On 12th Aug. 95 WES National Project Officer, Mr. Mohamed El-Fattah sent a radio massage to Mr. Ali Haifa who was the Hargeisa WES OIC, requesting to deploy Mr. Hassan Egal for 10 days mission to Rage Eele in Jowhar Region area where UNICEF committed in drilling 2 deep wells through one of UNICEF partner ADRA International NGO based in Mogadishu and have sub-office in Adele District. The terms of reference of the trip were the following: 1. Inspection arid monitoring the on going project. 2. To brief a new employed WES consultant for Mogadishu on the policies and procedure of UNICEF Water and environmental sanitation programme
Advanced Queries and Formulas 2.0 Top of Form 1 Author Vasily Belyh Last Modified Aug 04 1999 Software ArcView 3.x Language Avenue Category ArcView Tables,ArcView Views: General Extension Yes Keywords table, view, query, expression, calculate, formula Filename advcalc2.zip File size 16.72 KB Bottom of Form 1 Top of Form 2 File name: advcalc2.avx File size: 65.63 KB Bottom of Form 2 Useful extension to store the user's queries and formulas in project
Bright spots,(so-called) can be defined as individuals, small communities and households that have adopted innovative practices and strategies to reverse natural resource degradation in a sustainable manner whilst maintaining or enhancing food security. Bright spots are potentially sustainable, and levels of natural resource capital are above ecological and economic thresholds. It is these Bright spots that form the basis of this report. The report comprises a series of sections describing selected Bright spot cases from different parts of the globe and a global assessment of the extent of Bright spot is attempted using previously collected data sets and surveys conducted in the current study. Using survey data, the relevance of ten key drivers in the development of Bright spots was assessed.
(Extract from introduction text) The main subject of hydrological and hydrogeological investigations is to obtain a general idea about the geological and hydrogeological composition of the region, about the hydraulic and hydrochemical aquifer characteristics and about the ground water budget. The work was focused on a comprehensive study of a complete and delimited groundwater flow system.
The Toolkit, managed by the Technical Cooperation Department (TC), is designed to facilitate the formulation of projects under the FAO supported Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS), the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) and TeleFood, as well as under Trust Fund arrangements. Its content is organized into five clusters: andrdquoProject Categoriesandrdquo, andrdquoFunding Sourcesandrdquo, andrdquoSPFSandrdquo, andrdquoUseful Information and Referencesandrdquoand andrdquoLessons Learnedandrdquo, each with distinct characteristics. Introductory texts to each subject provide a general context and key issues concerned, with links to further information. For the most common technical disciplines of FAO's mandated areas, the Toolkit provides access to normative frameworks for project formulation and andrdquobest practiceandrdquoproject examples, preparation guidelines for FAO funding sources, supportive material and lessons learned from project implementation. The SPFS, for which there is a specific site, assumes a prominent role in the Kit. The Kit is not seeking to produce standardized and detailed blueprints. It is designed as an evolving process that will grow and change as needed by users. The Kit is accessible through the Technical Cooperation Department's web site andrdquoField Programme Management Information System (FPMIS)andrdquo.