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Gregory Norton

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GAROWE-first steps towards strategic urban planning

First steps towards strategic urban planning

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme

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United Nations Human Settlements Programme

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Sthlm policy group (Editor)

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status of medium to large irrigation schemes in southern somalia

The Juba and Shabelle river basins have been, and could again be, the breadbasket of Somalia. They have considerable potential for irrigation development, and several irrigation schemes have been developed on these two major river basins to provide sustainable food security and alleviate poverty in the country. However, due to 16 years of civil insecurity and unrest the majority of these schemes have collapsed. Based on the conclusions and recommendations of the and rdquoBanana Sector Study and rdquoprepared by the European Commission (EC, 2002), the European Commission has moved to restore some irrigation facilities, and rehabilitate and maintain former irrigated plantations and irrigation schemes.

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Mbara C.J.

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status of medium to large irrigation schemes in southern somalia

The Juba and Shabelle river basins have been, and could again be, the breadbasket of Somalia. They have considerable potential for irrigation development, and several irrigation schemes have been developed on these two major river basins to provide sustainable food security and alleviate poverty in the country. However, due to 16 years of civil insecurity and unrest the majority of these schemes have collapsed.

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Mbara C.J.

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Guide for preparation of flood risk

the guide has been prepared for the European Investment Bank to provide advice on fluvial flood risk management that addresses planning

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HR Wallingford

W-08 Qiimaynta biyaha Miyiga

Khayraadka biyaha gudaha Soomaaliya waa ay kooban yihiin tiro iyo tayo labadaba, taas oo ay weheliso abaar soo noqnoqda iyo daadad sii xumeeya xaaladda ammaanka biyaha ee gudaha dalka. Ka hor bilowgii dagaalka sokeeye ee horraantii1991, hay'adda ugu muhiimsan ee mas'uul ka ah maaraynta khayraadka biyaha gudaha Soomaaliya waxay ahayd Wasaaradda Khayraadka Biyaha iyo Macdanta iyada oo loo marayo Xarunta Biyaha Qaran. Manaafacaadsiga biyo siinta maxalliga waxaa mas'uuliyad ka saarnayd Hay'adda Horumarinta Biyaha (WDA), halka Wasaaradda Beeraha ay qorshayn jirtey oo ka shaqayn jirtey hawlaha biyaha waraabka beeraha ee wabiga Shabeelle. Marka ay noqoto Webiga Jubba, horumarinta waxaa ka mas'uul ahaa Wasaaradda Qorshaynta Qaranka iyo Horumarinta Dooxada Juba. Qabanqaabooyinka hay'adeed ee maareynta khayraadka biyaha waxay muujiyeen kala qoqobnaan, oo aan lahay xad cad oo u dhexeeya hawlaha hay'adaha qaraniyo kuwa maxalliga ah. Markii uu qarxay dagaalkii sokeeye ee 1991-kii, wax badan oo ka mid ah kaabayaasha biyaha waa la burburiyay oo waxaa si xun loo waxyeeleeyey adeegyo bulshadeed oo ka jirey gudaha Soomaaliya sida caafimaadka, waxbarashada, biyaha iyo fayadhowrka. Maadaama Soomaaliya ay ku taal geyi aad u biyo-yar, horumarinta deegaameed, midda bulshadeed iyo dhaqaalaba waxay si baaxad weyn ugu tiirsan tahay ammaan biyo la hagaajiyey oo maareyn khayraad biyood oo wax-ku-ool ah leh.

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Technical report

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Inventory of Hydro -Meteorological Data of Somalia

Developing countriesespecially in Africa, face great challenges in data and information management. While it is known that centralised database management is a good practice in the field of research, not many countries have managed to achieve this, even with the growing rate of knowledge of information and communication technology. Somalia faces even greater challenges than these countries due to the prolonged civil war. One and a half decade of the civil war in the country have resulted in loss and damage of most water and land related information collected in the previous half century. On the other hand, great numbers of agencies are working in Somalia with different objectives and activities, which have led to disintegration of information. Having realised this, land and water data management and exchange have become important components within the SWALIM project. SWALIM is trying to recover lost information from different sources all over the world and at the same time re-establish data collection networks in collaboration with partner agencies. One area of interest is information and data on hydro-meteorology. A lot of resources and efforts have been put into place by SWALIM in an effort to recover these lost data.

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Muchiri, P. W.

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Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)


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