfureed ee xuduudka la leh Itoobiya. Buuraleyda sare ee Itoobiya oo roobabkeedu door xoogan ka qaataan qulqulka Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle ee gudaha Soomaaliaya ayaa iyagana la filayaa inay helaan roobab fudud iyo kuwo dhexdhexaad ah inta lagu jiro muddada la sadaaliyey. Dalka inta soo hartay waxay heli doonta roob yar ama roob la’aan bay noqon isla muddada la xusay.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 28-10-2016

Light rains are expected to be experienced in parts of Sanaag and Togdheer regions in the northern parts of Somalia and a few places in the southern regions bordering Ethiopia. The Ethiopian highlands whose rainfall contribute significantly to the river flow of Juba and Shabelle Rivers inside Somalia are also expected to receive light to moderate rains within the forecast period. The rest of the country will receive little or no rains in the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Somalia Rainfall Forecast 11-10-2016

The rainfall forecast for the next three days points towards light rains of up to 30mm cumulatively in the inland parts of Somaliland and Puntland. The Upper parts of the Ethiopian highlands may experience moderate rains while rest of the country is expected to remain dry during the same period.

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Rainfall Forecast

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Saadaasha Roob da’a Soomaaliya 27-10-2016

Saddexda maalmood ee soo socota waxaa qaybo badan oo ka tirsan Soomaaliya ka jiri doona arrin roob yaraan marka laga reebo gobollada Puntland halkaas oo laga rajeynaayo roobab dhexdhexaad ah maalmaha dambe ee muddada la saadaaliyey. Waxaa kale oo saddexda maalmood ee soo fool leh laga saadaalinayaa xagga buuraleyda sare ee Itoobiya roobab dhexdhexaad ah.

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Rainfall Forecast

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