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National Academy of Sciences

L-02 Landform of selected study areas in Somaliland and Southern Somalia

A key outcome of this study is a new landform dataset for the selected areas of interest (AOI). The mapping of landforms was carried out at a semi detailed scale of 1:50 000 to 1:100 000 and currently constitutes the most recent, detailed and consistent dataset over large portions of the Somali territory. Landscape and relief were mapped through visual interpretation of satellite images combined with geomorphometry. The report contains two landform maps, one for each of the two study areas. The report can be used for natural resource inventory and management. It has potential applications in soil and land cover mapping and land suitability assessment.

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Publication Type:

Technical report

Publication Date:


Paron, P., Vargas, R

Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

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Jenness J (Consultant), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)

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Venema, J.H, Vargas, R

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L-01 - Buug-hage Sahan Duur - Baxaalli-dhul, Ciid, Ciid hallaw, Isticmaal Dhul iyo Ded

Buug-hagahaan Shan Duureed waxaa soo saaray kooxda dhulka SWALIM (Soomaaliya Water and Land Information Management System) si hoggaamiye u ah tusaale fikrado iyo aalado marka lagu fulinayo sahammo khayraad dhul duur ah. Waxaa loogu talagalay in loo isticmaalo labada meelood oo ah Somaliland iyo Koonfur Soomaaliya, labada meelood ee Mashruuca SWALIM ee hadda jira fiirada lagu saaray. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa isticmaali kara cid kasta oo aqoon-xirfadeed leh iyo / ama hay'ad ku hawlan diiwaangellinno khayraad dhul.

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Technical report

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Per Ljung

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L-01 - Field Survey Manual- Landform, Soil, Soil Erosion, Land Use and Cover

This Field Survey Manual has been produced by the SWALIM (Somalia Water and Land Information Management System) Land Team as a guide to concepts and tools in carrying out field land resource surveys. It is intended for use in both Somaliland and Southern Somalia, the two main foci areas of the present SWALIM Project. However, it may be used by any professional and/or institution dealing with land resource inventories.

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Publication Type:

Technical report

Publication Date:


Corporate Author:

Somalia Water and Land Information Management, Nairobi (Kenya)

African E-markets, Information and economic development

Written by a select group of African academics, policy makers, researchers, and experts from various social and economic science disciplines, African E-Markets provides provocative insights and case studies on the role information plays in African development. Up-to-date research and analysis on the impact of various forms of information on the development process is presented, including e-economic development and its impact on economic growth. Calling for greater attention to be paid to information as a key sector in national economic development, this exploration of African economics cites the advantages of better statistical data and geographic information for more effective economic planning, management, and forecasting in the digital age.

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Opoku Mensah (Editor), Economic Commision for Africa, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Salih Mohamed S. A. (Editor)

Corporate Author:

Economic Commision for Africa, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

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Vargas R.R, Omuto C, Alim M.S

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Corporate Author:

Puntland State for Water, Energy and Natural Resources Corporation


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