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W-10 Improving Flood Forecasting and Early Warning in Somalia

Somalia experiences severe fl ooding in the riverine areas of the Juba and Shabelle. Increased severity and frequency of these floods have in turn led to increased economic damage and human casualties whenever these fl oods occur. This report presents technical options for the development of fl ood forecasting and early warning systems in Somalia. It is the outcome of an assessment carried out by SWALIM and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) on the Juba and Shabelle rivers for river fl ow forecasting and an assessment of Garowe and Hargeisa towns for fl ash fl ood alert systems.

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Technical report

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Gadain H.M., Muchiri, P. W., Muthusi F.M.

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Gadain H, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya), Aduwo D, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya), Hagen C, Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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W-10 Hagaajinta Odoroska Fataadda iyo Digniinta Hore ee Soomaaliya

Soomaaliya waxaa la kulantaa fatahaad aad u daran gudaha dhulka dooxada webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle. Koror daran iyo soo noqnoqoshada daadadkaan waxay iyana markooda keeneen koror khasaare dhaqaale iyo dhaawacyo aadane markasta oo daadadkaani dhacaan.Warbixintani waxay soo bandhigaysaa fursado farsamadeed ee horumarinta hababka odoroska fatahaadda iyo digniinta hore ee Soomaaliya. Tani waa natiijada ka dhalatay qiimayn ay SWALIM iyo Hayadda Sahminta Joolojiyadeed ee Maraykanka (United States Geological Survey ( USGS )) ku sameeyeen Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle ee hillaadinta qulqul webi iyo qiimeynta habab u heeganaan daad butaaco ah ee magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Hargeysa.

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Technical report

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L-07 Sifeyn Isticmaal Dhul ee Jubba iyo Shabelle

Noocyo isticmaal dhul ee gudaha gosha Webiyada Juba iyo Shabeelle aayaa la aqoonsaday iyadoo loo marayo falanqayn ded dhul, wareysiyo lala yeeshay isticmaaleyaal dhul iyo adeegsiga masawirro dayax-gacmeed oo ah waqti la soo dhaafay iyo kuwo hadda. Warbixintu waxay sidoo kale muujinaysaa kala soocista isticmaalka dhul kala duwan oo hadda ka jirta gudaha meelaha gosha Juba iyo Shabeelle. Waxaa la xaqiijiyey dabaqadaha isticmaalka dhulka gudaha aagga la daraasay iyadoo loo marayo falanqayn ded dhul, wareysiyo yara-qaabaysan iyo tarjumid sawirro dayax-gacmeed, waxaana la sharaxay sifooyinkooda u gaarka ah. Isticmaaleyaalku waxay heli doonaan muuqaal guud oo faahfaahsan oo ah hawlaha isticmaalka dhulka gudaha aagga daraasadda.

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Technical report

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L-07 Land Use Characterization of the Juba and Shabelle

Land use types in the Juba and Shabelle riverline areas were identifi ed through land cover analysis, interviews with land users and the use of past and current satellite images. The report also shows the characterisation of different land use present in the Juba and Shabelle riverine areas. Land-use classes in the study area were determined through land cover analysis, semi-structured interviews and interpretation of satellite imagery, and are described with their specifi c attributes. Users will obtain a detailed overview of land use activities in the study area.

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Technical report

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Oduori S. M., Vargas R.R, Alim M.S

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L-03 Land Cover of Selected Study Areas in Somaliland and Southern Somalia - Report No L-03

For this study, land cover classes were created using the Land Cover Classifi cation System (LCSS) of FAO, satellite image interpretation, and fi eld validation. A description of the main land cover types and vegetation units and their locations are given in detail for the two study areas – one in Somaliland and the other in Southern Somalia. The landcover maps developed from this study will be useful in the generation of land use maps and during land suitability analaysis. The report is a valuable resource in natural resources management.

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Technical report

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Oduori S, Downie M., Monaci L.

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L-03 Ded Dhul Aagag Daraasad loo Doortay gudaha Somaliland iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya

Daraasaddan, waxaa lagu abuuray darajooyin ded dhul iyadoo la isticmaalayo Hab Abla-abley Ded Dhul ee FAO (Land Cover Classification System (LCSS) of FAO), tarjumaad masawirro dayax-gacmeed, iyo soo hubin duur. Sharaxaadda noocyada ded dhulka ugu muhiimsan iyo xubno dhir iyo goobahooda ayaa la bixiyay faahfaahin labadii goobood daraasadda - mid gudaha Somaliland ah iyo mid kale oo gudaha Koonfurta Soomaaliya ah. Khariidadaha dedka dhulka lagu soo saaray daraasadan waxay anfici doonaan curiyo khariidado isticmaal dhul iyo inta lagu jiro falanqayn haboonaanshiyo dhul. Warbixinta waa khayraad qiimo badan u leh maareynta khayraad dabiiciyeedka.

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Technical report

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Land Use Characterisation of a Selected Study Areas in Somaliland - Report No L-04

The objective of this study was to characterise and map current land use in the Dur-Dur and Gebiley area of Somaliland. Land-use types were identifi ed through interpretation of land cover data, semistructured interviews and satellite image interpretation for a total area 12 939 km2. This information can be used to assist in making wise choices about land use, determining where best to locate new settlements, cropping, drainage, irrigation, where and when to apply new technologies and to respond to many other questions about management, use and conservation of the natural environment

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Publication Type:

Technical report

Publication Date:


Oduori S. M., Vargas, R, Alim M.S

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L-05 Soil survey of a selected study area in Somaliland

Since the start of the war in 1991, no soil surveys have been undertaken and available soil data produced by SOGREAH has been lost, including maps showing spatial variability of soils.In view of the foregoing, and considering future planning activities in Somalia, there is a need to generate baseline data that provides an accurate reflection of the current status of natural resources. SWALIM conducted a soil survey using a combination of modern and conventional approaches (to overcome the various constraints within the study area) to map spatial variability of soils as a primary input to land suitability and land degradation assessment ,oriented towards a variety of users.

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Technical report

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Vargas R.R, Alim M

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L-04 Sifeyn Isticmaal Dhul ee Aag Daraasad loo Doortay gudaha Soomaaliyand

Waxaa jira walaac kordhaya oo ku aadan xaaful saabtay beer- iyo beyado dabiiciyeed. Arrintan, daraasado isticmaal dhul ayaa noqonaya aasaaska falanqaynta sababaha horseedaya xaaluf wax soo saarka geyi beer iyo beyad, ama sii xumaanshaha beyad dabiiciyeed. Daraasadaan waxay isu keeneysaa farsamooyinka baarista cilmiyeysan ee GIS iyo jeedaalin dareeme fog sida qalab wax lagu khariidadeeyo, ay la socto soo indha-indheyn dhul oo ay ku jirto wareysiyo yara-qaabaysan oo goob walba u gaar ah oo lala yeesho dad maxalli ah oo yaqaan deegaanka iyo xiriir lala sameeyo hay'ado maxalli ah. Macluumaadka soo baxay waxaa loo isticmaali karaa in uu caawiyo si loo sameeyo doorashooyin caqli gal ah oo ku saabsan isticmaal dhul, go'aamin meesha ugu wanaagsan in laga dhigo degsiimooyin cusub, dhul beereed, biyo-mareen, waraab, meel-mah iyo goor-mah ayaa la isticmaalayaa farsamoooyin cusub, si loo sharaxo kala duwanaan masaaxadeed iyo mid xilliyeed ee wax soo saar, iyo in laga jawaabo su'aalo kale oo badan oo ku saabsan maareyn, isticmaal iyo ilaalinta deegaanka dabiiciga ah.

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Technical report

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